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The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London. With Seven Related Documents; 1606-1621

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Robert Thorneton [Thornton]

John Davies [Davis]

Edward Facett [Facet]

George Nuce, gentleman [Newce]

John Robinson

Captaine Thomas Wood

William Browne, shoemaker [Brown]

Roberte Barker, shoemaker

Roberte Penington [Pennington]

Francis Burley, minister

William Quick, grocer

Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis]

Laurence Campe, draper

Aden Perkins, grocer

Richard Shepparde, preacher [Shepherd]

William Sheckley, haberdasher [Sherley]

William Tayler, haberdasher [Taylor]

Edward Lukyn, gentleman [Edwin Lukin]

John Francklyn, haberdasher [Franklyn]

John Southicke [Southwick]

Peter Peate

George Johan, iremonnger

George Yardley, gentleman [Yeardley]

Henrie Shelly [Shelley]

John Pratt [Prat]

Thomas Church, draper

William Powell, gentleman [Powel]

Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith]

Thomas Wheeler, draper

Franncis Hasilerigg, gentleman [Haselrig]

Hughe Shippley, gentleman [Shipley]

John Andrewes, thelder, [doctor], of Cambridge [Andrews]

Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler]

John Vassall, gentleman

Richard Howle

Edward Barkeley, gentleman [Berkeley]

Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg]

Nicholas Exton, draper

William Bennett, fishmonger [Bennet]

James Hawood, marchaunt [Haywood]

Nicholas Isaak, merchaunt [Isaac]

William Gibbs, merchannt

[William] Bushopp [Bishop]

Barnard Michell [Mitchel]

Isaake Michell [Isaac Mitchel]

John Streat [Streate]

Edward Gall

John Marten, gentleman [Martin]

Thomas Fox

Luke Lodge
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