Banter, n. Badinage, irony, raillery, ridicule, satire, chaff, mockery, jeering, derision.
Ant. Discourse, discussion.
Barbarous. Brutal, atrocious, cruel, inhuman, merciless, savage, barbaric, barbarian.
Ant. Civilized, humane, polite, refined, tender, delicate, cultured, elegant, nice, courtly.
Bare. Nude, naked, unclothed, exposed; sheer, simple, mere; bald, unadorned, meager; poor, destitute, indigent, empty.
Ant. Dressed, protected; rich, luxurious, costly.
Bargain. Agreement, contract, stipulation, transaction; purchase, speculation, haggling, getting, proceeds; cheap purchase.
Ant. Loss, misprofit; cheat.
Barren. Sterile, childless, unprolific; unfertile, unproductive; uninstructive, ineffectual.
Ant. Productive, fertile, luxuriant, fecund; profitable, useful.
Barrier. Obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, bar, barricade, rampart; restraint, restriction.
Ant. Thoroughfare, entrance, admittance, opening, passage.
Base. Cheap, worthless, inferior; vulgar, humble, unknown; mean, contemptible, servile; shameful, scandalous, vile.
Ant. Noble, honored, exalted, pure, valued, lofty, esteemed, refined.
Bashful. Modest, shy, retiring, reserved, diffident.
Ant. Bold, forward, pert, impudent, confident, conceited, egoistic.
Basis. Base, foundation, groundwork.
Ant. Apex, top, superstructure.
Bathe. Wash, lave, cover, flood, immerse, suffuse.
Ant. Dry, expose.
Battle, n. Fight, contest, skirmish, combat, encounter, bout, engagement, strife, action, conflict.
Ant. Armistice, truce, concord.
Bauble. Trifle, toy, plaything, trinket, gimcrack, knickknack.
Ant. Valuable, jewel, ornament, decoration, gem, possession.
Bays. Crown, wreath, garland, chaplet; honors, renown, plaudits, praise, glory, applause.
Ant. Disgrace, contumely, stigma, brand.
Beach. Shore, strand, margin, sands, marge, rim, coast, seashore, seaboard.
Ant. Ocean, sea, deep, main.
Beacon, n. Signal fire, mark, sign, guide, light, flame.
Ant. Shadow; dark; will-o’-the-wisp, ignis fatuus.
Beam, v. Shine, emit rays, beacon, gleam, glitter, be radiant.
Ant. Die out, grow dark, go out.
Bear. Support, sustain, hold up, carry; have, hold, possess; suffer, undergo, endure, tolerate, submit to; permit, allow; maintain, cherish, harbor; be responsible for; produce, yield, give birth to; generate.
Ant. Drop, drag; release, give up; protest, resist, rebel, resent, reject.