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The Key to Eternal Life

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For the first time in human history, our planet has been saved from a cataclysm. Igor made a special contribution to this Divine work and saved our Earth from destruction. That is why God sent him here in Cyprus. Now it depended on him whether there would be a tsunami in Cyprus or not… Whether he had the strength to determine the fate of the island. Igor didn’t want to share details with me and when I asked him, he said:

– Another time.

He only added that he would become famous first in Cyprus and then in Russia. Then it will be very difficult to contact him.

I knew all this before. I knew that Igor was the miracle man who has been working on himself for many years and that is why God constantly helps him.

There was no disease that could not be cured with his energy. Just to say that something was hurting me and he was healing me right away, even from a distance. Not only did he help me, but he also helped my family by giving them his energy. Igor always supported me with his energy and stimulated me to move forward. Every difficulty and every obstacle made me stronger and more confident. All the tests had to go through after we met were the karmic refinements of my past lives. Come to think of it, it wasn’t a coincidence. And Igor told me:

– Can you imagine that I worked out (perfected) the karma of all Mankind?

I just thought how did this man endure, how did he go through all these tests in the name of humanity? This is a miracle of miracles.

And no one knows about it. People live in sin, and no one knows that there is a man sent by GOD to improve human karma.

I asked him:

– How many steps did I manage to climb the pyramid to the sky?


– There are 252 steps to the sky, you went 4 and I went 200. On the way there were two men and a woman climbing with me… These days I dreamed that the woman was gone and I was far ahead.

I know that Igor is the first person on planet Earth with such powerful energy that destroys every disease.

He told me:

– To reach this level, you have to work hard on yourself.

I immediately told him that I didn’t want to reach his level, I just wanted to help people. Of course, EVERYTHING COMES WITH ITS TIME, and when I am ready, God will give me the certain strength and energy.


– I once dreamed that I was going up the spiral and I only opened two doors. I agree to work and strive for perfection, and I am very grateful to you, Igor, for waking me up and helping me every day with your strong energy. I wanted all of Russia and all of humanity to learn about your abilities.


– Everything when the time comes.

Of course, he was right.

Many times I felt that he was watching me develop and evolve spiritually.

After all, he cured me, thanks to him I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat meat, I became better and nobler. Thanks to his help, I changed completely. So he told me:

– When you return to Bulgaria, they simply will not recognise you. You will be a different person, with a different character.

He added that I am his best and most obedient student of those he has taught, because I trust him. This is indeed the case: I believe him, because everything he told me came true. One must have Faith and Hope, Love and Light and accept the Gods’ Wisdom…

Honestly, at first, I didn’t trust him completely and in many ways I doubted him, but now I trust him unconditionally.

* * *

He once told me something extremely important. He told me that he dreamed of a little boy, which meant that miracles were soon to come.

A few days later, he reminded me again:

– Remember I told you about a dream with a little boy?

– Yes I remember.

– Trayana, a great miracle happened! My task was to free humanity from the KARMA of the EARTH AND I DID IT! No more KARMA ON EARTH! I freed all of humanity… Here, on EARTH, 6 million humans-ROBOTS live, 600 thousand aliens (from other planets), but they do not bother anyone.

I just listened and wondered: what a man he introduced me to, Lord!

Then I asked:

– And the Dark Forces?

– They took off from Earth in September. They’ve been here 300,000 years, Trayana.

– What happened on December 21st, 2012?

– The quantum transition is purple. For the first time in the history of mankind there are no cataclysms and floods. Five thousand people saved the planet from destruction on November 26th, 2012. Everything has always been destroyed during the quantum transition. What happened now was a MIRACLE in our history. We should all be THANKFUL to GOD for this.

As I listened to him, my heart beat like a bell in my chest with happiness, and deep in my soul thoughts were born: “My God, how happy I am to know Igor – the man who did everything to save our PLANET EARTH. It was wonderful and majestic to feel empathy. At that moment, I felt that my time had come, so I said:

– It seems to me that my time is coming, that I have to prepare for Bulgaria to help people.

– Yes, I see you won’t stay here long…

I knew that very soon with the help of Igor all my chakras would be activated and he would give me strong energy to prepare for Bulgaria. Igor is the one who performed a MIRACLE and saved our planet. And only I knew about it! This is amazing!

* * *

A few days later, we have met for a coffee and he told me:

– God sent his messenger to Earth, man – God, and we are already representatives of the new sixth race.

When my friend Snezhana (with whom we lived together) said that she did not like President Putin, Igor replied:

– He has a little more time left to go. He will be replaced by a man of God. Russia will be called SVYIATA RUSS (HOLY RUS). All people will live in ancestral estates. The government will provide each family with one hectare of land and everyone on our planet will be very happy, especially in Russia, because it will become a PARADISE. Bulgaria will join us and all former republics will reunite.

All Western tourists will visit Russia and when they see how people live there, they will want to move. In Russia, people will live in peace and quiet. Each Russian family will feed on the products of their own hectare of land. On average, they will receive $ 5 million a year – that will be enough for them.

Then he added that Snezhana’s daughter is her reborn grandmother.

– A WONDERCHILD was born… Smart, beautiful, sings, dances, cooks – she can do everything. And she is only 13 years old. Just like in Cinderella’s story. He also told us that in the 17th century Snezhana and I were sisters and lived in a house with a thatched roof in the forest, on the border between Latvia and Germany.
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