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The Witch’s House. Mystical stories

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The Witch’s House. Mystical stories
Svetlana Mirrai

Somewhere on unknown paths, in a dark, dark forest, an old house stands alone. There is absolutely no one in it during the day. But at night it comes to life ominously…

The Witch’s House

Mystical stories

Svetlana Mirrai

© Svetlana Mirrai, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-4269-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


This story happened on December 31 on New Year’s Eve. When many people are waiting for something unusual and fabulous. But I didn’t expect anything at all, I wanted to rest and only peace of mind, because I was very tired of work and endless fuss. Instead, I got this incredible and mysterious story.

My mother-in-law was supposed to come to our house any minute. My wife and son Vanka and I were running, doing holiday preparations before her arrival.

– Anton, can you imagine,» my wife said, looking at me wistfully.

– What happened Lenochka?

– Mom is almost on the threshold, and we forgot about the bread with you, and the store is about to close. Go, honey. Hurry up, she’ll be here soon.

«You’re always taking care of your mom. Take it and tell her to come in and buy bread, she’ll still walk by,» I said angrily.

– Anton is an old mother and I will not ask her about what you can easily do! Well, what’s wrong with that, because I love my mother so much.

I waved my hand so as not to quarrel again and quickly left the house.

On the street, snow covered everything around. The blizzard was such that nothing could be seen. Slowly I got to the nearest store. I threw two loaves into my bag, paid for them and went home.

When I left the store I was very surprised because there was almost no snow and it was slippery. The boys were standing in front of the store and kicking a ball, trying to play football.

– Uncle, come quickly, can’t you see we’re playing! they shouted at me.

– That’s what kind of disrespectful young people went, – I replied.

And they looked so viciously and continued to play.

«After all, how strange I’ve never met these guys in my yard,» I thought, «maybe they came from another yard, who knows.»

I went into the entrance, got up and rang the doorbell, happily waiting for the steps of my wife or Vanya, I really wanted to sit down at the table as soon as possible. Because my stomach has already started to rumble slowly. But there was silence and no one came to the door.

Strange, I thought, and called again. But no one came to open it.

– My wife is probably busy, – I tried to find an excuse for the situation and took hold of the door handle trying to open it, to my surprise she immediately succumbed.

But I definitely remembered that my wife had closed the door behind me.

To my surprise, there was absolutely no smell of festive food in the apartment, and my son was not visible. There was some unpleasant smell very similar to fumes.

«Is anyone here?» I asked, walking around the rooms.

The furniture in the apartment was old and broken. I realized that the apartment is completely different from mine.

I must have got the wrong floor. I went out on the landing again and looked at the door. The apartment number was definitely mine.

«Strange. After all, Lena couldn’t move out in ten minutes of my absence. It turns out that this is my apartment. But, then how to understand all this?»

I went into another room, which had been my son’s for several years, but now it was simply unrecognizable, it was not a nursery. And in general, there were no traces in the apartment that a child lives here at all.

There was a woman sitting in the room, and it was with great difficulty that I recognized the familiar features of my wife. She was sitting on the bed with her legs tucked under her. The face looked very swollen.

– Lena, what’s wrong with you? I asked, confused.

– What do you want from me and why did you come to me at all?

– Lena, what’s wrong with you, because I only left the apartment for ten minutes. Where are our things? Where’s the son?

– Everything changed in my life five years ago when my mother died.

– How did the mother-in-law die?

– What kind of mother-in-law is he to you? We’ve been divorced for four years. And which son are you talking about now? We have no children.

– God, where am I? What’s happening to me?

– Go away. And I don’t want to see you. I’m waiting for Igor now, he should be here any minute.

– I’m leaving Len. I’m leaving… It’s not you. That is, you, but not that one. And this is not my life,» I shouted and walked quickly out of this terrible apartment.

When I went outside, I began to walk around the yard and think what could have happened. And then I remembered that once somewhere I read about parallel worlds and the fact that they can intersect with each other.

– Should there be a point of return? Where is she? I shouted so loudly that the birds were alarmed and took to the air.

– Uncle, well, you’re definitely peek-a-boo! One of the boys who were in the yard shouted.

– Well, I’ll ask you now! I’ll teach you how to talk to adults! – I couldn’t stand it anymore and went at them with my fists.

– Boys, let’s run! they shouted and scattered in different directions.

– Here are the brats, – I said out loud and my gaze fell on the store.

– So that’s the point of return! I exclaimed joyfully.
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