Mercers and Drapers, respectability of, 320
Merchants, opulent British, 319
Men of no business and paper cutting, 272
Michael Angelo, ecstasy of, 16
Mind on the Body, influence of the, 354
Mistletoe, origin of, 430
Mock-heroics, 304
Monasteries, error respecting, 265
Money, Anne's, 224
of Betrayal, or Price of Blood, 120
Charles, I. and II., 224
Cromwell, 224
Ecclesiastic, 223
Edward I. and IV., 223
Henry VII., 223
James II., 224
Milled, 224
Richard III., 223
Stephen, 223
Moody, the actor, avarice of, 367
Mortality, comparative, in England, 152
Mosaic Pavement described, 409
Muscular strength, extraordinary, 432
Mussulman and Hindoo religion, 80
My Fatherland, 38
Nankeen, varieties of, 416
Napoleon's Return from Elba, 165
National Gallery, the proposed, 64
Natural History, errors in, 38
Nature, luxuriance of, 175
Necklaces, satin-stone, 342
Nell Gwynne and Dr. Ken, 336
Newcastle, grammar-school, 193
Newcastle, the learned duchess of, 161
Newcastle-under-Lyne, election at, 288
New Year's Gifts, 439
Niagara, recent visit to, 446
Niger, discoveries on the, 149
Nightingales in Essex, 144
Norfolk, the late duke of, 86
Norton Lees, hall at, 273
Nugent, Lord and Lady, legends by, 350
Nutria Fur, account of, 279—314
O'Brien, the Irish Giant, 182
Oil in cookery, 352
Old Soldier, the, a sketch, 403
Olive Oil, 79—424
Omen, evil one, 261
Opera and Theatres in London, 365
Opal, beauty of, 77