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Notes and Queries, Number 211, November 12, 1853

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Apparatus, pure Chemicals, and all the requirements for the practice of Photography. Instruction in the Art.

PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION.—An EXHIBITION of PICTURES, by the most celebrated French, Italian, and English Photographers, embracing Views of the principal Countries and Cities of Europe, is now OPEN. Admission 6d. A Portrait taken by MR. TALBOT'S Patent Process, One Guinea; Three extra Copies for 10s.


PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's, and Canson Frères' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.

Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.


KNIGHT & SONS' Illustrated Catalogue, containing Description and Price of the best forms of Cameras and other Apparatus. Voightlander and Son's Lenses for Portraits and Views, together with the various Materials, and pure Chemical Preparations required in practising the Photographic Art. Forwarded free on receipt of Six Postage Stamps.

Instructions given in every branch of the Art.

An extensive Collection of Stereoscopic and other Photographic Specimens.

GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.

DAGUERREOTYPE MATERIALS.—Plates, Cases. Passepartoutes. Best and Cheapest. To be had in great variety at


MILLAN'S Wholesale Depot, 132. Fleet Street.

Price List Gratis.

HEAL AND SON'S EIDER DOWN QUILTS are made in three Varieties—the BORDERED QUILT, the PLAIN QUILT, and the DUVET. The Bordered Quilt is in the usual form of Bed Quilts, and is a most elegant and luxurious article. The Plain Quilt is smaller, and useful as an extra covering on the bed, or as a wrapper in the carriage, or on the couch. The Duvet is a loose case filled with Eider Down as in general use on the Continent. Lists of Prices and Sizes sent free by Post, on application to

HEAL & SON'S Bedding Factory,

196. Tottenham Court Road.


LIBRARIAN.—Wanted a Gentleman of Literary Attainments, competent to undertake the duty of Librarian in the Leeds Library. The Institution consists of about 500 Proprietary Members, and an Assistant Librarian is employed. The hours of attendance required will be from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. daily, with an interval of two hours. Salary 120l. a year. Applications, with Certificates of Qualifications, must be sent by letter, post paid, not later then 1st December next, to ABRAHAM HORSFALL, ESQ., Hon. Sec., 9. Park Row, Leeds.

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER contains the following articles—1. Sir Walter Raleigh at Sherborne. 2. The Pariah Girl, a Poem: by the Rev. John Mitford. 3. Cotele, and the Edgecumbes of the Olden Time, by Mrs. Bray, Part II. 4. The Annals of Appetite: Soyer's Pantropheon. 5. Notes on Mediæval Art France and Germany, by J. G. Waller: Mayence, Heidelberg, Basle, and Strasburg. 6. Remarks on the White Horse of Saxony and Brunswick, by Stephen Martin Leake, Esq., Garter. 7. The Campaigns of 1793-95 in Flanders and Holland. Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban: Counsels' Fees and Lawyers' Bills; Shops in Westminster Hall; The Family of Phipps; Mr. John Knill of St Ive's; Antiquity of the Mysterious Word "Wheedle." With Notes of the Month; Historical and Miscellaneous Reviews; Reports of the Archæological Societies of Wales, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Wiltshire, Somersetshire, Suffolk, and Essex; Historical Chronicle; and Obituary, including Memoirs of Earl Brownlow, Lord Anderson, Right Hon. Sir Frederick Adam, Adm. Sir Charles Adam, James Dodsley Cuff, Esq., Mr. Adolphus Asher, Leon Jablonski, &c. Price 2s. 6d.

NICHOLS & SONS, 25. Parliament Street.

Will be ready in November,

TURNER AND GIRTIN'S PICTURESQUE VIEWS SIXTY YEARS SINCE. Edited by THOMAS MILLER, ESQ., Author of "Rural Sketches," &c. With Thirty Engravings of the Olden Time, from Drawings by J. M. W. TURNER and T. GIRTIN, Portraits, &c. Handsomely bound, price One Guinea.

HOGARTH, Haymarket, London.

Fourth Edition of RUINS OF MANY LANDS. NOTICE.—A Fourth and Cheaper Edition, Revised and considerably Enlarged, of MR. MICHELL'S "RUINS OF MANY LANDS," with Portrait, cloth, price 4s. 6d.

This Edition contains Remarks on Layard's latest Discoveries at Nineveh, and treats of nearly all the Ruins of Interest now in the world.


