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Miracle beauty

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– This is the Sochi National Park, «Boxwood Gorge», and then there is the waterfall «Miracle Beauty». You can admire this river, only now, in the summer it will dry up, go further to the waterfall, there is beautiful nature.

The morning in Moscow passed as usual. «I’m late again,» Marina, said.

– Not again, but again, the friend picked up.

– I have every day, Groundhog Day. I am late every day, every day at work I hear wild screams and whispering colleagues. And at home in the evening from parents about unsettled life.

– Everything will get better soon. Let us go and have a rest, her friend supported her. Why don’t you hook up with your colleague? It is obvious from him that he is not indifferent to you.

– I am not attracted to him. I think he is boring.

– «I think he’s just shy.» Okay, see you tonight, do not get bored. The girl got out of the car and walked quickly to work. It was noisy and lively at work, and to Marina’s great surprise, no one yelled at her.

– Something is too quiet, she said, something is wrong!

– Chief, too busy with the upcoming holidays.

– What are your plans for the May weekend? One of the colleagues asked the girl.

– I did not make any plans; I do not even know what to answer. Perhaps with friends at the dacha.

– Our team offers to rent a country house in the Moscow region, for all holidays. We hope that you will be with us! A colleague spoke animatedly. It will be great! How do you look at it?

– A tempting offer, more likely yes than no. Chief, will he join our ranks?! Marina asked sarcastically.

– No. A colleague answered, God forbid. He will go abroad.

– It is a gift from the Gods, the girl said, and then I am definitely with you! That is good, the colleague replied. When she got home, Marina, as usual, slipped into her room so as not to cross paths with her parents.

– Marina, daughter, we have a festive dinner today.

– What kind of holiday?

– Aunt Natasha is coming to us to sit with us before the weekend.

– Why not on the weekend?

– She is going to the sea, for the whole weekend.

– People are lucky. The girl thought to herself. It is good that she will come; we can have a quiet dinner. There was a friendly atmosphere at dinner. Aunt Natasha, who loved adventurous stories and adventures, talked about her trips and trips to cafes. Yes, I still have that aunt, I would like her character, the girl thought to herself, watching her aunt finish a glass of wine.

– Marinochka, – and let us go to the sea with me, suddenly unexpectedly, a slightly intoxicated woman said. Marina was amazed at the unexpected offer.

– But we wanted to go with the team, out of town.

– But we! They wanted to! Her aunt mimicked her, and laughed. Marina remembered the boss who mimicked her not so long ago, and it hurt her.

– Agree!!!! She heard it from her mother.

– It will be great!!! You won’t get bored with me!!!! The thought that she would see the sea instantly settled in her mind.

– At sea? For such a short period? – I wanted to go on vacation with friends in the summer.

– I wanted to! Marina heard her being mocked again. You are going, period. Now you and I will buy us tickets! On the Internet! Turn on the computer. And in the summer you will go again, where you wanted to go with your friends. Do not forget that you have a cheerful aunt. – Marinochka, talk to your aunt, I see you have sad eyes. The woman who came to Marina’s room spoke. What is the matter with you?

– There is no order at work; I do not know what to write about. I have a creative crisis. Inspiration is gone.

– All the more reason to go, the woman encouraged her. You will have material right away. You have a marine name, Marina, Submarine; this is a real marine name. You should definitely go. Your name is also consonant with Mara Madder; this is one of the revered pagan Goddesses of the Slavic Pantheon.

– That is enough! The girl shouted. What other Goddesses. Auntie, you are out of your mind.

– Dear, I have a large social circle, I read a lot, I know a lot. Paganism is a myth.

– Me too, I read about it once. Enough of this.

– Let’s buy tickets. They sat and talked for a long time in Marina’s room.

