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Hierarchical man. Zerot

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The traditional elite. The keepers of the taboo.

On the possibility of the evolution of traditional leaders. Could traditional leaders, and therefore their peoples, enter civilization in the sense in which we understand it, or could they not?

Who are they, the traditional elite from the position of revkon-zerefs or remids?

If we are talking about tradition, about the leaders of the traditional world, then, of course, they are zerots or leaders of zerefs. On the other hand, they are as leaders, like the elite, like the authorities and teachers of the zerefs, who seem to be similar to the remids. After all, in revkon, the remids are the traditional elite, the elitists and all the zerefs want to turn into leaders, at least teachers of their people. The higher the better.

But if we are talking about tradition and its tasks, then traditional leaders, tribal leaders are teachers or mentors primarily of young members of the tribe. The authority of the leaders, the chiefs, is aimed at one single goal – the preservation of the tribe. If the ordinary zeref lives by instincts, how to satisfy thirst or hunger, then give offspring, save his kind in this case by private copulation, or not, then the old man or elder should multiply this copulation, make copulation regular and mass. Safe first. And infinite. So that no one interferes with reproduction from hostile neighbors-uninvited enemies. In addition, so that it is not unconventional, homosexual-vicious, incestuous, that is, the elder is responsible for the purity of blood, for the health, and therefore the strength of his people two in one. So that the people of the family do not turn into a wild, completely primitive herd, the priests stand guard over the unwritten laws of marriage. That’s why the experience of old people is valuable. And, as a rule, the leader must be both wise, and this is facilitated by the years lived, and be physically healthy. If the chief and his people maintain order in the tribe, then the clan is guaranteed to survive among its own kind of tribes and clans. That is, the traditional leaders, the traditional elite, do not have state tasks, but tribal ones. Hence, they are more zeref than remid. On the other hand, they are still the best zerefs, the best of the best, distinguished by natural selection and primitive meritocracy. Here they are zealots or zerefs -the zealots. They can’t possibly be remids. Because remids are officials and teachers of the state. The traditional community lives outside the cities. So the zerots (zeref+zelot) will never give citizens in the second generation (and even in the first, although still in the first may be given the power. This is important for understanding the problem. Could Indian chiefs, for example, produce a generation of pathetic townspeople, patriots of their people? That’s unlikely. (Not a kind, note, not a tribe – Revcon). It immediately becomes clear that this is never possible. The zerot the son resembles zerot the father. The zeroth son would not resemble his father if these people had cities. No parking, not primitive camps, not parking, and not sheds for the caravan (caravanserais) on the Great Silk Road. No city, no remid. This must be learned once and for all. And here is how the meeting of nomadic zerefs would have happened if they had been visited not by remids, but by refags, that is, people who were completely cynical and calculating at once. First, you need to look at the North American Indians. To their bitter fate. Why they could not settle down in the neighborhood of the whites.


To solve the problem, let’s take the most striking examples.

We will compare the fate of the North American Indians, why they were so unlucky in their time with the lucky sheiks from the Arabian Peninsula of the present. In addition, we will look at the bankruptcy and disappearance of Spanish grandees in the late 17th and entire 18th century and how this affected the fate of the Pyrenees, why Spain lagged behind in development from England, France, and Germany. Why Stalin’s Bolsheviks destroyed the entire noble elite at the root, along with the traditional elite of nomads and non-nomads on the ground. And besides, why zeremids in the USSR broke his revolutionary intelligentsia in the 30-s of XX century and immediately created (to stamp) your “lousy”, which was then dismantled by the Soviet propaganda.



Although the intelligentsia is mentioned in a variety of tones – from respectful to contemptuous to and on every occasion when it seems to be little. But most often Lenin’s “shit” is used to address the last Roman cohort. Shit and heroes-it’s kind of shocking. And commentators from different sides as if to play on contrasts

So what is the intelligentsia?

And why did the last cohort of Roman legionnaires turn into outliers of human life? The leader of the proletariat castigated the intelligentsia for its stubbornness and egocentrism, often inappropriate, distracting the masses at the right moments on their loved ones. If the Roman heroes represented military stubbornness, did not depart from the place where they held the defense, then the “shit” intelligentsia “held” the defense, simply resembling overfed circus donkeys. All that the intelligentsia did not say and is saying now is shit-this is primarily whining and exaltation. They’re whining and advertising themselves. They do not hold the defense for anyone, but only represent their selfishness. Therefore, for others, they can really resemble people just smelly. Kick them, they’ll fall apart.

