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The Missing Tin Box: or, The Stolen Railroad Bonds

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"The chief of the police department."

"That's right."

The proper connection was obtained, and a long conversation ensued over the wires. At length Mr. Sumner closed the instrument.

"A couple of detectives will be here in ten minutes," he said. "The chief says they are now with him and have nothing on hand to do."

Hal listened to this statement with interest. He had often heard of detectives, but had never seen such a personage.

Mr. Sumner continued to walk up and down. Hal watched him, the youth's heart beating rapidly.

The clock hands moved slowly, but at last twelve minutes had passed.

Then two young men entered. They were very ordinary looking individuals, and Hal was somewhat disappointed in their appearance.

"We were sent here by the chief," explained one as he entered. "My name is Harry Parker. This is Ralph Hamington."

"I am glad to see you," replied Mr. Sumner.

"You have been robbed?" questioned Harry Parker, coming at once to the point.

"Yes. A tin box, containing seventy-nine thousand dollars' worth of railroad bonds, has been stolen from that safe."

Both detectives elevated their eyebrows at this statement.

"Was the safe broken open?" continued Parker.


"Door left open?"

"I think not."

"When did you see the box last?"

"Yesterday afternoon."

"What time?"

"A little before two."

"You locked it up at that time?"

"I am under that impression."

"I see. When did you discover your loss?"

"Not over half an hour ago."

"Did any one beside yourself have the combination of the safe?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"No one in the office?"

"I know nothing of it," replied Allen.

"Who are you?"

"Caleb Allen, Mr. Sumner's partner."


"Neither do I," added Hardwick. "I am the book-keeper," he explained.

"Who is this boy?"

"He belongs in the office," replied Mr. Sumner.

"I know nothing about the safe," said Hal, speaking up for himself. He began to believe detectives were very much like other men.

"Please give me a list of the people who might have got at the safe during your absence," continued Parker, while his companion prepared to write down the names.

"These gentlemen," began the elderly broker.


"The janitor of the building."

"What is his name?"

"Daniel McCabe."

Hal started and wondered if the janitor could be any relation to Jack McCabe, his acquaintance of the previous day.

"Go on," continued the detective.

"A strange man was in yesterday."

"Ah! tell us of him."

Mr. Sumner told what he knew. Parker turned to Hal.

"Would you know this fellow again, if you saw him?" he asked.

"I believe I would."

"Please describe him as closely as you can."
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