Has mixed up morning and midnight
The kid of luxury and leisure
Sleeps dreaming blissfully in quiet.
Get’s up in p.m., and again
His life is scheduled for a day,
It is monotonous and bright,
And all the same, the day, the night…
But was Onegin satisfied,
When being healthy, free and blooming,
By splendid wins his person proving,
He spent his life in that delight?
Or it is fruitless and in vain
To spend in revels night and day?
Too early he got rid of passions
And was annoyed with high life’s roar;
The beauties drew no more attention
And did not stir him any more.
Unfaithfulness made him fatigued,
Of friends and friendship he got rid,
Since not for long he could and would
Eat beef-steaks and the Strasburg food
Spill with Champaign straight from a bottle,
And pour the spicy bitter words,
When at that time headache disturbs;
And though he loved the life to throttle,
He ceased to like it in the end –
The fight, the saber and the lead.
Недуг, которого причину
Давно бы отыскать пора,
Подобный английскому сплину,
Короче: русская хандра
Им овладела понемногу;
Он застрелиться, слава богу,
Попробовать не захотел,
Но к жизни вовсе охладел.
Как Child-Harold, угрюмый, томный
В гостиных появлялся он;
Ни сплетни света, ни бостон,
Ни милый взгляд, ни вздох нескромный,
Ничто не трогало его,
Не замечал он ничего.
Причудницы большого света!
Всех прежде вас оставил он;
И правда то, что в наши лета
Довольно скучен высший тон;
Хоть, может быть, иная дама