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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

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Aspect. Air, mien, look, countenance, expression, feature, bearing; state, attitude, posture, condition, appearance; direction, outlook, prospect.


Asperity. Acrimony, sourness, sharpness; sternness, severity, bitterness, sullenness, ill-temper; roughness, unevenness.

Ant. Sweetness, pleasantness; gentleness, mildness; smoothness.


Asperse. Slander, calumniate, traduce, vilify, attack, abuse, blemish, besmirch, vituperate, disparage, censure, slur, malign.

Ant. Eulogize, vindicate, clear, defend, extol, praise, shield.


Aspiration. Pronouncing with the rough breathing; yearning, longing, ardent desire, craving, spiritual ambition.

Ant. Apathy, inertia, indifference, dulness, aversion, repudiation, avoidance.


Assault. Attack, invasion, charge, onset, onslaught, aggression.

Ant. Resistance, defense, repulsion, retaliation, undermining.


Assemble. Gather, collect, convene, congregate, meet, come together.

Ant. Disperse, scatter, dismiss.


Assembly. Concourse, company, gathering, congregation, assemblage, meeting, convocation, throng; congress, parliament, legislature, synod, diet, council, convention; ball, dance, dancing party.

Ant. Dispersion, dismissal, disunion, disruption.


Assent, n. Acquiescence, acknowledgment, approval, concurrence, approbation, accord, consent, agreement, compliance.

Ant. Disagreement, dissent, difference, protest, declension.


Assertion. Asseveration, protestation, allegation; position, statement, word, declaration; vindication, defense, maintenance.

Ant. Denial, contradiction, abandonment, protest, disavowal, retraction, repudiation, confutation, abjuration.


Assess. Tax, value, appraise, estimate, compute, fix, assign, determine, impose.

Ant. Discount, rebate, allow.


Assiduous. Diligent, industrious, untiring, indefatigable, devoted, constant, attentive, painstaking, laborious, persistent, active.

Ant. Indolent, remiss, inattentive, lazy, desultory, inconstant.


Assignment. Appointment, allotment; specification, fixing, determination, offer, presentation; transfer, allowance.

Ant. Withdrawal, refusal; acceptance, reception.


Assimilate. Make similar, cause to resemble; digest, appropriate, incorporate, absorb.

Ant. Contrast, reject, separate, segregate.


Assist. Help, aid, succor, relieve, support, befriend, serve; speed, sustain, promote, further, co?perate with, patronize.

Ant. Hinder, oppose, antagonize, prevent, resist, counteract.


Associate, n. Companion, comrade, chum, friend, helpmate, partner, colleague, coadjutor, accomplice, ally, consort, confederate, peer.

Ant. Antagonist, enemy, foe, opponent, rival, stranger, opposer.


Association. Federation, fellowship, alliance, companionship, society, union, partnership, lodge, company, confederacy, corporation, fraternity, club.

Ant. Solitude; disintegration; independence, separation, disunion, estrangement, disruption, avoidance; individuality.


Assortment. Arrangement, allotment, distribution; set, class, group, parcel, collection; variety, miscellany.

Ant. Disarrangement, displacement, misplacement; conglomeration.
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