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Hierarchical man. Zerot

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CHAPTER XLI Si vis pacem, para bellum

CHAPTER XLII The king is not real!

CHAPTER XLIII Churchill was lucky

CHAPTER XLIV “Dance while you’re young!”

CHAPTER XLV Quieter going, will you go further?

CHAPTER XLVI The tadpoles

CHAPTER XLVII Dzamshut live forever

CHAPTER XLVIII Are you a nobody? That’s why they’re waiting for you

CHAPTER XLIX Hero’s name

CHAPTER L Horde strategy and Eurasia

CHAPTER LI The caviar wants justice

CHAPTER LII The maneuvering frog

CHAPTER LIII My home is my fortress. From lawlessness not with shit, but with snow





Yannis Ritsos: “Man is a pyramid. At its base is the beast, at its top is God. Our destiny is to ascend.”

The zerots are a traditional hierarchical elite. They are first on the Revcon list. Because it all starts with them. Just in revcone six types of reflections: the zerefs, the zerots, the zeremids, the remids, the refags, the zealots. And for each type of reflection there is a separate book. This means, there are books with the name of zeref, remid, zeremid, refag, zelot, how many revcon reflections, so many books. And they all came out in a series one after the other.

Now, what is Revcon itself?

Revkon is a neologism or abbreviation of the two words revolution and conservatism. There are still two types of societies in the world – industrial and traditional. And the confrontation itself is global today, at the level of confrontation between tradition and the market. The confrontation between tradition and the market had (and still has) a different name and was happening (and is happening) in all directions. The large-scale introduction of market culture among traditional peoples is now called globalism.

Globalism itself unified peoples, that is, made all peoples similar in the long run. So, every nation meets (and met) these same market relations are different and resists (and resisted) in their own way. This is every resistance to the market in the revcon reflected in the revcon by the level of reflection. Although you can’t call it resistance. More like doom. People resist the market as if without a desire. Most importantly, all the peoples to whom market relations have come are (and have been) at different stages. Only radical traditionalists resist (and have resisted) market culture. These are very elderly or otherwise older people. Younger people and there are always more of them, simply meet market reforms with even greater desire according to the laws of nature. Why this happens, you will also find answers. In addition, in Revkon, you will find answers to completely different and topical questions.

Confrontation of what with what or who with whom?

Who are these people? Which people are against novelty, and which people want it? This confrontation may not necessarily occur within one community or even within neighbors within the mainland. First, it is a confrontation between the old and the new, the old order, and the old elite and the new, revolutionary group. Revolutions of consciousness or simply viruses of the new came along with other people. They could be seafarers, travelers, confessionaries who came together with adventurers and robbers, and even together with the conquerors. (Today, stockbrokers, bankers, speculators, for example, have come in the same way).

Some peoples who reached the level of the state, united against the newcomers by patriots. They could resist. Somewhere, on the contrary, the aliens formed alliances and subordinated the local elite-large formations were created-empires, hordes. Then these same hordes and empires themselves collapsed according to some unknown laws. Moreover, the imperial elite was overthrown somewhere by barbarians, it was often, the people of the empire did not notice these barbarians before, did not see any danger in them. All this happened in history under the motto-more space for me and my people. And today everything happens under the motto-more space for me and only me! However, everyone lacks this space, some air of power or freedom, and barbarians, and their civilizers, and slaves, and their masters, and conquerors, and conquered. In the modern version, the new confrontation looks like the introduction of market values among traditional peoples, yes, all the same, traditional peoples, for whom the voice of blood or community, or equality is still important. Is this really the case, or rather is this a new hypocrisy? (A way to get to the feeder as soon as possible through the blood and Maidan).

But that’s what we’ll talk about. Or rather, you will answer yourself as you read on. I wish you pleasant minutes and hours. See you on the very last page of the very last volume. The most important thing is for all of us to be ready or otherwise to meet this very globalization fully armed or even to benefit from the new conditions. Not personal gain, but general gain. The task of Revcon is to preserve its people.



The feudal elite is arrogant and thick-skinned. It would seem that nothing can disturb her peace and self-satisfied life of being, except for herself. The feudal elite does not notice how exactly the same clone from its own is creeping up on it to wring its smug neck. Nothing will change the order and feudal course of things. The guards of the feudal lord’s chambers will usually (as always) shout: The King is dead, long live the king! And again the feudal, but already new elite will be engaged in balls and feasts, and it wanted to sneeze at the people.

Feudal lords always play for themselves. And this is a purely feudal plot. Although, I must say, any old or new feudal elite always thinks that they will rule forever because they will live no less. This is such feudal psychology. The feudal court creates such boredom around the ruling persons that the feudal lords themselves yawn with longing. Each gaping mouth recalls this eternity.

