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The First Part of King Henry the Fourth

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behalf of that Falstaff.

Enter the Hostess.

Host. O Jesu, my lord, my lord!
Prince. Heigh, heigh, the devil rides upon a fiddlestick!
What's the matter?
Host. The sheriff and all the watch are at the door. They are
to search the house. Shall I let them in?
Fal. Dost thou hear, Hal? Never call a true piece of gold a
counterfeit. Thou art essentially mad without seeming so.
Prince. And thou a natural coward without instinct.
Fal. I deny your major. If you will deny the sheriff, so; if
let him enter. If I become not a cart as well as another man,
plague on my bringing up! I hope I shall as soon be strangled
with a halter as another.
Prince. Go hide thee behind the arras. The rest walk, up above.
Now, my masters, for a true face and good conscience.
Fal. Both which I have had; but their date is out, and
I'll hide me. Exit.
Prince. Call in the sheriff.

[Exeunt Manent the Prince and Peto.]

Enter Sheriff and the Carrier.

Now, Master Sheriff, what is your will with me?
Sher. First, pardon me, my lord. A hue and cry
Hath followed certain men unto this house.
Prince. What men?
Sher. One of them is well known, my gracious lord-
A gross fat man.
Carrier. As fat as butter.
Prince. The man, I do assure you, is not here,
For I myself at this time have employ'd him.
And, sheriff, I will engage my word to thee
That I will by to-morrow dinner time
Send him to answer thee, or any man,
For anything he shall be charg'd withal;
And so let me entreat you leave the house.
Sher. I will, my lord. There are two gentlemen
Have in this robbery lost three hundred marks.
Prince. It may be so. If he have robb'd these men,
He shall be answerable; and so farewell.
Sher. Good night, my noble lord.
Prince. I think it is good morrow, is it not?
Sher. Indeed, my lord, I think it be two o'clock.

Exit [with Carrier]

Prince. This oily rascal is known as well as Paul's. Go call
Peto. Falstaff! Fast asleep behind the arras, and snorting like
Prince. Hark how hard he fetches breath. Search his pockets.
He searcheth his pockets and findeth certain papers.
What hast thou found?
Peto. Nothing but papers, my lord.
Prince. Let's see whit they be. Read them.

Peto. [reads] 'Item. A capon..... ii s. ii
Item, Sauce..... iiii
Item, Sack two gallons… v s. viii
Item, Anchovies and sack after supper. ii s. vi
Item, Bread.....

Prince. O monstrous! but one halfpennyworth of bread to this
intolerable deal of sack! What there is else, keep close;
read it at more advantage. There let him sleep till day. I'll
the court in the morning. We must all to the wars. and thy
shall be honourable. I'll procure this fat rogue a charge of
foot; and I know, his death will be a march of twelve score.
money shall be paid back again with advantage. Be with me
in the morning, and so good morrow, Peto.
Peto. Good morrow, good my lord.


ACT III. Scene I. Bangor. The Archdeacon's house

Enter Hotspur, Worcester, Lord Mortimer, Owen Glendower.

Mort. These promises are fair, the parties sure,
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