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“It’s Elissa,” he said.

Dani grabbed his arm. “Is she okay? Did something happen?”

“She’s fine. We’re moving forward with the wedding plans. She wants to have a fairy-tale wedding with lots of flowers and twinkle lights. I want her to be happy.”

Until this minute, Dani would have had a hard time imagining her big, tough brother talking about twinkle lights with a straight face. She would have bet he didn’t even know what they were. But since falling for Elissa, he was a different man. More open, more connected, more aware of twinkle lights.

“I’m sure the wedding will be beautiful,” she said.

“She wants you to be in it. She’s not going to have a maid of honor. Apparently it’s too complicated. So she’ll have a lot of attendants and she would like you to be one. But she didn’t want to pressure you, so she asked me to ask you so you’d be more comfortable saying no.”

Dani smiled. “Really? She wants me in the wedding?”

“Of course she does. She likes you. Plus, you’re family, and don’t say you’re not. I’m tired of that conversation. You’re as much a Buchanan as any of us. You’re my sister. You could be an alien dropped off by the mother ship and you’d still be my sister.”

His fierceness might have worried someone who didn’t know him, but Dani recognized it as his way of saying he really, really cared. She might not be sure of her place in the universe or her last name, but she was clear on how much she mattered to her brothers.

“You’re not getting rid of me,” she said. “Don’t worry.”

“I have to worry. I’m older. It’s in the job description. So do you want to be in the wedding or not?”

“So smooth,” she told him. “So persuasive. So elegant in your communication.”

He scowled. “Was that a yes?”

“It was a yes. I would love to be one of Elissa’s attendants.”

“Good. How was your meeting with the senator?”

She led him to a table and sat down. “It was interesting. Strange. I didn’t feel a connection or anything.”

She told him about how Mark had been willing to accept her story.

“Alex is insisting on a DNA test, which I think is a good idea. Then we’ll both be sure.”

“Alex is his son?”

“Adopted, but yes.”

“Is he a problem?”

Dani grinned. “You offering to take him out if he is?”

“I’ll run interference.”

She liked the gesture, even if she couldn’t take him up on it. “I can handle Alex.” She thought about the determination in his eyes. “Or at least make a good run at it. Besides, I don’t want you beating him up just yet. He’s kind of hot.”

Walker winced. “I don’t want to know.”

“Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. I’ve learned my lesson. No more relationships for me. Still, he got my attention. Not that it matters. He thought I was a bug. An inconvenient bug who could screw up his father’s presidential campaign.”

“What do you think?”

“That he’s making too big a deal out of things. I just want to know if Mark Canfield is my father or not. If he is, I’d like to get to know him. That’s where it ends…although Mark did invite me over to dinner tonight to meet his wife.”

“What is she going to think about you?”

Dani winced “I have no idea, but I doubt it will be good.”

KATHERINE CANFIELD walked into her house through the garage, with her former daughter-in-law on her heels. As always, Fiona was beautifully dressed in a suit that flattered her slender figure and perfect red hair. Katherine glanced down at her own designer suit. Despite an aggressive exercise routine and constantly watching what she ate, her body had begun to change. She’d never minded the thought of getting old, but when faced with the reality of a thickening waist and the unpleasant realization that gravity was not her friend, she thought longingly of the easy resilience of youth.

“I have the guest list prepared,” Fiona said efficiently. “All but three of the designers have confirmed and I’m going to keep pressuring the last three until they cave. I’m determined we top last year’s proceeds by at least twenty-five percent.”

“Both the hospital and I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Katherine said as she stepped out of her shoes. She’d been presenting their plans for the fashion show fund-raiser, then had worked the subsequent late-afternoon tea. She’d been on her feet for hours and they were letting her know about it—another sign of getting older. When she’d been Fiona’s age, she would have been able to do that and then go dancing all night.

“We should just send a check,” Katherine said as she poured herself a glass of water, then offered one to Fiona. “Much less work.”

Fiona smiled. “You always say that, but you don’t mean it.”

“You’re right.” While Katherine’s charity work filled much of her days, she loved knowing the money raised would make a difference.

The sound of someone running caused her to turn. Anticipating the greeting, Katherine set her glass on the counter, crouched down and held out her arms.

Seconds later Sasha burst into the room and flew across the hardwood floors.

“Mommy, Mommy, you’re back. I missed you so much. Yvette read to me and Bailey and I watched princess videos and I had mac and cheese for lunch, then Ian read us a story and did the voices.”

Katherine straightened, hugging the little girl close. “You had a good day.”

“I did.” Sasha smiled.

She was just five, with café au lait skin and dark eyes. Her hair hung in a tangle of curls. Katherine suspected her mixed heritage and classic bone structure meant the little girl was going to grow into a real beauty. She and Mark were going to have trouble with boys far sooner than they wanted. But for the next few years, they only had to worry about their baby growing up strong.

“Do you want to say hello to Fiona?” Katherine asked.

Sasha wrinkled her nose slightly, then dutifully said, “Hello, Fiona. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Fiona smiled at the girl. “You’re getting so big.”

Sasha didn’t answer. For some reason, she’d never gotten along with Alex’s ex-wife, which was odd. The child was exceptionally loving.

Yvette walked into the kitchen. “I knew your mama had to be home, the way you went tearing off. Tell me I did not hear you running down the stairs.”

Sasha grinned. “You did not.”

“Good. How was the presentation?” Yvette asked Katherine.

“Exhausting, but successful. And here?”
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