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Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853

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Peter Simple. Illustrated Edition. Saunders and Otley. Vols. II. and III.

History and Antiquities of Somersetshire, by Rev. W. Phelps. 1839. All except Parts I., II., III., V., VI., VII., and VIII.

Wanted by John Garland, Solicitor, Dorchester.

Pointer's Britannia Romana. Oxford, 1724.

Pointer's Account of a Roman Pavement at Stunsfield, Oxon. Oxford, 1713.

Roman Stations in Britain. London, 1726.

A Survey of Roman Antiquities in some Midland Counties. London, 1726.

Wanted by Rev. J. W. Hewett, Bloxham, Banbury.

Theobald's Shakspeare Restored. 4to. 1726.

G. Macropedii, Hecastus, Fabula. Antwerp, 1539. 8vo.

Wanted by William J. Thoms, 25. Holywell Street, Millbank, Westminster.

Indications of Spring, by Robt. Marsham, Esq., F.R.S.

The Village Curate, by Hurdis.

Calendar of Flora, by Stillingfleete.

Wanted by J. B. Whitborne, 54. Russell Terrace, Leamington.

Notices to Correspondents

Books Wanted.—We believe that gentlemen in want of particular books, either by way of loan or purchase, would find great facilities in obtaining them if their names and addresses were published, so that parties having the books might communicate directly with those who want them. Acting on this belief, we shall take advantage of the recent alteration in the law respecting advertisements, and in future, where our Correspondents desire to avail themselves of this new arrangement, shall insert their names and addresses—unless specially requested not to do so.

All Communications should be addressed to the Editor, to the care of Mr. Bell, 186. Fleet Street. They should be distinctly written; and care should be taken that all Quotations are copied with accuracy; and in all cases of References to Books the editions referred to should be specified. Every distinct subject should form a separate communication; all inquiries respecting communications forwarded for insertion should specify the subjects of such communications.

Our Prospectus has been reprinted at the suggestion of several Correspondents, and we shall be happy to forward copies to any friends who may desire to assist us by circulating them.

We have just received the following communication:

"Binocular Compound Microscope.—Will you allow me an exiguum of your periodical for the purpose of explaining a seeming plagiarism at page 32. of my Essay on the Stereoscope? I have just seen, for the first time, the October number of the Journal of Microscopical Science, whereby I learn that Mr. Wenham and Mr. Riddell have anticipated me in the theory of the Binocular Compound Microscope. Up to this time I was not aware of the fact that the subject had received the attention it deserves, and my own suggestions, founded upon a series of careful experiments made during the last eight months, were thrown out for the simple purpose of calling attention to the utility and practicability of a Binocular Compound Microscope.

    C. Mansfield Ingleby.


Old Grumbleton.—We believe the real origin of the phrase By hook or by crook to be the "right of taking fire-bote by hook or by crook," as explained in "N. & Q.," Vol. i., p. 405. Much curious illustration of the phrase will be found in our earlier volumes.

H. H. (Glasgow). We cannot give the receipt you ask for. Brunswick black, which you will have no difficulty in procuring, answers very well.

Ponders End.—The syllable ness, in Sheerness, is the French nez and the Danish næs, "a point or tongue of land."

W. J. E. C. has, we fear, only lately become a reader of "N. & Q.," or he would have remembered the numerous communications in our pages on the subject of the pronunciation of Cowper's name. The poet was called Cooper.

Sol. Sir D. Brewster's Treatise on Optics, price 3s. 6d., published by Longman.

A Party who won't, &c. We are sorry to say we cannot alter the arrangement referred to.

W. S. S. E. It is impossible for us to undertake to insert a Query in the same week in which it is received.

P. T. (Stoke Newington). The communication respecting the Cotton Family has been forwarded to R. W. C.

J. M. will find his Query respecting Après moi le Déluge has been anticipated by Mr. Douglas Jerrold in our 3rd Vol., p. 299. Proofs of its antiquity are given in the same volume, p. 397.

Errata.—Vol. viii., p. 132. col. 2. l. 14., for "Britannica" read "Britannia;" p. 280. col. 2. l. 5., for "lower" read "cower;" p. 315. col. 1. l. ult., for "Sprawley" read "Shrawley;" p. 360. col. 1. l. 35., dele "Hamsah;" p. 364. col. 2. l. 27., for "1653" read "1753."

"Notes and Queries," Vols. i. to vii., price Three Guineas and a Half.—Copies are being made up and may be had by order.

APPARATUS FOR INSTRUCTION IN SCIENCE.—Special Report on Grants to aid in the Purchase of Apparatus for Instruction in Science. By the REV. H. MOSELEY, M.A., F.R.S., Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, &c., Jan. 5th, 1853.—Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education.

JOHN J. GRIFFIN, F.C.S., begs to announce to Schoolmasters and the friends of Scientific Education, that the APPARATUS described in the above Report, as of his Manufacture, is arranged for Public Inspection at his Establishments, No. 10. Finsbury Square, and 119. & 120. Bunhill Row (removed from Baker Street), London.

ALLEN'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, containing Size, Price, and Description of upwards of 100 articles, consisting of


DESPATCH-BOXES, WRITING-DESKS, DRESSING-CASES, and other travelling requisites, Gratis on application, or sent free by Post on receipt of Two Stamps.

MESSRS. ALLEN'S registered Despatch-box and Writing-desk, their Travelling-bag with the opening as large as the bag, and the new Portmanteau containing four compartments, are undoubtedly the best articles of the kind ever produced.

J. W. & T. ALLEN, 18. & 22. West Strand.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's, and Canson Frères' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.

Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.


7. St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, London.

PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution, by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security.

Interest payable in January and July.

Managing Director.

Prospectuses free on application.

ACHILLES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,—25. CANNON STREET, CITY.—The Advantages offered by this Society are Security, Economy, and lower Rates of Premium than most other Offices.
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