But what if the people with the genetic clock of the past received news that was not feudal at all? For example, with the bourgeois news that power should be given every five years to a new ruler. Power belongs to the voters, in the vulgar version-to the people, because in the struggle for power, the bourgeoisie lies in the most desperate way. Take the writer Beaumarchais. From the French, the surname Beaumarchais translates “born in the market”. So it is, born in the market, in the bazaar or market square, everyone lies. And the lies of the bourgeoisie are explained by its sole desire to sell its goods to the buyer. So every Beaumarchais lies that power belongs to the people, that is, to the buyer. But not the fact. Most importantly, it should be noted, and I noted that the ruling feudal elite is again the same arrogant and self-satisfied as if there are no Beaumarchais around, but only a crowd of court flatterers and scribblers with chatterers and that’s all. These scribblers create such a background around so insensitive and (supposedly) stupid rulers that it seems that the rulers are dumber than they really are. But in fact, before the feudal elite is selected by its own nurtured feudal rebels, in order to overthrow the current feudal elite, nothing will happen. Because around the feudal elite, very zealous observers are naturally selected, they are also hangers-on, bed-keepers, lackeys at the entrance to the bedroom, cloakroom attendants, weight carriers and even whipping boys (in the Middle Ages there were such). All these boys start banging on each other. Apart from flattery, of course, they do not know how to do anything. And they don’t love each other fiercely.

And what about the feudal lords?

The feudal elite speaks on equal terms only with equals, that is, their own kind. She thinks so. And among the feudal lords all over the world, it is so accepted. In our case, the feudal lords see opponents in their students or in people who have appeared, risen, and become rich only thanks to the main court. For feudal lords, there are only feudal lords, it is elite, so it is ready to argue with her, even ready to fight The rest, arguing and competing with each other, receive orders from the feudal lords. This includes secretaries, scribes, cooks, guards, executioners, public speakers, contemporary art journalists, and political scientists. At the time of the transfer and readiness and change of the feudal elite from one to another, these same journalists and political scientists, analysts are very funny. From the outside, they are a very depressing sight. Are these people so stupid and mean? No. They all don’t want to be thrown away from the feeder, that’s all. There is no longer any cause for concern. Only fear. And the expression of fanatical devotion on his face (hypocritical, of course, for the same reason). And therefore they are even more closely united around the feeder (or the throne, or the regime, or the editorial office, or the studio of some kind, which is the same thing) And not a single ray of light will not penetrate these places. It will not sparkle in the layers. And if it gets in, then a bag of shit will immediately fall from above. And it will cover any hole and this shit is quite specific, and it falls quietly as if it did not conspire with the other bags. (If the light penetrates, then the bags will disappear, the room will be ventilated).

Since ancient times, there was such a “wandering plot” that the girls of the village or village, or castle, or palace do not want a certain Cinderella to see the prince. The prince is one of the variants of the young feudal lord, though in the rut. If he hadn’t been in the rut and had no taste, he would have seen only this crowd of whores, and not Cinderella. But these angry and unhappy women in fear will close their ranks even closer so that the feudal lord in the rut does not see Cinderella. Here is exactly the same picture of the feudal conservative world. That’s why he loses to the market world of Beaumarchais (always loses). That the court ranks form a crowd of their shivering, sweaty bodies around the ruling, smug feudal lords. The best or the most advanced cannot, since the time of Charles Pierrot, or even more ancient, fall into the eyes of those who need it.



Why we want to be the first. Why we want to look rich, important. In every possible way, we portray significance, elitism, arrogance, depth (which is not present). To make a show of it. If something, then to mark it. We pretend to be an imaginary or far-fetched aristocracy. And manners still give away. It is only necessary to walk and talk. But there will still be attempts all the time. Let the imaginary, let the grimaces, let the desires. But still, we do it. So we want to get dividends from our invented flight, at least for ourselves.

What else do we want? Want an obsequious environment? If the weight is confirmed by deeds, let the deeds be connected with the post, with the position, but even this all works and inspires respect to others. Moreover, this is the most important weight today. A person has all the possibilities. Who does not have the opportunity, no one is interested? So it’s not about one person, it’s about society. The crowd wants to get into the authorities, in the “pillar noblewoman” and even the lady of the sea, because she wants to either obey or command. To be recorded as “the lady of the sea”, just need to get up, and by any means. In short, it sounds like this: there will be no post, no seas. In general, the importance, and according to the people, just ponty is our (steppe) horse. It is possible, but not possible, this is what all traditional peoples have, I am sure everyone wants to be at the top, in front, especially if this first place is not dangerous, on the contrary, cozy, promises gifts and offerings. Everyone wants to be an official. Or at least to be bankers, so that there is a lot of money. Although money is absolutely not the most important thing in totalitarianism. Power is more important. Therefore, everyone wants to have them while there is a position. Today you are the boss, and tomorrow you are nothing. No one will look at yesterday’s “boss”.