And give up.

Meanwhile, the intelligentsia strongly resembles someone. Who has never been spoken ill of. Unless the impudent plebeians and marginals.

After the catastrophe, the brainchild of both Lenin’s class of revolutionaries and his followers – the leaders and representatives of the most ignorant caste – the chairmen of the Central Committee of the Party and the general secretaries – of the USSR, the only ones on whom more or less human morality rested were the intellectuals. It was they, the hungry and disenfranchised, who held the defense and morality in the field of internationalism and justice – all as they were taught by their senior mentors and the high human morality written by the wise classics. It was they who held their heads proudly, like impoverished Spanish grandees, when all the so-called passers-by bowed and humiliated themselves. Likewise, it was they, the real intellectuals, who by their very existence prevented their comrades in the shop or work from losing face and hating heroes if they sold out and caved in. How could a nonentity with modern regalia and academic degrees, a pro-government and amoebic being taking the form of the surrounding reality, be called the last cohort? They could only have a name when everything else could be taken away or simply not recognized.

But tell me, what part of society rushed to the market at breakneck speed, as if they were giving something bright, something vital? And I’ll tell you – not the intelligentsia. I don’t mean those dregs, the people of metropolitan and provincial Melpomene. All pop singing rag-tag comedians and clowns the clowns of different ages and origin. All these people could fall in love with the market involuntarily and from hunger. Forced, because the masses have gone wild. From hunger, because no one paid for the name. Morality, honor, and conscience strain everyone. The one who should not have it, they rushed. I’m not going to embarrass anyone here. It’s pointless. Other valuables in the yard. There are only provincials around. I determine with a dry and cold tongue-who? Who is the hero of the present time and for what? Why they are the hungriest.

And since revcon operates on its own terms, revcon does not care about anyone’s formal and demonstrative merits. Because no one and nothing can be a figure today. Revcon defines people by their existing reflection. And it also highlights the perspective. What will happen to such an elite? Well. The smallest conscience in size is that of those who should not have it because of the scarcity of reason. The fastest and most passionate desired to fuck new levels, ranks and regalia are zerefs, the zeremids, and just the other peasants. Past or present. But they are not literally hungry. And traditionally. And they are not traditionally active from hunger, although both converge, but from a low rank, from a provincial. Traditional people were in the tail end for reasons of their own. But they know that they should be ahead after the next explosion. And the arrival of the market, like the arrival of the revolution, is an explosion.

For tradition, the most important thing is hierarchy.

That is, traditional people have this competition does not stop for a minute. The higher you are in the hierarchy today, the literally less hungry you are. Climb higher on the cone of the system and no one will remember what you were before. Simple unscrupulousness, characteristic of the mass. But the intelligentsia did not rush there! Only the upper-class and nonentities rushed in. Let them be thousands. But, I claim, they have exactly the same jumps to the market in their biographies. Because they were nonentities before the market. And it was the revolution that raised them to the honorary regiment in the Roman cohort of the latter. Who was nothing will become everything! The revolution only radicalized the lower classes to create a new hierarchy. They would have rushed without the revolution, in any case, they would have shown diligence, diligence, loyalty to the tsar and the fatherland, and so it happened, for example, with their fathers-loyal servants of the throne. But the market has excited new hungry and large families. And where there are needs and experiences, there is always a traditional hunger. In other words, the literal physical hunger is adjacent to traditional hunger, where the main food, the main food hierarchy. The hierarchy guarantees both food and drink and other respect for the people. The main thing is to climb higher. That was what the intelligentsia – the last cohort of honor and name-had to resist. True, they would defend themselves together with the country and morals, as befits an egocentric and stubborn “shit” according to Lenin. I would give a lot to smell this shit as much as possible. So that everyone can see what these people have, there was a past elitism. And that there is continuity. Not a celebration of the next unscrupulous upstarts.

Here is the main thing to learn in the form of a conclusion.

