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Miracle beauty

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– Oh, yes, that is right. Let us go quickly; we do not have much time. Two beautiful women were coming down the stairs to go to the beach. Marina felt the eyes of men on her, she liked it, and at the same time, it was a little annoying.

– Marinochka, your character does not match your image and style at all. You need to be a little more brazen, especially in our time.

– Yes, I agree with you. I need to be at least a drop of your character, or the character of my girlfriend.

– The day spent on the beach was just great. I even got a little tanned! Natalia said enthusiastically, finishing her glass of wine. Let us discuss tomorrow. What are our plans? Riviera Park, excursions to waterfalls, or just the sea, the sea.

– Of course, first the sea, and then everything else! How good that you came that evening, if it were not for you, I would be sour now at the dacha in the suburbs, in the company of these bores. And also this kind guy, he got me.

– «What guy?» Auntie asked eagerly. Marina told her everything about a colleague who liked her very much. At the next table, a cozy, evening cafe, excursions were also discussed. The two women were talking about a trip to the boxwood grove, and Natalia could not help but keep silent, and got into the conversation. Marinochka!!! As always, she said happily. That is all settled, we are all going to the waterfall together tomorrow. After a morning, hike to the beach of course! Marina happily agreed with her every word.

The trip to the waterfall was carried out on its own. That is why it was so fun and entertaining. In the morning, Marina did not leave the feeling of excitement, and she could not find an explanation for this. The girl’s heart was beating anxiously, and a slight tremor passed through her body. Vacationers were approaching the entrance to the Sochi National Park. The company consisted of three cheerful, charming women, much older than her. This company had a heightened sense of humor. And the age difference was not felt in any way.

– The weather in this place does not coincide with Sochi. Look what a cloud.

– Yes, it is a light cloud; a light rain will come out of it. I will not go to the waterfall in the rain, another objected, it is dangerous, it is slippery, I know, I have been there a hundred times.

– Girls, do not quarrel. There’s a great cafe there, I’d like some wine!!! We’re at the sea!!! There were several cars and three motorcycles at the entrance to the park. Then there was the territory of the cafe. There were many vacationers walking around the territory, people were sitting at the tables and waiting for the ordered dishes. An order was being prepared on the grill, and this smell teased Marina’s appetite.

– Aunt, let’s sit down!!!

– Of course, we will sit down, why I came. The territory of the cafe was a large circle, and a cozy layout. Two large halls, one upper, one lower. A summer dance floor, live music, there were also summer benches on the territory, and vacationers could sit down and admire the surrounding nature. The vacationers sat down at a table, the waiter served the menu. Marina was spinning from side to side, looking at the local attractions. She could not help but hear the sound of water, and involuntarily asked the neighbors accompanying them,

– What are those sounds?

– This is a river – a «Miracle beauty», you see there a stream, and it has not dried up yet. Go and have a look. This water flows from a mountain waterfall, a place of wonderful beauty, is not it!

– Yes, it is, Marina agreed, and went to look at the mountain stream. Approaching the water, the girl realized that this was the very place she had been looking for for so long. Returning back, she asked, «how to get to the waterfall?»

– It is dangerous to go after the rain, we do not advise you, and we do not have that much time.

– It is a pity. I would like to go. It must be very beautiful there. And what is this gazebo that is located there behind the bridge? She asked the waiter.

– This is a summer gazebo for vacationers. Come to us in the summer, it will be great here. Here is the scene for the evening show.

– And what kind of show?

– We will have a show in the style of «Ancient Russia», pagan Russia!

– I must definitely come here, Marina thought to herself. Alone or with someone, it does not matter. That is what I need. That is what I was looking for. I need to know everything about this place. Where and how, and from whom? There were many questions in her head, and she was already mentally writing material about this place.

– Honey, where are you flying? Her aunt’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

– I am here. How I miss the Light. Marina thought. Remembering my best friend. I wish I had her here. And here is the rain, and quite strong. The rain gathered all the vacationers under one roof. Marina stood by the table and admired the wonderful beauty. «I like to watch the rain,» she said aloud.

– Yes, it is a beautiful sight.

