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The Missing Tin Box: or, The Stolen Railroad Bonds

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"Quite likely," returned Mr. Sumner.

"And the only question in my mind," went on his partner, "is whether or not this boy here was in with the fellow. If you will take my advice, Sumner, you will have him arrested without delay."



As Mr. Allen spoke he caught Hal by the shoulder.

"You had better own up, Carson," he said, harshly.

"Let go of me!" retorted Hal, trying to break away.

"Not much! Do you think I am going to give you the chance to slide out of the door?"

"I have nothing to own up to, and I don't intend to run away," panted the youth.

He broke away, and placed himself beside Mr. Sumner, who looked at him earnestly.

"I believe the boy speaks the truth," he said, firmly.

"You do?" cried Hardwick and Allen, in concert.

"I mean in so far as he says he is innocent," added the elderly broker, hastily. "Of course, I believe he is mistaken in supposing that either of you had anything to do with this robbery."

"Oh!" returned Mr. Allen.

"That's different," said Hardwick.

Both of them looked relieved.

"I wish he had watched this stranger."

"I wish that myself, Mr. Sumner," cried Hal. "If he stole the tin box, then I am mostly responsible, although I supposed the man was some business man around here, and was to be trusted."

"I don't understand one thing," said the elderly broker. "I am almost sure I locked the safe when I went away yesterday afternoon."

"So you did," said Mr. Allen. "I saw you do it."

"Then, how could the stranger have opened it?"

"Didn't Carson know the combination?" asked Hardwick, who seemed determined to convict Hal.

"I think not."

"Indeed I did not!" cried the youth. "I never worked a safe combination in my life."

"I saw him watching you open the door yesterday morning," went on the book-keeper. "Do you dare deny it?" he continued, turning to Hal.

"I certainly do deny it," retorted Hal. "I might have been looking that way, but I did not watch him, and I do not know how it was done."

"You did not notice if the door was open after I was gone, did you?" said Mr. Sumner, turning to the book-keeper.

"It was closed," replied Hardwick, promptly.

"You are certain?"

"Yes, sir. When I left Carson here alone I saw to it that both safes and the main desks were closed."

"Why did you do that?" put in Mr. Allen, knowing well what the answer would be.

"I saw no necessity for trusting Carson, who was totally unknown to us."

"That was right, Hardwick." Mr. Allen turned to his partner. "I believe, Sumner, you took in Carson without recommendations."

"I admit I did, Allen, but his face – "

"Faces are very deceitful, very. It was poor business policy, Sumner. It would never have happened while I was around."

"Well, I am the loser, not you," replied Mr. Sumner, rather sharply. He did not like the way Mr. Allen criticised his action.

"Yes, but still, it might have been – "

"But it was not," interrupted Mr. Sumner, dryly. "And as we are to separate on the first of the year, Allen, the least said on that score the better."

"Well, just as you say," returned Mr. Allen, stiffly. "I hope you get your bonds back, that's all."

"So do I," added Hardwick. "I don't want the least shadow hanging over my name."

Mr. Sumner began to walk up and down the office uneasily. He was in a terrible state of mind. The loss of the bonds might mean utter ruin.

He hesitated and looked at Hal. The youth noticed it, and springing forward, caught him by the arm.

"Mr. Sumner, tell me you do not believe me guilty," he cried, with a curious lump rising in his throat.

"Hal, I believe you innocent," returned the elderly broker.

In after years the man looked back at those words. What had led him to utter them? Let the reader wait, and perhaps he will be able to reason the matter out.

Mr. Allen sneered at the words, and Hardwick's lip curled.

The youth noticed neither of them. The tears stood in his eyes, as he replied:

"Thank you for saying that, Mr. Sumner," he returned, in a low voice. "I may be nothing but a poor-house boy, but I am honest, and will help you get back your bonds, and prove my innocence to the world."

Again Mr. Allen's sneer was heard, and Hardwick's lip curled, even more than before. Neither Mr. Sumner nor Hal paid any attention to either of them. The broker stepped to the telephone.

"Who are you going to summon?" asked Mr. Allen.
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