Those tokens of tender regard,
I thought: It is scarce without measure —
The sorrow that goes by the yard!
Ah, grief is a curious passion;
And yours – I am sorely afraid
The very next phase of the fashion
Will find it beginning to fade;
Though dark are the shadows of grief,
The morning will follow the night;
Half-tints will betoken relief,
Till joy shall be symboled in white!
Ah, well! it were idle to quarrel
With fashion, or aught she may do;
And so I conclude with a moral
And metaphor – warranted new:
When measles come handsomely out,
The patient is safest, they say;
And the sorrow is mildest, no doubt,
That works in a similar way!
John Godfrey Saxe.
“THERE is no God,” the wicked saith,
“And truly it’s a blessing,
For what he might have done with us
It’s better only guessing.”
“There is no God,” a youngster thinks,
“Or really, if there may be,
He surely didn’t mean a man
Always to be a baby.”
“There is no God, or if there is,”
The tradesman thinks, “’twere funny
If he should take it ill in me
To make a little money.”
“Whether there be,” the rich man says
“It matters very little,
For I and mine, thank somebody,
Are not in want of victual.”
Some others, also, to themselves,
Who scarce so much as doubt it,
Think there is none, when they are well,
And do not think about it.
But country folks who live beneath
The shadow of the steeple;
The parson and the parson’s wife,
And mostly married people;
Youths green and happy in first love,
So thankful for illusion;
And men caught out in what the world
Calls guilt, in first confusion;
And almost every one when age,
Disease, or sorrows strike him,
Inclines to think there is a God,
Or something very like him.
Arthur Hugh Clough.
THOU shalt have one God only; who
Would be at the expense of two?
No graven images may be
Worshipped, except the currency.
Swear not at all; for, for thy curse
Thine enemy is none the worse.
At church on Sunday to attend
Will serve to keep the world thy friend.
Honour thy parents; that is, all
From whom advancement may befall.
Thou shalt not kill; but need’st not strive
Officiously to keep alive.
Do not adultery commit;
Advantage rarely comes of it.
Thou shalt not steal; an empty feat,
When it’s so lucrative to cheat.
Bear not false witness; let the lie
Have time on its own wings to fly.
Thou shalt not covet, but tradition
Approves all forms of competition.
Arthur Hugh Clough.
“THERE is Bryant, as quiet, as cool, and as dignified
As a smooth, silent iceberg, that never is ignified,
Save when by reflection ’tis kindled o’ nights,
With a semblance of flame by the chill Northern Lights.
He may rank (Griswold says so) first bard of your nation