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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

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Axiom. Truism, postulate, self-evident proposition, necessary truth.

Ant. Paradox, sophism, contradiction, nonsense, absurdity.


Azure. Blue, sky-color, cerulean.


Babble. Chatter, prattle, jibber; prate, gossip, tattle; tell secrets, blab, blurt out; murmur.

Ant. Hush, suppress; enunciate.


Babel. Tumult, disorder, clamor, confusion, discord, din, pother.

Ant. Silence; articulation, distinctness, enunciation; monotony.


Back, a. and ad. Remote, hindmost, in the rear; again, return.

Ant. Near, foremost, in advance.


Back, v. Support, aid, second, sustain, assist; retire, retreat, withdraw; move backward, cause to go backward.

Ant. Fail, disappoint; advance, push.


Backbiter. Slanderer, defamer, traducer, calumniator, detractor, cynic.

Ant. Advocate, upholder, defender, vindicator.


Backslider. Recreant, apostate, renegade, deserter, abjurer.

Ant. Confessor, zealot, bigot, adherent.


Backward. Averse, indisposed, reluctant, loath, unwilling, hesitating, wavering; dull, slow, stupid, stolid; late, tardy.

Ant. Forward, eager, willing, ready, prompt; quick, bright; previous, antecedent, prior.


Bad. Evil, wicked, depraved, abandoned, corrupt, immoral, unfair, unprincipled, villainous; pernicious, mischievous, hurtful, injurious, detrimental, unwholesome; unlucky, unfortunate; sad, unwelcome, distressing, disappointing; sorry, mean, shabby, vile, wretched, abominable; poor, imperfect; serious, hard, severe.

Ant. Good, perfect, right, holy, beautiful, pleasant.


Baffle. Frustrate, thwart, defeat, circumvent, checkmate, undermine; bewilder, perplex, confound, disconcert.

Ant. Aid, assist, advance, encourage, promote.


Balance. Poise, hold in equilibrium; weigh, compare, estimate; neutralize, counteract, compensate; equalize, square, adjust.

Ant. Upset, cant, tilt, overbalance, subvert.


Bald. Bare, hairless; treeless, unsheltered, naked, verdureless; unadorned, prosaic, dull, vapid, tame, inelegant; literal, unvarnished; mere, unsupported, uncorroborated.

Ant. Adorned, periwigged; forested, shaded; bright, elegant, rhetorical; ornate, polished, witty, scintillating.


Baleful. Harmful, hurtful, injurious, baneful, pernicious, deadly, ruinous.

Ant. Innocent, beneficial, salutary, advantageous.


Balk. Frustrate, defeat, foil.

Ant. Aid, promote, instigate.


Banish. Dismiss, drive out, eject, expel, exile, ostracize, evict, expatriate.

Ant. Welcome, admit, protect, domesticate, harbor.


Banquet. Feast, treat, regalement, entertainment, festivity, carousal, cheer.

Ant. Fast, starvation, abstinence.

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