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The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London. With Seven Related Documents; 1606-1621

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Thomas Brittanie [Britain]

Thomas Knowls [Knowles]

Octavian Thorne

Edmonde Smyth [Smith]

John March

Edward Carew

Thomas Pleydall

Richard Lea [Let]

Miles Palmer

Henrie Price

John Josua, gentleman [Joshua]

William Clawday [Clauday]

Jerome Pearsye

John Bree, gentleman

William Hampson

Christopher Pickford

Thomas Hunt

Thomas Truston

Christopher Lanman [Salmon]

John Haward, clerke [Howard]

Richarde Partridge

Allen Cotton [Cassen]

Felix Wilson

Thomas Colethurst [Bathurst]

George Wilmer

Andrew Wilmer

Morrice Lewellin

Thomas Jedwin [Godwin]

Peter Burgoyne

Thomas Burgoyne

Roberte Burgoyne

Roberte Smithe, merchauntaylor [Smith]

Edward Cage, grocer

Thomas Canon, gentleman [Cannon]

William Welby, stacioner

Clement Wilmer, gentleman

John Clapham, gentleman

Giles Fraunces, gentleman [Francis]

George Walker, sadler

John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow]

Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop]

Leonard White, gentleman

Christopher Barron [Baron]

Peter Benson

Richard Smyth [Smith]

George Prockter, minister [Proctor]

Millicent Ramesden, widowe [Ramsdent]

Joseph Soane

Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw]

John Baker
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