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The Key to Eternal Life

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Interestingly, from the moment of our acquaintance, Snezhana had the feeling that she already knew me. The next day Igor came to us again for coffee. While we were talking, all of a sudden I felt my ears muffled, as if I walked into the tunnel. I asked:

– What is this echo?

– I transferred it from the 12th dimension. There is no higher dimension. There live the SUPREME ANGELS – SERAPHIM and CHERUBIM.

So, Igor can transfer energy from the Higher Dimensions to transmit it to the people of the Earth! He is the first person on our planet to have access to these dimensions.

And the sixth dimension – this is the CENTRE OF OUR GALAXY – THE MILKY WAY. He himself came to us from there. I asked him:

– When will we live in the fifth dimension?

– Take your time – we have not yet dealt with the third dimension. Here on Earth, we will go through all dimensions. Now we live in the third, in the fourth live the dead, and the fifth dimension is Paradise. The sixth dimension is the centre of the Galaxy, the Milky Way. I will tell you about the others in the future.

After this conversation, I realised how lucky I am to know Igor, who came to us from the centre of the Galaxy and still no one knows this secret… Everything will happen when the time comes, one day everyone will understand. He added that at the centre of the Galaxy are the ORIGINALS of man, but here on Earth, we are just copies in human bodies. That was very intriguing. Yes, no one knows such secrets on this planet yet…

When Igor introduced the energy of the 12th dimension and I heard an echo like from a tunnel, for me it was an amazing experience! I admitted that a few months ago, while I was lying in bed, I was given information that Igor is the planetary God, and I am the planetary Goddess…

* * *

A few days later, I met my friend Grozdanka (Zani) from Sandanski (town in Bulgaria) (a very smart and intelligent woman). During the conversation, she mentioned that Vanga was the Godmother of her daughter Danny.

I asked:

– What?!


– Yes, I went to Vanga many times. When she opened the church “St. Petka” in 1993, we discussed together what flowers to plant and how to decorate the garden.

In 1996, Vanga died. I exclaimed:

– Zani, do you know that Vanga’s angel is here around us now?

– Really?!

– Yes, nothing happens by accident… Here, we also didn’t meet by chance with Zani, because everything in life happens for a reason.

She needed energy to find a job and I introduced her to Igor. She told him about Vanga, about how they met. Igor said that now around her left shoulder are the angels of her grandmothers, the angel of Vanga. They will soon help her find a suitable job. He asked her:

– How do you feel now?

– Now I am calm and confident.

She also said that if she doesn’t find a job, it would be very difficult for her and her daughter.

Igor gave her energy, confidence and strength to help her find a job.

He also said that the Dark Forces disappeared from our planet in September 2012, leaving only monsters in human bodies, and that currently 6 million human-robots live with us, as well as 600,000 aliens. He then added that now is the time for everyone to make their choice: to develop spiritually or not. Those who fail to awaken will be removed from here, and when they are reborn, they will return without SINS to the SIXTH RACE. And the people who are here and now believe in GOD, who are developing spiritually, will be young and will live for many years without growing old. They will practically live forever in the same body. (It was a very interesting conversation.)

We also learned from him that between 21.12 – 29.12.2012 in Eastern Europe it will be very cold and that we will be able to observe many interesting phenomena and miracles… Yesterday, for example, for the first time we saw a very beautiful rainbow around the moon…

Igor reassured Zani that she would find a job soon.

* * *

A few days later we met again, had a conversation about our planet, and I asked:

– How many people like you are left on Earth?

– In terms of energy vibrations, I am already much ahead I do not see others.

– And no one knows anything about you, only you know about them?

– No, no one knows about me.

And did you read all the books by Vladimir Megre that were written about Anastasia? And Maslov’s “Revelations”? Did you really live as a hermit when you worked on yourself to purify yourself energetically?

Igor avoided touching on these topics and I realised that for now I have to give up asking such questions… It is just that the time has not yet come. I read the Biblical Revelations and compared them to what Igor was telling us. For example, it said, “Only those who believe in God will remain, and all unbelievers will leave.” How interesting and true. Suddenly the echo appeared in my ears again and I realised that Igor was in the 12th dimension again. He answered my question like this:

– Yes, Trayana, I was in the 12th dimension again. Imagine, people haven’t seen the fifth dimension yet, and I was in the 12th.

Word by word we reached Nostradamus. I asked him if there was a man on Earth who was Nostradamus in a past life?

– Yes, in 2012 a boy was born in Russia who was Nostradamus in his previous life… Only he could decrypt what was written then…

– How interesting! How many secrets exist on this planet!

* * *

On January 3th, 2013, a miracle happened! My friend Vessy’s mother, Aunt Tsvetanka, was walking! She was bedridden, but after Igor’s sessions and with the help of a masseur, she started walking! Igor told her at the beginning that she would walk, but she did not believe him. That’s why God made me meet Vessy just when she needed help… There’s nothing accidental!

When I think about how many people Igor has helped, I believe that the time will come when God will give him so much energy that he would be able to heal people from the first time, as Christ healed.

The next day, Vessy invited Igor and me to dinner in gratitude that her mother was already walking. That’s why God sent him to them at Christmas – they needed his energy. That day, Vessy let me read Vanga’s Prophecies. The book was written and published on the occasion of the prophetess’ 100th birthday. When I took the book in my hands, my eyes suddenly filled with tears, my breathing quickened, I cried and immediately received information: you must continue the path of Vanga! This happened several times, and when I looked at Vanga’s picture, I felt as if I was connected to her. Maybe one day I will remember who I am and why my life is like this, and not another. And again so many tears flowed from my eyes, as if they were coming from my soul, as if I already knew that I have to continue Vanga’s way of helping people.

A few days later, I shared with Igor my strong impressions of the book about Vanga. I told him how Vanga talked about Bulgaria and Russia 40 years ago, that Russia is our mother and that we should follow her because she has always helped us and will continue to help us. “We can only rely on her! Russia is the gateway to Bulgaria!” – Vanga said this in the presence of Lyuben Georgiev, Yanka Takeva and Professor Dimitar Filipov in 1994. Vanga also said that we are blood brothers with the Russian people, that the Russian people love us, always ready to help us and that Europe will not help us. I thought about these words, said many years ago and shared my thoughts with Igor:

– Probably that’s why we are so close with you and you always support me? You knew about me 12 years before we met. You probably knew that one day we should help unite Bulgaria and Russia?

– Yes, that is…

Therefore, when in 2007 I saw how the Russians are buying real estates in Bulgaria en masse, I said to myself that we will become the 16th republic of Russia. This is also written in the book about Vanga. I wonder who paid serious attention to this or believed what Vanga said? To most people, all this still sounds very mysterious.

That is why my task and mission on Earth is to help the Bulgarian people and to continue Vanga’s mission. When I read Igor’s book, I found a very interesting passage:

“God is one, no matter the way we call him, and before God we are all equal. There is an old Indian teaching – the “White Brotherhood”, which will spread all over the world, it will be printed in new books and everyone will read it. This will be the “New Bible”! This was said in a conversation with the Russian writer Vladimir Sidorov. And more: “A new teaching will appear, thanks to it the people will purify their souls. A young, handsome and strong man will spread it all over the world, but he has not appeared yet” (conversation with Boyka Tsvetanova).

I just glanced at Igor and realised that Vanga was talking about him – and she still didn’t know who this messenger of God would be. I continued reading aloud:
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