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Chords obscurantism. Volume one

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Chords obscurantism. Volume one
Vasily Varga

Lenin, according to the evil tongues, played the role of a German spy, and called for the defeat of the Russian army during the First World War.Parvus appeared. Thanks to an agreement with the Kaiser, Germany allocated 50 million gold marks and sent Lenin to Petrograd to seize power. Lenin picked up the power lying on the streets, and immediately established the most severe terror.

Chords obscurantism

Volume one

Vasily Varga

© Vasily Varga, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0053-8730-1 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0053-8731-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Vasily Varga

(Роман опубликован на английском языке, в 4-х томах. Автор приносит извинение за качество перевода, если он покажется несовершенным)


Lenin Kalmyk on his father’s side. His grandfather married his own daughter, but the children in this family, oddly enough, were without mental abnormalities. Nationality had an impact on grandchildren.

Lenin’s mother was a pure-blooded Jew, Srulyevna Blank or Alexandrovna, and her father Srulya Blank, who received the Russian name during his baptism into the Orthodox faith. But since Jews consider their mother’s nationality, it turns out that Lenin is a Jew, not a Kalmyk. Russian slaves, including foreign ones, are trying to sew a piece of German blood on Lenin in order to somehow separate him from his Jewish roots. But in the future, when Lenin takes power, he will prove his Jewishness with a vengeance. He tried to fill all the power cells with people of only Jewish nationality, and openly and brazenly, publicly, in print, called the Russians fools who were not fit for anything. And indeed, Russian fools began to worship him, helped destroy the shrines of their fathers and ancestors, and sang Hosanna to him, going to his death.

He hid that he was a Jew. Why? Well, a Jew, so a Jew, what’s wrong with that? Russian Russian Kalmyk and his nationality – a professional babbler, who showed an extraordinary ability to stupefy the brains of Russians, whom he mercilessly destroyed at the hands of the proletarians of many countries; an overly ambitious, intolerant of other people’s opinions, an incredibly cruel and vindictive conspirator, born by Maria Srulevna Blank, Ulyanova by her husband, a kind of national hybrid, as the result of a cross between a Kalmyk and a Jew, or rather a Jew, since Jews are an excrescence on the body of Jews. Jews are corrupt, easily change their nation for the sake of profit, give up their last name for the sake of profit. This hybrid was carefully hidden by the Bolsheviks for many decades, although everyone knows that national identity is not a brand of moral ugliness.

We can only assume that a hybrid of national identity may have influenced the character of the future leader of the failed world revolution. We will stop at Lenin’s ancestors later and see that they were not the best people: Lenin had something to hide and something to be ashamed of.

It is possible that a cross between national identity influenced his idiotic character. The features of this character we will try to reveal, but for now we will only say that he despised his colleagues and hated ordinary workers and peasants, for whose interests he allegedly fought. Otherwise, how can we explain the mass shootings and devastation of the peasants, including those workers who dared to think differently from what he, Ilich, and his closest friend Leiba Bronstein thought?

On Lenin’s conscience (and did he have a conscience?), according to the latest data, more than eighty million people were killed during the five incomplete years of his bloody rule.

Lenin promised land to the peasants and immediately took it away as soon as he seized power. Serfdom, abolished by the hated Tsar in 1861, returned with signs of slavery and lasted until 1974, when everywhere began to issue passports to peasants.

Having seized the mass media, he spared no effort to fool the masses. The Communist media made a mountain out of a molehill, turning the leader into an idol, and the Soviet people began to worship the idol. In addition, everywhere: in the barracks, in the shop, on the collective farm, in prison, on a nail hung his portrait. And the kids, the octobrites, hung an image on their blouse, and starting from the first class, a red tie was hung around their necks. Thus, starting from early childhood, the psychological and ideological treatment of future slaves – worshippers of the great teaching and the cult of the squat usurper-was systematically carried out. Any kid at the age of five already knew that Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live.

When the children grew up, they usually became Komsomol members, and dreamed of joining the party, because the party opened the door to prosperity for its members.

The desire to join the party of any citizen of the Soviet country was so popular and desirable that shortly before the collapse of the Communist Empire, a bribe was already required before opening the door to the Communist Paradise. Party membership was the key that opened the magic door to relative Communist abundance, a sausage shop for those who had forgotten how sausage smelled.

This was especially true of the intelligentsia. You could get a diploma from any University in the country, but without a small red book with the image of Ilyich, your diploma meant little. All your life you could remain an ordinary engineer in a factory, all your life you could work as an ordinary teacher, if you did not have a party ticket. Those who somehow had something in a stash, in a pocket, in a bag hidden under the bathroom were already going to the party.

Getting a CPSU member’s ticket, the so-called second degree, was no longer so easy. I had to fork out. With a stretch, this can be called trading party tickets.

We must admit that the CPSU took care of its members, protected them, and did not give offense. One was bad. If you were excluded from the party for some reason, you automatically became a disabled person of the first group without maintenance.


The CPSU, like its Creator, was kept afloat by lies and falsifications. It tried to erase from history all that was positive before 17, before the coup, and start anew with the country of the Soviets.

The Soviet people lived a lie without even knowing it. A society in which there was not a single person who thought differently from the leader, in which there was not a single newspaper outside the party, from which no one was allowed to go abroad and no foreigners were allowed in, a society behind barbed wire – how could it know the truth?

But as in any society, from somewhere there were clever people claiming to be true; they were immediately caught, declared enemies of the people, judged by the “people’s” court and sent to Lenin’s places for ten or even 25 years.

Now that we have learned much about Lenin, we have no right to remain silent.

