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Красноярский край: вопросы регионального развития. Практикум профессионально ориентированного письменного перевода и перевода с листа.The Krasnoyarsk Krai: the Issues of Regional Development

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The procedure for registration of commercial organizations with foreign investments, branches and representatives of foreign legal entities

Nowadays according to the Federal Law “On state corporate registration” dated 8.08.2001 the new procedure of legal entities registration was adopted since 01.06.2002. The authorized federal state body is Federal Tax Service. The state registration is to be legalized:

• in 5 working days since the date of documents presenting;

• on the location specified by founders in the application for the state registration of constantly operating agency, in case of absence of such an agency – on the location of other body or the person that have the right to operate on behalf of the legal person without the power of attorney.

Registration of establishing legal unit

List of the documents liable for submission to the Territorial Administration for registration:

• Founders’ application request made in writing with a request to register an organization;

• a certified copy of the decision of the owner of the property to establish the organization, or copies of the appropriate decision made by the body authorized by the owner;

• certified foundation documents;

• an extract from the trade register of the country of origin or other equivalent document confirming the legal status of the foreign investor in accordance with the legislation of the country of its location (its translation into Russian must be notarized and attached);

• document confirming payment of the State duty.

One of the factors that contribute to the investment attractiveness of the region is Russia’s integration into the system of international law that regulates cooperation in the sphere of investment. Some of the steps made in this direction are as follows:

• conclusion of 33 intergovernmental agreements concerning mutual protection and stimulation of investments;

• accession to two international conventions, namely, Washington convention on the procedure of settling investment disputes between governments and foreign investors (1965) and Seoul convention on establishment of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (1985);

• conclusion of the agreement with the European Energy Charter;

• accession to the International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Source: http://www.krskstate.ru

Vocabulary list

legislative acts – законодательные акты

the Civil Code – гражданский кодекс

additional guarantees – дополнительные гарантии

purpose-oriented character – целевой характер

budget distribution – распределение бюджета

regional budget use – использование краевого бюджета

diversification of risks – диверсификация (распределение) рисков

mutual responsibility – совместная ответственность

authorized capital – уставной капитал, акционерный капитал

leasing payments – лизинговые выплаты

to render information – предоставить информацию

Earth bowels – недра земли

long-term compromise – долгосрочный компромисс

general quantum of output – общий объем продукции

production output – выпуск продукции

compensatory production – компенсационная продукция

duties and excises – пошлины и сборы

value form – форма стоимости

non-recurring payments – единовременные выплаты

value added tax – налог на добавленную стоимость

on a contractual basis – на договорной основе

joint venture – совместное предприятие

joint-stock company – акционерное общество

limited partnerships – товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью

general partnerships – полное товарищество, товарищество с неограниченной ответственностью

juridical person – юридическое лицо

intergovernmental agreements – межправительственные соглашения

the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency – Многостороннее агентство по гарантиям инвестиций

European Energy Charter – Европейская энергетическая хартия

International Monetary Fund – Международный валютный фонд

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – Международный банк реконструкции и развития

Task 2. Give the English translation equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions from the above text.
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