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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Position there, 503 (#x15_x_15_i68).

Becomes a justice, 507 (#x16_x_16_i4).

Chosen to the second convention, 510 (#x16_x_16_i8).

At first a Girondist, 515 (#x16_x_16_i13).

Accused of royalist sympathies, 518 (#x16_x_16_i18).

A federalist, 520 (#x16_x_16_i21).

Opposes the Jacobins, 521 (#x16_x_16_i21).

On the Committee of Public Safety, 522 (#x16_x_16_i22).

Supports the Girondists against the Paris authorities, 523 (#x16_x_16_i23).

Feeling of parties toward, 526 (#x16_x_16_i29).

Goes over to the Jacobins and accuses the prominent Girondists, 527 (#x16_x_16_i29).

Raves against Marie Antoinette, 528 (#x16_x_16_i31).

Style of oratory, 529 (#x16_x_16_i32).

His bloodthirsty ferocity, 539 (#x16_x_16_i45).

Sensual excesses, 541 (#x16_x_16_i47).

His delight in murder, 543 (#x17_x_17_i4).

Urges war without quarter, 546 (#x17_x_17_i8).

Admitted to the Jacobin club, 547 (#x17_x_17_i8).

Urges the strengthening of the Revolutionary Tribunal, 553 (#x17_x_17_i17).

Deserts Robespierre, 554 (#x17_x_17_i19).

Attacked in the convention, 559 (#x17_x_17_i25).

Arrested, 561 (#x17_x_17_i29).

Enmity shown him on his way to the prison at Oléron, 563 (#x17_x_17_i35).

Escapes, 564 (#x17_x_17_i37).

The Council of Five Hundred refuses to seat him, 565 (#x17_x_17_i38).

Scorned but employed by Bonaparte, 568 (#x17_x_17_i45).

Perhaps employed as a censor, 571 (#x18_x_18_i2).

His rôle of spy, 573 (#x18_x_18_i7).

Reports on public opinion, 575 (#x18_x_18_i11).

His newspaper, 576 (#x18_x_18_i18).

His reports refused a reading, 579 (#x18_x_18_i24).

His double treason, 580 (#x18_x_18_i27).

Becomes a royalist in 1814, 580 (#x18_x_18_i27).

Exiled, 582 (#x18_x_18_i30).

Turns Jacobin under Louis Philippe, 583 (#x18_x_18_i32).

His ignorance and hatred of the English, 587 (#x18_x_18_i38).

His professions of Christianity, 589 (#x18_x_18_i41).

Barillon, M., French ambassador, his opinion of the council proposed by Sir William Temple, ii. 556, 564.

Barwell, Mr., made councillor in India, iii. 144 (#x5_x_5_i19).

Supports Hastings, 148 (#x5_x_5_i27).

Baxter, Richard, his testimony to the excellence of Hampden, ii. 4.

Beatrice, Dante's devotion to, i. 11.

Beaumarchais, his suit before the Parliament of Paris, ii. 440, 441.

Bedford, Duke of, head of a Whig faction, iii. 600 (#x18_x_18_i74).

Opposed to Pitt's war policy, 613 (#x19_x_19_i7).

His party compared to Rockingham's, 654 (#x20_x_20_i15).

Bedford, Earl of, invited by Charles I. to form an administration, ii. 40.

Bellasys, General, ii. 156.

Belphegor, Machiavelli's, i. 168.

Benares, its wealth, iii. 178 (#x6_x_6_i12), 179 (#x6_x_6_i16).
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