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The Sahara geoglyphs

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The Sahara geoglyphs
Tamara Alexandrovna Borisova

The geoglyphs of the Sahara are a unique phenomenon and an archaeological sensation of today. This grandiose phenomenon has yet to be comprehended and studied in detail. But now we can confidently talk about another mystery of the past, the scale of which is not inferior to the geoglyphs in the Nazca desert.

The Sahara geoglyphs

Составитель Tamara Alexandrovna Borisova

Translator Marina Martynova

© Marina Martynova, translation, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4496-3268-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Thanks to modern technology and access to information, more and more facts are revealed, indicating that the past of our civilization, seemingly so understandable, does not at all correspond to our ideas about it.

Today, many researchers no longer doubt the presence on our planet, at least in the past, of a highly developed civilization, with possibilities that can hardly be overestimated.

It has left a huge legacy in the form of incredible structures and artifacts, whose creation is unexplainable in the framework of the accepted historical paradigm. Moreover, some of these objects will be difficult and sometimes impossible to reproduce even today.

These structures include some pyramids and temples in Egypt, Nan-Madol, Tiwanaku, Sacsayhuaman, Nazca geoglyphs and many other objects. Now we can safely put another phenomenon in this series – geoglyphs in the Sahara desert, recently discovered in large numbers.

The Sahara Geoglyphs are a unique phenomenon and an archaeological sensation of today. This grand phenomenon has yet to be reconsidered and studied in detail. But even now we can speak with confidence about another riddle of the past, of a scale no less than the mystery of the Nazca Plateau geoglyphs and many other similar mysteries. It can be said that the Sahara geoglyphs are the African Nazca desert, but considerably larger.

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