Bearing. Behavior, deportment, demeanor, appearance, aspect, position, carriage, mien, air; relation, connection; patience, endurance; direction, course, aim; effect, force, meaning, scope; producing; bed, socket.
Ant. Misbehavior; disconnection, independence, irrelevancy; pendency, suspension; diversion, deflection; inanity, absurdity.
Beat. Strike, thrash, flog, cudgel, pound, scourge, whip, batter, smite, pommel, overcome, chastise, conquer, defeat, castigate, bruise, bastinado, belabor, switch, spank, worst, vanquish.
Ant. Soothe, stroke, caress, pat, shield, protect, mollify, heal.
Beatific. Ravishing, enrapturing, enchanting, transporting, ecstatic.
Ant. Tormenting, disgusting, obnoxious.
Beatitude. Bliss, felicity, blessedness.
Ant. Suffering, tribulation, pain, dolor.
Beautiful. Handsome, lovely, charming, fair, pretty, graceful, exquisite, beauteous, bewitching, attractive, picturesque, comely.
Ant. Hideous, repulsive, ugly, deformed, frightful, ghastly, grim.
Because. Since, inasmuch as, for, as.
Ant. Yet, notwithstanding, however, although, nevertheless.
Beckon. Signal, sign, call by gesture, nod.
Ant. Ignore, repulse.
Become. Suit, adorn, fit, set off, be appropriate to; get or grow to, turn to, change into; befall, bechance, happen to.
Ant. Disagree, clash, mismatch.
Becoming. Befitting, beseeming, fit, graceful, proper, neat, suitable, congruous, worthy.
Ant. Unseemly, indecent, derogatory, unsuitable.
Befall. Happen, occur, chance, betide.
Ant. Impend, threaten, loom.
Befitting. Decent, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate, expedient.
Ant. Compulsory, obligatory; improper, inexpedient.
Before. Preceding, in front of; prior to, previous; in advance of, ahead of; hitherto; above, in a former place or previous passage; formerly, of old, already; under the judgment or control of.
Ant. Behind, after, subsequently, later.
Beg. Beseech, pray, ask, request, supplicate, solicit, sue, implore, importune.
Ant. Require, demand, extort, exact, insist; refuse.
Beggar. Mendicant, supplicant, pauper, suitor, applicant.
Ant. Bestower, giver, benefactor.
Beggary. Want, penury, indigence, destitution.
Ant. Riches, wealth, affluence, abundance, plenty.
Beginning. Origin, commencement, fountain, source, spring, start, opening, initiation, arising, outset, rise, inception, inauguration.
Ant. End, finish, fulfilment, outcome, conclusion, termination, result, effect, expiration, completion.
Beguile. Cheat, deceive, befool; amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.