The traditional people have the best-the most miserable at the previous stage of traditional history. But even those who were the elite of the past, even without regalia and degrees, remain elite, even if the Nouveau riche will try to bribe or trample into the dirt. It is very important for the new elite that all the people are always hungry and capable of various meanness. Here one might doubt that meanness is a lot of moral outcasts. However, the traditional hierarchy obliges all the time to strive to climb up by any means, that is, even by meanness, which is not denied by the market, and the market creates the greatest opportunities for meanness. Hierarchy once again hierarchy. Other matters sideways. But even here, if there were still “shit” as a cohort of great legionnaires, it would be equal to a pile of new and monetary shit. Equal! Even in the singular. Therefore, many hungry people will traditionally try to have at least some name. But you have it. After all, there is?!


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zerefs loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

Zerots loop – the creating a solid cast, an impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; remid put actions for zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remids loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremids loop – the zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.

Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade at least something, he was forced by circumstances.

Revcon – revolution conservatism



At first, it seems that there is no state without citizens and citizens without the city. The Revcon scheme does not take into account organizations that are quite complex without cities and citizens, for example, a fairly complex organization like the Horde of nomads. Here, the role of state officials is taken by people who are completely traditional and brought up in the same spirit and culture. What exactly is the official Horde or performing fees baskak different from the ordinary Baskak warrior? Nothing. This is all for example. Actually, an official in the first urban generation (zeremid) does not differ in culture and way of thinking from his fellow countryman not an official.

Well, first, in terms of reflection, he certainly does not differ much, but the official zeremid with higher education also interferes with his behavior and responsibility, as a very strong catalyst for remidest in the peak of tradition. The official performs more complex and responsible work. Revcon generally considers not the officials of the horde and the modern state, but the reflection, that is, the ability to look at yourself from the outside. Well. The official of the Horde is not a remid, if it is a remid, then here we have to add the word traditional, that is, we get a traditional remid. (Here there may be confusion between the traditional remid and the remid of the state official – statesman as the goal of the revkon). In fact, if we call the traditional elite zerot (zeref + zelot = zerot), then the officials of the Horde can be designated as zemids (zeref+ remid = zemid), this will somehow separate the traditional world, its Baskaks from the executive power, the officials of modernity. After all, by designating or separating the elite of modern times from the elite of the Middle Ages, we have separated the zerots from the zealots (the super men).

The traditional elite has no future.

Due to the lack of cities.

That is, the traditional elite revcon deprives of the future due to the lack of its ability to complicate, and first responsibility for the fate of people of others, people of other people’s blood. The traditional zerot elite take care of their people, distinguish them from the mass of strangers. The zealots, on the contrary, take care of their people through any circumstances. The zerots, in modern terms, are conditional nationalists, zealots on the contrary are internationalists. It turns out that it is easier for the zerot to manage society if it is simplified. The zerot want simplification and eternal domination among their people. The zealots accept the complication of responsibilities as a necessary condition for the progress of their people, who must learn in the world workshop and take the best from there.

But does the simplification of the zeroth mean that their people should return to their original folk crafts, again engage in hunting and fishing or grazing, for example? It is important for zealots to maintain responsibility for everyone, a kind of humanistic complication, they want to teach and teach everyone.

The zerot eternity.

Thus, the traditional people can remain in eternity thanks to their traditional elite, if there are no changes in the people and surrounding circumstances. All right. You can cite the example of all the primitive communities that are still engaged in ancient crafts, those that made distant ancestors, and they do not need anything else. We love pygmies of the Equatorial forest and the forest loves his pygmies…

The zerot or the traditional elite will never change.

Any change is a violation of the balance. To zerot will only change under the influence of changed circumstances. For example, there will be climate change. And then there is the so-called Great Migration of peoples and at the same time a certain change in people’s habits. After all, the lands where the masses of zeref will come have their own elite and their own laws.

But still, the zeroth recognize nothing but power.

In zeref reflexivity, the concept of force comes first. Strong means are worthy. Not belligerent, kind, sympathetic means weak. From this, it is easy to understand that next to zeref justice there is no kindness and there is no responsiveness and zerefs care about each other because thousands of eyes of the same relatives look at the care of relatives, that there is a shame if at least a couple of eyes report the fact of betrayal. That is, the zeref does not care at all what you get from your kindness, it is important for them what they get. Then they can forget about you. Beyond that, you simply don’t exist for the zeref. After all, for the zerefs, a good person, although a good person, is still weak. If you refuse the Zeref, they will recognize you as a potential petty chieftain, a sort of fake elitist. “The greater punishment for them, the more merciful the Lord is to them.” Therefore, the best person for zeref is the leader.

The chief refuses all evil.
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