The next day, Marina told the staff that she would not be able to go with them. And all her thoughts were occupied with the sea. She closed her eyes and heard the sound of waves, imagined dolphins. But most of all she was alarmed by incomprehensible sounds, she heard the sound of running water, and could not understand what it was and where they came from. I am probably going crazy, she thought. I keep seeing things and imagining things. It is strange; these sounds seem to be in my head. The most difficult thing for her was to tell her best friend that she was going without her. She did not know how best to do it. The girl was sitting in the smoking room, in her usual in the pose, she was sitting sideways on the floor, and one leg hanging on the floor, the other was on the windowsill. She was looking out of the window as usual, and slowly smoking a cigarette. It was heard as someone quietly closed the door. and quietly and slowly approached in her direction. Marina knew who it was, so she did not even move. A guy from their team sat down with her, and, as always, afraid to look into her eyes, did not know how to start a conversation. – Juliana told me you are not coming with us, why? The guy asked with sadness in his eyes.

– My plans have changed; I am going to another place, with another person.

– Who is this man? He spoke with a tremor in his voice.

– This is my aunt; we are going to the sea with her. What else? What questions do you have for me?

– None of them. Sorry. I did not want. The guy put out his cigarette and left the room. Marina understood that she was wrong, and could not help herself. The upcoming evening, a conversation with a friend, was pressing on her. A trip in a crowded subway, it greatly annoyed the girl, and she understood that she did not want to live like this anymore. Evening came, and the long-awaited phone call rang.

– Tell me, how was your day? Marina heard her friend’s voice, and she felt uneasy. Have you discussed everything down to the smallest detail for the upcoming weekend? Have you changed your mind, maybe to the country with us?

– I do not know how to tell you about it, but Aunt Natasha was visiting us yesterday, and she bought me and herself a ticket to the sea. There was a minute of silence on the phone. Marina’s heartbeat increased.

– Well, relax with your aunt. I thought we were going together.

– You know how important this trip is to me. I need to go. We will definitely go together. The girl heard short beeps in the receiver. A feeling of resentment overwhelmed Marina that she did not understand her. After all, a friend has a boyfriend, and she has someone to spend the weekend with, and not just weekends, but days and nights, and perhaps a lifetime. Okay, the girl thought to herself, and started packing her suitcase.

Chapter 2

The airport was crowded. Everyone tried to fly away for the holidays. A little further, away, she saw the boss, and pretended not to notice him. What a pity that my friend did not come to see me off, the girl thought to herself. How I miss her.

– What are you sad about? Pretty woman? She heard her aunt’s cheerful voice. We will find you a groom. I’ll sing you love songs!!! I love you Marina, more and more every day!!!

– Aunt enough! The girl shouted irritably, and her face and neck turned red with anger. Dear forgive your crazy aunt; I am just in such a good mood! The plane landed at Sochi airport. People got off the plane in high spirits. Everyone was having fun, and it seemed that no one was tired on the way. – Sochi welcomes us, my aunt said happily. Let us go, let us leave our things, and we will catch the maximum positive! I have booked a nice room, in a nice hotel, you will like it. Marina, silently, agreed with it was useless to argue with everything that Aunt Natasha would tell her. A short time later, two young ladies were coming down to breakfast. Marina was wearing a short denim skirt and a stylish T-shirt; her black curly hair hung from her shoulders and involuntarily attracted the attention of men. The girl always wore a high heel, which emphasized the slimness of her figure. Sitting at breakfast, in a cozy cafe at the hotel, two girls discussed the planned events. – First we will go to the sea, then to the Riviera Park, and in the evening, I looked at a cool cafe on the embankment. Marina listened animatedly to her interlocutor, and her eyes sparkled. The girl showed with all her appearance that she was happy, and nothing burdened her.

The view from the hotel window accordingly overlooked the sea. The girl stood on the balcony and admired the seascape. The sea was calm, and went far beyond the horizon. It was transparent and clean, settled during the winter months, after the summer bathing season. The weather was hot; the beach was gradually filled with vacationers. Some have already bathed in the sea. Marina inhaled the clean, moist sea air, and could not breathe enough of it. This place seemed to her an oasis, a paradise, after long trips on the subway.

– My child, she heard her aunt’s voice, is this your first time at sea?

– No. As a child, I flew to Turkey with my parents several times. But that was so long ago. And it’s not that at all. Especially since you know Mom, is it possible to fly somewhere with her.
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