Peculiar system of fashionable morality produced in, 156.
Character of her statesmen, 160.
Corruption of her politics, 168.
Feeling in, against the League of Cambray, 171.
Effect of the Reformation in, iii. 15 (#x1_x_1_i61).
Italy, Narrative of Travels in, Addison's, iii. 430 (#x13_x_13_i60).
Jacobins, their origin, ii. 72.
As a party in the French convention, urge the execution of the king, iii. 516 (#x16_x_16_i16).
Supported by the Paris mob, 519 (#x16_x_16_i20).
Condemn Marie Antoinette, 528 (#x16_x_16_i31).
And the Girondists, 532 (#x16_x_16_i37).
Begin the Reign of Terror, 533 (#x16_x_16_i38).
Incapacity of their leaders, 537 (#x16_x_16_i43).
Attack on Robespierre's faction, 553 (#x17_x_17_i17).
End of their power, 556 (#x17_x_17_i22), 563 (#x17_x_17_i35).
James I., his folly and weakness, ii. 11.
Resembled Claudius Cæsar, 12.
Court paid to him by the English courtiers before the death of Elizabeth, 398.
His twofold character, 398.
His favorable reception of Bacon, 399.
His anxiety for the union of England and Scotland, 402.
His employment of Bacon in perverting the laws, 403.
His favors and attachment to Buckingham, 410, 411.
Absoluteness of his government, 417.
Summons Parliament, 422.
His political blunders, 422, 423.
His message to the Commons on the misconduct of Bacon, 425.
James II., death of, i. 151.
Acknowledgment by Louis XIV. of his son as his successor, 152.
The favorite of the High Church party, 328.
His misgovernment, 329.
His claims as a supporter of toleration, 329-332.
His conduct toward Lord Rochester, 332.
His union with Louis XIV., 333.
His confidential advisers, 334.
See York, Duke of.
Jardine, Mr., on the use of torture in England, ii. 408, note.
Jeffreys, Judge, cruelty of, ii. 329.
Jenyns, Soame, his Origin of Evil reviewed by Johnson, ii. 195.
Jesuit Order, its theory and practice regarding heretics, ii. 334.
Its spirit and methods, iii. 20 (#x1_x_1_i64).
Fall of, 41 (#x2_x_2_i17).
Jews, civil disabilities of, protested against, i. 641-655.
Christianity of the government no barrier to removing their disabilities, 642.
Political exclusion a form, not a fact, 644.
Their aloofness merely a result of persecution, 646.
Justice demands their fair treatment, 655.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his view of history, i. 243.
Croker's Boswell's Johnson reviewed, 691-742.
Disdain of a French lady's library, 693.