85. Queen Street, Cheapside.

TO BOOK COLLECTORS.—Just published. T. MILLARD'S CATALOGUE of 10,000 VOLUMES of SECOND-HAND BOOKS. Catalogues Gratis, and Post Free. N.B. Libraries purchased or exchanged. A discount of 2d. in the 1s. allowed on all new books. Ency. Britt., 7th edit., by Napier, 18 gs.; another, 6th edit., calf, 12 gs.; Ency. Met., last edit., hf. clf., 18 gs.; Penny Cyclo., 29 vols., hf. clf. 7 gs.; Illustrated London News, to end of 1852, cloth, 12 gs.; Stafford Gallery Collection of Pictures, 2 vols. fol., mor. elegant, 5 gs.; Rose's Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, new, 4l. 8s., &c.—70. Newgate Street, City, London.

TWELFTH PUBLIC DRAWING.—The Fifteenth Purchase of Land having just been made for the CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY, consisting of a Mansion and Part of Seventy-four Acres at St. Margaret's on the Banks of the Thames, opposite Richmond Gardens, close to Three Stations on the South-Western Railroad, it has been resolved that the TWELFTH PUBLIC DRAWING shall take place at Freemason's Hall, at 8 o'clock in the evening, on Thursday, November the 17th, Viscount Ranelagh in the Chair. On this occasion, 131 Shares will be added to the Order of Rights for priority of Selection on the Society Estates, namely, 87 by drawing, and 44 by seniority of date of Membership. All Shares taken prior to the final numbers being placed in the wheel, will be included in this drawing.




THE REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, the only natural, pleasant, and effectual remedy (without medicine, purging, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its cost in other remedies) for nervous, stomachic, intestinal, liver and bilious complaints, however deeply rooted, dyspepsia (indigestion), habitual constipation, diarrhœa, acidity, heartburn, flatulency, oppression, distension, palpitation, eruption of the skin, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, sickness at the stomach during pregnancy, at sea, and under all other circumstances, debility in the aged as well as infants, fits, spasms, cramps, paralysis, &c.

A few out of 50,000 Cures:—

Cure, No. 71, of dyspepsia; from the Right Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies:—"I have derived considerable benefits from your Revalenta Arabica Food, and consider it due to yourselves and the public to authorise the publication of these lines.—Stuart de Decies."

Cure, No. 49,832:—"Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, constipation, flatulency, spasms, sickness at the stomach, and vomitings have been removed by Du Barry's excellent food.—Maria Jolly, Wortham Ling, near Diss, Norfolk."

Cure, No. 180:—"Twenty-five years' nervousness, constipation, indigestion, and debility, from which I had suffered great misery, and which no medicine could remove or relieve, have been effectually cured by Du Barry's food in a very short time.—W. R. Reeves, Pool Anthony, Tiverton."

Cure, No. 4,208:—"Eight years' dyspepsia, nervousness, debility, with cramps, spasms, and nausea, for which my servant had consulted the advice of many, have been effectually removed by Du Barry's delicious food in a very short time. I shall be happy to answer any inquiries.—Rev. John W. Flavell, Ridlington Rectory, Norfolk."

Dr. Wurzer's Testimonial

    "Bonn, July 19. 1852.

"This light and pleasant Farina is one of the most excellent, nourishing, and restorative remedies, and supersedes, in many cases, all kinds of medicines. It is particularly useful in confined habit of body, as also diarrhœa, bowel complaints, affections of the kidneys and bladder, such as stone or gravel; inflammatory irritation and cramp of the urethra, cramp of the kidneys and bladder, strictures, and hemorrhoids. This really invaluable remedy is employed with the most satisfactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmonary complaints, where irritation and pain are to be removed, but also in pulmonary and bronchial consumption, in which it counteracts effectually the troublesome cough; and I am enabled with perfect truth to express the conviction that Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica is adapted to the cure of incipient hectic complaints and consumption.

"Dr. Rud Wurzer

"Counsel of Medicine, and practical M.D. in Bonn."

London Agents:—Fortnum, Mason & Co., 182. Piccadilly, purveyors to Her Majesty the Queen; Hedges & Butler, 155. Regent Street; and through all respectable grocers, chemists, and medicine venders. In canisters, suitably packed for all climates, and with full instructions, 1lb. 2s. 9d.; 2lb. 4s. 6d.; 5lb. 11s.; 12lb. 22s.; super-refined, 5lb. 22s.; 10lb. 33s. The 10lb. and 12lb. carriage free, on receipt of Post-office order.—Barry, Du Barry Co., 77. Regent Street, London.

Important Caution.—Many invalids having been seriously injured by spurious imitations under closely similar names, such as Ervalenta, Arabaca, and others, the public will do well to see that each canister bears the name Barry, Du Barry & Co., 77. Regent Street, London, in full, without which none is genuine.



Founded A.D. 1842


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