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Barking kitten

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Barking kitten
Владислав Андреевич Неустроев

This story is about the boy van and his parents. Vanya went to the lake for several days in a row. There he saw strange things. Once Vanya found a kitten. Kitten was taken the unusual. He didn't meow and bark. Kitten Vanya called Murzik. Once Vanya was walking with Murzik and met dogs. Murzik jumped on them and got hurt pretty bad. At the end of the story the boy went to his grandfather. His grandfather was. He did the ceremony and Vanya is no longer seen odd, but Murzik has not ceased to bark.

Barking kitten.

In one small town there lived a boy, his name was Vanya. His family was small-father-Oleg, Mother-Galina, and he himself.

It was winter. Then one day I went to the van to walk. He came to the lake and saw the lake frozen. He tried to throw a stone into the lake. The ice cracked. Vanya realized that the ice is thin. Tired of him throwing stones and he went home. He came home and ate and went to bed.

The next day he comes back to the lake. Sees the ice kind of weird. He took a thick stick and hit the ice. The stick caught fire, the van only had time to throw it. From the sticks left but smoke. "Carried" – thinks Vanya. He ran home scared. He ran home and told his parents. Dad tells him:

– Maybe you thought everything, Vanya.

–I agree with you, mom said to dad.

Vanya ate and went to bed. He lies in bed and thinks – "Maybe I really thought? We'll have to go there tomorrow." He thought so, thought and thought and eventually fell asleep.

Vanya wakes up the next day. He ate everything and went to that lake. He comes to the lake. Sees an ordinary lake and thinks– " what's wrong here?". He took the stick again, only to have another, the same fat which was the same. As he knocks on the ice and the stick instantly frozen. Vanya thought – " Maybe again it seemed?". Took another stick, same thing happened to her. Then he went into the forest, he would not get lost, because he knew all the paths in the forest. He went into the forest. He sees trees as trees, approached the van to one tree, and the tree as he would say-

– Hello boy! Why did you come to our forest?

Ivan is surprised and silent.

Then he came to his senses and ran home. There he again told all parents. But as always, they did not believe. Then he ate again and went to bed. He long could not sleep, he slept only 3 hours.

Morning. Vanya woke up. He thought it best not to go to the lake and just went for a walk. Goes and sees kitten. Kitten this was taken the unusual. He didn't meow but bark. Van like a kitten. He took the kitten with him.

He called him Murzik.

Vanya went home to show the kitten to his parents. Vanya came and said:

– Mom, dad, I brought a kitten!

– Beautiful!– told mother look at kitten.

Then the kitten suddenly barked. Mom got scared and says:

– Vanya, is he barking?

– And if he barks, I can't leave him?– said Vanya.

Okay-told mother. I'll just talk to my dad first.

She called dad into the room and told him:

–Our son, the kitten brought home.

Let him stay!– said dad.

You don't know he's barking yet!

Dad says:

–Well, what if it barks, good kitty, let her stay!

Vanya was delighted.

Murzik was a white kitten with blue eyes. He barks loudly, quietly, and with a feline accent.

Mom and dad have identified Murzik Mat.

The next day Vanya woke up. I fed the kitten, he ate. Dressed and went outside with Murzik. He walks and sees a man coming. Only he came close to the kitten, a Murzik as barks. The man got scared and ran away. Then Ivan went with zoey in the store collars. He came into the store and says:

– Can I have a kitten collar?

The saleswoman said that it is necessary to measure his neck. She took Murzik in his arms, and as he barked, the clerk was surprised and said:

– A boy have you kitten bark?

Vanya said Yes. Then the saleswoman picked up a beautiful blue collar and says Vanya:

–You have to pay 500 rubles.

Vanya paid dressed Murzik collar and went home. He came home and says to their parents:

–Dad, mom, I bought Murzik collar.

Mom and dad praised him. Like now was the night he was fed the kitten, went to bed.

Morning came. Vanya fed as always

Murzik. Had Breakfast, took Murzik and went for a walk. And then this happened:

Was Ivan Murzik and see – go dog. Only when they came close, the kitten as bark at the dogs! The dogs were not afraid and wanted to eat Murzik. But the kitten did not give up, and attacked the dogs. He bit them all hard. The wounded dogs ran away.

Vanya was very surprised, but when he came to himself, he went with Murzik to the store. He came to the shop, took everything and went home. Vanya came home and tells mom and dad:

–Mom, dad you just imagine, my kitty pounced on the dog and got bitten.

Mom and dad were surprised and thought that Murzik is not a bad defense!

Vanya had dinner, gave Murzik meat and went to bed. Ivan lies in bed and thinks "Maybe if I go with a kitten, that with me nothing will happen? I'll never be attacked by dogs."He thought so, thought and eventually went to bed.

Morning. Vanya woke up. On this day, mom and dad did not cook him Breakfast. They had a long sleep. Then he made himself Breakfast. Vanya had Breakfast, took Murzik and went for a walk.

He went outside and thought, " Maybe I'll go to the lake. Nothing will happen to me."He came to the lake and sees the lake as always frozen. Vanya put Murzik, and at this time he took a thick stick. He swung and hit the ice with a stick. To his surprise, nothing happened to the stick.

Then he decided to go to the forest.Took the kitten and went into the woods. Vanya came to the forest and sees an ordinary forest trees say no more.
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