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As drunk as a skunk

As dry as a bone

As easy as ABC

As easy as apple pie

As easy as duck soup

As far as

As far as possible

As fat as a pig

As flat as a pancake

As free as a bird

As full/tight as a tick

As gaudy as a butterfly

As gentle as a lamb

As good as one's word

As graceful as a swan

As gruff as a bear

As happy as a clam

As happy as a lark

As hard as nails

As hoarse as a crow

As hungry as a bear

As innocent as a lamb

As long as

As luck would have it

As mad as a hornet

As mad as a wet hen

As meek as a lamb

As merry as a cricket

As naked as a jaybird

As nervous as a cat

As nutty as a fruitcake

As old as the hills

As one

As phony as a three-dollar bill

As plain as the nose on one's face

As poor as a church mouse

As proud as a peacock

As quiet as a mouse

As red as a cherry

As red as a lobster

As red as a poppy

As red as a rose

As red as a ruby

As red as blood

As scarce as hen's teeth

As scarce as hen's teeth/scarcer than hen's teeth

As scared as a rabbit

As sick as a dog

As silly as a goose

As slippery as an eel
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