For a traditional person, power is everything. Of all earthly values, the first. It seems so at first glance that a traditional person is a quiet lamb, such a half-asleep inert ram, but this is at first glance, do not be deceived. Of all the values that can only seem, the most apparent and alluring is standing above all. Above all, then above all. And who is higher, he manages? This is power. The middle or know also matters because of the limitations of the most important place. And then everyone who feels the main cherished place is accessible and inaccessible at the same time will still be in the middle, and they know it. All the traditional people will climb, crawl, penetrate, but still, something will come out of it in the middle. The most important thing is not to be at the very end. The end is despised by all. A tail is a tail.

In the end, all places have the traditional people have a value. They designate them for those who do not know. But all traditional people know that even on a visit – at celebrations and commemorations, and ritual events serve for that, everyone will be seated depending on the status and rank. Because everyone is watching each other. In the same way, traditional people follow every movement, deed, and word. Every movement and action is immediately evaluated by exactly the same people. Traditional people do not need to be taught this business. Although the authorities are always trying to teach them something in order to facilitate their control over the population. In large families, brothers and sisters are ready to tell their parents everything. Hence, the meekest he is also the most beloved child. And how is society better? Both in the family and around. The moment of triumph of traditional surveillance skills of all times and peoples is the command and administrative regime.

When the zerefs start.

Follow each other, look for a dubious element, enemies of the people, spies, and so on. So it was in China under Party secretary Mao, so it was in Cambodia under dictator Pol Pot. But a particularly grotesque version of the number of victims sentenced by formally civilized methods through the courts is under the Stalin regime. If Cambodia ranks first in savagery, and this is usually shooting and arbitrariness on the spot, then in the USSR repression is equal in scale to the very apparatus of power.

But this command-and-control regime is not necessarily socialist. In Europe, for example, during the time of the Holy Inquisition, believers (good Christians) also looked at heretics (apostates). That is, a heretic in the informal hierarchy of decency is the very bottom or a person from the bottom, he is also a violator of law and order. And the order had its own hierarchy of weight and value. There is the first, the very first person – this is the Pope. His bishops, there are his people on the ground. There are good Christians. There are dishonest ones. Where finally, the most heretical bottom, these are the freethinkers. Freethinkers not only because they do not do like everyone else, and before not like the Pope and his people, but because they violated the tradition by which everyone lives, led by the Pope. Faith strongly complements the tradition of everyday life and illuminates them. Makes every day brighter, filled with meaning. And suddenly, some scoundrel and a bad person come and says-there is no God! I didn’t find him. Hit him! – the people of faith command. Hit him, – supports the philistine. I’ll get him – " the crowd roars. Crucify him, burn him, and hang him! He must not live. It breaks the order. He is the bottom.

But we digress a bit about the zerefs ' love of the first place. What they want, desire, and crave. But they desire passionately, if they are already elite, to have something to do with the nobility. This is not forbidden, on the contrary, it is welcome. Hence, the feudal strife, the feuds of dynasties, the battle of thrones. The zerefs or ordinary people, therefore, want power quietly, to themselves. They dream of being nobles. Control your own destiny first, and then others’. They are just making their timid attempts to start dreaming, and how to climb up. And here come heretics – freethinkers and say, if you dream, then take it. Will such an abnormal train of thought please the downtrodden and quiet zeref so far? In the depths of his heart, he will like it, but in life itself, this fool freethinker will cause such fear and such fright that our zeref will immediately throw a stone at the heretic. And then look around, who noticed this zeal? Someone might have noticed. After all, everyone is watching each other. Even walls have ears. Zeref himself built these walls with holes.

Paranoia is a massive zeref disease.

They’re all watching each other. To be noticed and fed. So that you can get to the top if you like the owner over vigilance. Or they won’t like it if they get noticed. But that shouldn’t happen. Because the upbringing here is correct. Therefore, you need to throw a stone at the heretic in advance. Although the stone was already thrown by his subconscious.

So, zeref, in order to love power, must understand what power is. Although every unprepared zeref sees only sweet berries in power. When a freethinker, a rebel, a socialist tells him about power, he does not tell them about responsibility. Responsibility will cause even more fear. It’s the smart people who know about responsibility. And don’t have to answer for everything. Under feudalism, only the chosen are responsible

And the feudal lords know what honor is.

That it should be defended in a duel. A duel is a micro fight for the first place, local and at a given time. If there is not enough power for everyone, then the nobles find out which of them to know at the scene of the duel. For the zeref, which of them is stronger is no less important than the ancestral coat of arms of the knights. Therefore, when nobles shoot or fence with swords, zerefs solve their problems with heavy fists. Also, for the zerefs, they invented or they themselves invented the sublimation of their insignificance – mass fights. There they give each other a kick brutally. Although they themselves invented mass fights as entertainment, in the modern world, various martial arts and shows are also a spectacle. Although they don’t know about it. Even at an event like football, teams figuring out which of them is the champion are figuring out the championship with their stadiums. Sports championship is also a veiled mass desire of the crowd to sit on the shelf above (as on the head of a person) Although everything seems to be all right – culturally, there are rows, chairs, exits between the rows.

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