Lenin’s associates who participated in the coup d’etat and then started the civil fratricidal war were dubious individuals of the same nationality, whom Lenin carefully selected. Among the participants of the Lenin synagogue, a Georgian, Joseph Dzhugashvili ( the son of a Jew), accidentally got involved only after he robbed banks in Tiflis and delivered to Lenin 340 thousand gold rubles, a huge sum at that time. All the others were Jews, or Jews, as they were called at that time. However, these were not the Jews we knew and know today. They were renegades, they sold their faith, their surnames, their pedigree for 30 pieces of silver, shamelessly appropriated Russian names for the sake of profit and power. Their assigned surnames were Russian cities such as Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Kirov, Kuibyshev, and others.

A bunch of scoundrels with a dark criminal past, stuck to Lenin, carried with them the philosophy of complete destruction of the Russian people, the so-called “tailless monkeys” in the words of Bronstein-Trotsky, and the settlement of the desert by their relatives.

Lenin carefully concealed his nationality. After the death of the leader, his sisters began to dig into the pedigree of the famous brother, but Stalin, learning about this, strictly ordered: silence.

* * *

In a brief description of the leader of the world revolution, it is impossible to explain Lenin’s behavior in the family, his attitude to his mother and mistress Inessa Armand. Why did he demand from his mother to give the last penny, with a pension for the maintenance of the party, while the Caucasian Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin) so generously replenished the party’s cash register by robbing banks in Tiflis? This was simply not necessary, because the party’s cash register was replenished from other sources. This includes robberies and murders, assistance from Russian patrons, and even such a purely Communist act as the marriage of conspirators to rich brides. Lenin and members of his clan lived happily in rented apartments and even bought weapons to commit terrorist acts. Lenin himself always had bags of paper bills lying around, and he himself was at one time in the service of German counterintelligence, or rather, as evil tongues claim, a German spy.

The sudden death of Lenin’s mistress Inessa Armand after his seizure of power is not clear. But we’ll get back to Inessa.

As we have already said, Lenin pathologically hated Russia and brazenly, without hesitation, called the Russians fools who are not capable of mental activity. He demoted the Russian peasant to a stable boy, a woodcutter who could only do physical work. He called the Russian peasant trash and proved his love for him, after seizing power. He turned him into a slave who could only obey commands and praise him, the earth God. Russian Russian intelligentsia, he drove them out of the country, he deprived the Russian peasant – scoundrel of faith, shooting and hanging hundreds of thousands of priests and destroying the Church’s shrines.

Here is our benefactor!

The vile, brutal murder of the defeated Russian Tsar and his underage daughters, and of a sick child, is the testimony of a true Communist leader, who by this time had his hands up to the elbows in blood.

Why did he, so cowardly hiding behind a curtain of deep mystery, categorically demand to shoot the Royal family, among which were the servants, the sick Tsarevich Alexey and the Tsar’s sinless, underage daughters? Why and for what purpose did he shoot tens of thousands of priests, plundered monasteries and churches? Why did you banish the intelligentsia-the brain of the nation? And there is no end to such questions.

Relying on the Jews who had been summoned from all over Europe, on the criminals who had been released from prison, and on the rest of the proletariat, he slaughtered all the haves like cabbage in the harvest season. He created a new nation – a proletarian one. The proletarians, however, with special cruelty and joy, slaughtered the haves and plundered their homes.

The proletariat has given birth to proletarian children, and those proletarian grandchildren who are now beginning a new life under new conditions. They work as they can with Lenin in their chest. Lenin is their grandfather.


We know that the Bolsheviks, especially their leader Lenin, covered their bloody tracks well. The conspirator Lenin simply has no equal. When he returned to Russia, he did not part with a woman’s dress, he tried to commit crimes with someone else’s hands. This is described in detail in the Chapter dealing with the murder of the Royal family.

Naturally, Volodya’s mother managed the educational process of her children and directed it in the right direction. Perhaps it was she who instilled in the children a maniacal hatred of Russia and the Russian people, it was from her lips that Volodya heard and remembered that Russia is a barbarous country, that it is the dung of history, that Russia is the enemy of all progressive things, it is inhabited by monkeys, which for some reason are called people that there is no one more incompetent and hypocritical than the Russian peasant.

Volodya’s brother, Alexander, also learned this well. Later, when he was sentenced to death for an attempt on the Tsar and immediately offered to write a petition for clemency, he refused with contempt, believing that the Russian Tsar was just a “tailless APE”, as his mother Maria srulyevna Blank had suggested to him in Ulyanov’s marriage.

Lenin’s mother had a father, Srul Blank, who ran away from his father, moishi Itskovich Blank. Volodya’s grandfather renounced the Jewish faith and received the name Alexander as a result of his baptism. Srul’s father, Lenin’s great-grandfather, Moisha Blank, lived in the Western part of Ukraine, in Novograd-Volynsk, where at that time there were 86 other Jewish families, engaged in trade, quarreled with everyone and constantly sued Jews. Moisha was an excellent fraudster, for which he was brought to justice. After paying off his prison cell, he began stealing hay from his neighbors. He was also engaged in snitching. He was a cruel, quarrelsome, and extremely mean Jew. He fought with his sons and arranged all sorts of intrigues in the family.

In local archives, there is information that in 1816, moysha Blank appealed to the Volyn court with a demand to take the eldest son Abel into custody for being beaten. But Abel was not harmed, since his father was caught in a lie.

The character Moishe was, do not bring the Lord! Intemperance, cruelty, ferocity, rudeness, vindictiveness, intransigence – what could be worse?

Blank was found guilty of setting fire to 23 Jewish homes in starokonstantinovo on September 29, 1808. To deflect suspicion, he also set fire to his house. As we can see, the great-grandson had something to pass on.
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