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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Cambridge, University of, superior to Oxford in intellectual activity, ii. 364.

Disturbed by the Civil War. 510.

Cambyses, punishes a corrupt judge, ii. 434.

Campaign, The, Addison's, iii. 426-430 (#x13_x_13_i40).

Canada, subjugated by the British, ii. 277.

Cape Breton, reduction of, ii. 276.

Carlisle, Lady, warns Pym, ii. 46.

Carnatic, the, resources of, ii. 685.

Carnot, Hippolyte, editor of Barère's Memoirs, iii. 487 (#x15_pgepubid00016).

Blamable for misstatements in the Memoirs, 494 (#x15_x_15_i53).

Finds two virtues in Barère, 586 (#x18_x_18_i36).

Carteret, Lord (afterwards Earl Granville), his ascendency after the fall of Walpole, ii. 223.

Sir Horace Walpole's stories about him, 226.

His defection from Sir Robert Walpole, 239.

Succeeds Walpole, 254.

Created Earl Granville, 255.

Carthagena, surrender of the arsenal and ships of, to the Allies, ii. 167.

Cary, Rev. Henry Francis, translator of Dante, i. 12. 22.

Casti, his Animali Parlanti characterized, i. 6.

Castile, Admiral of, ii. 157.

Castile and Arragon, their old institutions favorable to public liberty, ii. 137.

Castilians, their character in the sixteenth century, ii. 133.

Their conduct in the War of the Succession, 168.

Castracani, Castruccio, Machiavelli's life of, i. 183.

Catholics, persecution of, under Elizabeth, unjustifiable, i. 291.

Not necessarily opposed to her, 293.

Southey's hostility towards, 530.

Former treatment of, compared with present condition of Jews, 651.

Their earnestness against Protestantism, iii. 27 (#x1_x_1_i72).

See also Rome, Church of.

Catiline, his plot unwarrantably condemned, i. 260.

Cato. Addison's, iii. 457 (#x14_x_14_i19).

Cavendish, Lord, in the new council of Sir William Temple, ii. 567.

Retires, 581.

Cecil, Robert, rival of Francis Bacon, ii. 374, 375, 383.

Fear and envy of Essex, 380.

Increase of his dislike for Bacon, 382.

Conversation with Essex, 383.

His interference to obtain knighthood for Bacon, 399.

Cecilia, Fanny Burney's, iii. 355 (#x11_x_11_i5).

Change of style apparent in, 388 (#x12_x_12_i13).

Censorship, ii. 351.

Cervantes, i. 193; ii. 134, 359.

Chalmers, Dr., his defence of the Church, ii. 605.

Champion, Colonel, sent to help Sujah Dowlah against the Rohillas, iii. 141 (#x5_x_5_i15).

Chandernagore, French settlement on the Hoogley, ii. 701.

Captured by the English, 709, 710.

Charles, Archduke, his claim to the Spanish crown, ii. 140.

Takes the field in support of it, 158.

Accompanies Peterborough in his expedition, 161.
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