Marina involuntarily looked back, and her eyes collided with a guy passing by. For a few seconds, they stood silently and looked at each other. It seemed to her that this moment was an eternity, and she has known this man all her life. The guy stared intently at the girl, and involuntarily wanted to step forward. Something stopped him, perhaps not determination, or Marina’s entourage. And he continued to stare at her.

– Bro, let us go sit down, one of his friends called him. The guy did not freely agree, and before leaving, he looked back again in the hope of seeing the girl. Their gaze collided again, this time they did not want to let go of this moment, they wanted to say something to each other. The guy retired to the lower hall, and Marina remained standing by the open gazebo and watching the raindrops drain from the leaves of local plants. She closed her eyes and thought, what is wrong with me. Her heart was pounding, goosebumps ran through her body, and she was shaking inside.

– Marinochka, drink some wine, baby, you will feel better right away. Marina returned to her seat and took the glass from her aunt’s hands.

– Yes, I think I will have a drink. The whole event took less than a minute, and no one had time to figure out what was going on.

A group of friends went down to the lower hall, but since there were no empty tables there, they returned and settled down at the bar. While they were walking back, Marina examined the person from head to toe. He was a tall, strong, young man, of Slavic appearance, about thirty-five years old, with soft facial features, gray-blue eyes and light brown hair color. You could tell by his eyes that he was a kind man, he radiated warm. The slight stubble on his face gave him masculinity, and said that he did not shave it very often. The guy often smiled, and it seemed to many that he had a heightened sense of humor. He was wearing a mottoed uniform. What gave the guy away, about Motto’s passion for technology. The rain intensified, and it was raining with such force that it seemed like a flood had begun.

– Yes, southern rains, that is something. Not to compare with our central strip.

– A wonderful place, isn’t it? The air alone is worth something, boxwood is boxwood. Did you regret going?

– No, not at all! How can you regret such a thing? Natalia answered. Marina, did not think about boxwood, and about the place, she was thinking about the upcoming separation after the rain. About parting without even having time to be acquainted. She wanted this rain not to end, and then maybe they could get acquainted.

– The harder it goes, the faster it will end. We talked at the next table. After the rain ended, tourists began to leave the cafe. Marina went to the bar, hoping to see the guy again, but they did not have time to cross, and she saw a man’s figure receding.

– Artem, let us go quickly! Marina heard his friend call him. Artyom!!! His name is Artem. Now I know his name. The people came up to the motorcycles, and put them in order, after a heavy rain.

On the day of departure, Marina, as usual, stood on the loggia and slowly smoked a cigarette. She admired the morning sun, and how the sun’s rays shine on the surface of the sea. «I don’t want to leave,» she said. Aunt, you know, deep down I would like to give up everything and move to live here.

– My God, baby, what kind of thoughts, from where? Are you really going to give up life in the capital and move here?! In addition, your job? How are you without her? You are just depressed, because of the disorder in your personal life. You find a guy, and everything will be fine.

– I thought I could open up to you, trust you, and you are just like my mom.

– Don’t worry; it will be our little secret. I will not tell anyone.

– Thank you Aunt.

– And I am not worried about work, I am not sure that journalism is mine.

– And what would you like to become?

– I do not know myself, maybe a writer, or a history teacher. I know history well, my section in journalism is aimed at ancient mythology, esotericism.

– Good choice. It is worth thinking about. I ordered a taxi. It is better to arrive at the airport in advance.

– Yes, you are right as always. The taxi has arrived. We have to go. The plane took off, and Marina felt for the first time what loneliness was. What is separation, distance? I will definitely be back here, very soon. She thought to herself, and, closing her eyes, sank into a half-asleep state. A surprise was waiting for them at the Moscow airport. Her friend, the girls hugged, met Marina. – How I have missed you. I have so much news. I urgently need to tell you everything. Now I have the material to work with. Now I know how to promote myself.

– And what, you won’t tell me anything else?

– «What else do I need to tell you?»

– I can see that you are head over heels in love, you cannot fool me, and I am your best friend.

– Yes, you cannot hide from you. And Marina told her everything about the guy she met her eyes with. And how could they meet again? I am sure that we will definitely see each other again.

– Of course, you will see me; we will all go together soon.

– Hurry up.
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