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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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His early life and travels, 236.

Enters the army, 237.

Obtains a seat in Parliament, 237.

Attaches himself to the Whigs in Opposition, 243.

His qualities as an orator, 246-250.

Is made Groom of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 251.

Declaims against the ministers, 253.

His opposition to Carteret, 254.

Legacy left him by the Duchess of Marlborough, 254.

Supports the Pelham ministry, 255.

Appointed Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, 256.

Averse to subsidizing foreign powers, 264.

Overtures made to him by Newcastle, 264, 267.

Made Secretary of State, 268.

Defends Admiral Byng, 270.

Coalesces with the Duke of Newcastle, 273.

Success of his administration, 275-281.

His appreciation of Clive, 728, 753.

Breach between him and the great Whig connection, 752.

Review of his correspondence, iii. 591-687 (#x18_pgepubid00018).

Forms a coalition with Newcastle, 596 (#x18_x_18_i66).

His war policy attacked, 612 (#x19_x_19_i7).

Resigns, 616 (#x19_x_19_i11).

Rewarded for his services, 617 (#x19_x_19_i14).

Speech against the French treaty, 633 (#x19_x_19_i39).

Invited to succeed Grenville, 640 (#x19_x_19_i49).

His legacy from Pynsent, 645 (#x19_x_19_i58).

Refuses to take the ministry without Grenville, 650 (#x20_x_20_i2).

Supports the repeal of the Stamp Act, 658 (#x20_x_20_i24).

His position toward Rockingham's ministry, 664 (#x20_x_20_i37).

Attempts to form a ministry, 668 (#x20_x_20_i45).

Loss of popularity on accepting a peerage, 670 (#x20_x_20_i49).

Errors in policy, 672 (#x20_x_20_i52).

Taken ill, 674 (#x20_x_20_i57).

His recovery, 677 (#x20_x_20_i60).

His relations with Rockingham and Grenville, 680 (#x20_x_20_i66).

Attitude on the American Revolution, 683 (#x20_x_20_i72).

Final speech in the House of Lords, 684 (#x20_x_20_i73).

Death, 685 (#x20_x_20_i75).

Public funeral, 686 (#x21_x_21_i0).

Cherbourg, guns taken from, ii. 276.

Cheyte Sing, Prince of Benares, iii. 179 (#x6_x_6_i16).

Hastings demands money from, 183 (#x6_x_6_i22).

Arrested, 184 (#x6_x_6_i24).

Chillingworth, William, on apostolical succession, ii. 650.

Chinsurah, Dutch settlement on the Hoogley, ii. 701.

Its siege by the English and capitulation, 727.

Christchurch, Oxford, its repute after the Revolution, ii. 592.

Issues a new edition of the Letters of Phalaris, 592, 593.

Chunar, treaty of, iii. 189 (#x6_x_6_i33).
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