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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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His administration, 313, 319.

His abilities displayed in Ireland, 519-521.

Crown, the, ii. 75.

Curtailment of its prerogatives, 210, 211.

Its power predominant at the beginning of the 17th century, 557.

Decline of its power during the Pensionary Parliament, 560.

Its long contest with the Parliament put an end to by the Revolution, 566.

See Prerogative.

Culpeper, Mr., a leader of the Constitutional Royalists, ii. 43.

Cumberland, Duke of, single victory of, ii. 729.

Hated by Scots, iii. 628 (#x19_x_19_i28).

Opposes the French treaty, 630 (#x19_x_19_i32).

His character, 649 (#x20_x_20_i2).

Tries to induce Pitt to succeed Grenville, 650 (#x20_x_20_i2).

Advises a Whig ministry without Pitt, 653 (#x20_x_20_i12).

Death, 656 (#x20_x_20_i20).

D'Adda, quoted, ii. 333.

Danby, Earl of, ii. 210.

His connection with Sir William Temple, 547.

Unjust charges against, 551.

Impeached and sent to the Tower, 553.

Owed his dukedom to his talent in debate, 561.

Dante, criticism on, i. 1.

His first adventure in the popular tongue, 2.

Influences of the times in which he lived upon his works, 3, 4.

His love of Beatrice, 11.

His despair of happiness on earth, 12.

Close connection between his intellectual and moral character, 12.

Compared with Milton, 13, 99-101.

His metaphors and comparisons, 15, 16.

Little impression made by the forms of the external world upon him, 16, 19.

Fascination revolting and nauseous images had for his mind, 18.

His use of ancient mythology in his poems, 19.

His idolatry of Virgil, 20.

Excellence of his style, 20, 21.

Remarks upon the translations of the Divine Comedy, 21, 22.

His use of the supernatural, 105.

His character as expressed in his poetry, 107.

His veneration for lesser writers, 194.

D'Arblay, M., a French refugee, marries Fanny Burney, iii. 378 (#x11_x_11_i41).

D'Arblay, Madame, Diary and Letters reviewed, iii. 331-395 (#x10_pgepubid00012).

Family, 333 (#x10_x_10_i23).

Education, 335 (#x10_x_10_i28).

Shyness, 339 (#x10_x_10_i34).

Writes Evelina, 347 (#x10_x_10_i46).

Its success, 349 (#x10_x_10_i48).

Johnson's affection for, 351 (#x10_x_10_i52).

Writes a poor play, 353 (#x11_x_11_i3).

Publishes Cecilia, 354 (#x11_x_11_i4).

Loss of friends, 355 (#x11_x_11_i5).
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