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The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats. Volume 3 of 8. The Countess Cathleen. The Land of Heart's Desire. The Unicorn from the Stars

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JOHNNY [getting in]

That every blessing I gave may be turned to a curse on them that left the place so bare! [He turns things over.] I might chance something in this chest if it was open.

    [ANDREW begins creeping towards him.

NANNY [outside]

Hurry on, now, you limping crabfish you! We can’t be stopping here while you’ll boil stirabout!


[Seizing bag of money and holding it up high in both hands.]

Look at this, now, look!

    [ANDREW comes behind, seizes his arm.

JOHNNY [letting bag fall with a crash]

Destruction on us all!


[Running forward, seizes him. Heads disappear.]

That is it! O, I remember. That is what happened. That is the command. Who was it sent you here with that command?


It was misery sent me in, and starvation, and the hard ways of the world.

NANNY [outside]

It was that, my poor child, and my one son only. Show mercy to him now and he after leaving gaol this morning.


I was trying to remember it – when he spoke that word it all came back to me. I saw a bright many-changing figure; it was holding up a shining vessel [holds up arms]; then the vessel fell and was broken with a great crash; then I saw the unicorns trampling it. They were breaking the world to pieces – when I saw the cracks coming I shouted for joy! And I heard the command ‘Destroy, destroy, destruction is the life-giver! destroy!’


What will we do with him? He was thinking to rob you of your gold.


How could I forget it or mistake it? It has all come upon me now; the reasons of it all, like a flood, like a flooded river.

JOHNNY [weeping]

It was the hunger brought me in and the drouth.


Were you given any other message? Did you see the unicorns?


I saw nothing and heard nothing; near dead I am with the fright I got and with the hardship of the gaol.


To destroy, to overthrow all that comes between us and God, between us and that shining country. To break the wall, Andrew, to break the thing – whatever it is that comes between, but where to begin —


What is it you are talking about?


It may be that this man is the beginning. He has been sent – the poor, they have nothing, and so they can see heaven as we cannot. He and his comrades will understand me. But how to give all men high hearts that they may all understand?


It’s the juice of the grey barley will do that.


To rise everybody’s heart, is it? Is it that was your meaning all the time? If you will take the blame of it all, I’ll do what you want. Give me the bag of money then. [He takes it up.] O, I’ve a heart like your own. I’ll lift the world, too. The people will be running from all parts. O, it will be a great day in this district.


Will I go with you?


No, you must stay here; we have things to do and to plan.


Destroyed we all are with the hunger and the drouth.


Go, then, get food and drink, whatever is wanted to give you strength and courage. Gather your people together here, bring them all in. We have a great thing to do. I have to begin – I want to tell it to the whole world. Bring them in, bring them in, I will make the house ready.

[He stands looking up as if in ecstasy; ANDREW and JOHNNY BACACH go out.


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