Dream of the Beautiful, 82
Dripping Rock in India, 160
Drop of Dew, by Marvell, 199
Druids and their times, 20
Dryburgh Abbey, lines on, 268—296
Dryden's M'Flecknoe, 208
Ducks, wild, catching in India, 160
Duelling, 343—416
Eagle's Cliff, visit to, 299
"Eclipse," the horse, 354
Economy of Conveyance by Steam, 183
Time and Materials, 54
Edinburgh, by Mr. Cobbett, 287
Egyptian Pyramids and Hindoo Temples compared, 158
Elephant, natural history of, 66
Elephants in the Zoological Gardens, 66
Edmonton, Merry Devil of, 367
Eldon, Lord, his birthplace, 193
Elections, bribery in, 192
Electioneering in Westminster, 351
Electro-Magnet, the largest, 128
Elm, prodigious, 288
Emigration to British America, advantages and disadvantages of, 444
Emigration to Canada, 28
Enchantress, a tale, 386
England and France, former junction of, 448
Ennui, universal, 366
Envy, Owen Feltham on, 64
Epitaph at Bristol, 336
Epitaphs in Cambridgeshire, 368
Errors of the Day, 142
Essequibo, sailing up the, 359—379
Ethelbert and Elfrida, a tale, 323
Euphrates, sailing up, 74
Explosion, tremendous, 272
Extravagance, imperial, 416
Eyam, cross at, 113
Eye, structure of, 72
Eyes and Tears, by Marvell, 199
Eyes, varieties of, 96
Falconry Tenure, 345
Falls of the Genesse, 97—342
Niagara, visit to, 446
Farewell to the Muse, by Lord Byron, 13
Fashionable Manners, effects of, on Tradesmen and Servants, 331—348
Fat Living, 261
Favour, the only one, 80
Ferdinand VII. of Spain, character of, 444
Fern Owl, habits of the, 174
Fielding, Sir John, anecdote of, 279