Английские идиомы
Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Проверь себя на знание английского языка. В сборнике представлены 7060 английских образных выражений без перевода на русский для самоконтроля. Свободное владение английским языком невозможно без знания и использования идиом. Они делают нашу речь ярче и живее.
Виктор Никитин
Английские идиомы
A for effort
Abide by (something)
Abide by a decision
Able to (do something) standing on one's head
Able to (do something) with one's eyes closed/shut
Able to breathe easily again
Able to breathe easily/freely again
Able to do (something) blindfolded
Able to take a joke
About time
About to (do something)
Above and beyond
Above average
Above board
Above par
Above reproach
Above suspicion
According to Hoyle
Ace in the hole
Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
Aching heart
Acid test
Acquire a taste for (something)
Across the board
Act high and mighty
Act of God
Act one's age
Act up
Add fuel to the fire
Add insult to injury
Add up
Add up (to something)
Adjourn a meeting
Advise against (something)
Afraid of one's own shadow
After a fashion
After all
After all is said and done
After hours
After one's own heart
After the fact
Against one's will