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Why Hedgehogs Are Spiky. A fairytale

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Why Hedgehogs Are Spiky. A fairytale
Yuri Bukovski

Once upon a time there was a Hedgehog – a cheerful and good-natured animal. But the needles that grew instead of fur were very depressing to him. And decided to Hedgehog become soft, fluffy, tailed. But what kind of animal he wanted to become, and what came out of it, the reader will know by reading this story.

Why Hedgehogs Are Spiky

A fairytale

Yuri Bukovski

Illustrator Elena Akhmatova

© Yuri Bukovski, 2020

© Elena Akhmatova, illustrations, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4498-0218-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Why Hedgehogs Are Spiky

Once upon a time there was a Hedgehog, a cheerful and kind-hearted creature. The only thing he was unhappy about was that he had quills for fur.

“I wish I weren’t so spiky,” he complained to himself. “My friends might prick themselves on all these quills!”

One day the Hedgehog was basking in the sun in a glade, daydreaming:

“I wish I were fluffy and had a long tail. I wish I had fur so that someone could pet me. I wish I could meow and purr and then flop over on my back for someone to give me a belly rub.”

All of a sudden, he saw a Fox prowling through the grass.

“Here comes Ms. Red Hair, and she’s least likely to give me a belly rub!” he thought fearfully, curled up into a ball, and put up his quills.

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