I know it – Arash-alaba-chalin-ora-begota-la-chona-hurie. Archy will go for it in the evening – all safe. But do go and put on dry clothes. What now, Billy?
Here are Mr Talboys' trunk, sir.
Who brought it?
Nea, Maister – I dan't kna' – I s'pose Carrier. I ken't reet weell – ance at Windermere-watter.
Swiss Giantess – Billy.
Ay – ay – sir.
You will find the Swiss Giantess as complete a dormitory as man can desire, Talboys. I reserve it for myself, in event of rheumatism. Though lined with velvet, it is always cool – ventilated on a new principle – of which I took merely a hint from the Punka. My cot hangs in what used to be the Exhibition-room – and her Retreat is now a commodious Dressing-room. Billy, show Mr Talboys to the Swiss Giantess.
Ay – ay, sir. This way, Mr Talboy – this way, sir.
What is your dinner-hour, Mr North?
Sharp seven – seven sharp.
And now 'tis but half-past two. Four hours for work. The Cladich – or whatever you call him – is rumbling disorderly in the wood; and I noted, as I crossed the bridge, that he was proud as a piper of being in Spate – but he looks more rational down in yonder meadows – and – heaven have mercy on me! there's Loch Awe!!
I thought it queer that you never looked at it.
Looked at it? How could I look at it? I don't believe it was there. If it was – from the hill-top I had eyes but for the Camp – the Tents and the Trees – and "Thee the spirit of them all!" Let me have another eye-full – another soul-full of the Loch. But 'twill never do to be losing time in this way. Where's my creel – where's my creel?
On your shoulders —
And my Book? Lost – lost – lost! Not in any one of all my pockets. I shall go mad.
Not far to go. Why your Book's in your hand.
At eight?
Seven. Archy, follow him – In that state of excitement he will be walking with his spectacles on over some precipice. Keep your eye on him, Archy —
I can pretend to be carrying the landing-net, sir.
There's a specimen of a Scottish Lawyer, gentlemen. What do you think of him?
That he is without exception the most agreeable fellow, at first sight, I ever met in my life.
And so you would continue to think him, were you to see him twice a-week for twenty years. But he is far more than that – though, as the world goes, that is much: his mind is steel to the back-bone – his heart is sound as his lungs – his talents great – in literature, had he liked it, he might have excelled; but he has wisely chosen a better Profession – and his character now stands high as a Lawyer and a Judge. Yonder he goes! As fresh as a kitten after a score and three quarter miles at the least.
Seward – let's after him. Billy – the minnows.
Here's the Can, sirs.
Scene closes.
Scene II.