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Hierarchical man. Zerot

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If he were to receive all the zerefs in his office, what kind of leader would he be? Moreover, he knows why they came, they know him, and he knows them… If his zerefs came to zeroth and want to teach him new rules, he will order them to be executed (this is of course an extreme and said for example, especially here the zerot of the Middle Ages is considered-Revkon.).

Of course, people of another people, respected and powerful, should come to zerot. Representatives of the disrespectful and maybe no longer powerful people for zeref, let’s say right away, just weak zerots. Maybe he’ll respect them for old times ' sake. Then he will listen and conduct. But zeref will take special pleasure if representatives of the former power serve him, he will subdue them or see their requests and humiliations (here we are talking only about zeref and traditional people, their reflexes and habits – Revcon.) To zerefs are always pleased to see the humiliation of former bosses. This was the case when the urban bourgeoisie executed French nobles. Or when Stalin’s servants tried marshals of the Red Army. How nice to judge your superiors.

But let’s say those literate people of their own kind came to the zerots with somewhat complicated reflexivity. They came as specialists. Of course, they learned their letters and professions from a powerful neighbor. Where else could they learn, get new ways to develop? They will be received in the same way as a delegation of neighbors would have been received in the past. But if the neighbor that taught them all the tricks already weak, it will not talk with these mangurts. For the reform of the traditional people, changing the fate of clans and tribes should have their own prerequisites. And the first prerequisites are the complication of life. It requires a gathering of people of indeterminate nationality and unclear religion. And where is this possible? Only in the empire. Only in the cities. Only in Babylon. And this is all called modernization. We’ll talk about it later.



Zugzwang. So left by the ancestors.

The traditional elite will never change. The zerots are always for himself.

The traditional elite will never agree to change the terms and conditions if everything is under her control. In other words, it does not want, will not want, and has never changed anything because of the preservation of the order at the head of which it is. This order is called by one name – tradition. It is the traditional elite that we are talking about. Because of tradition, the most important thing is to reproduce yourself from the previous cocoon. And the most important cocoon of the traditional people is occupied by an it-the traditional elite, it is also the elite of the people. Any other claim will be called a mob claim, in other words, a riot, and will be severely suppressed. So it was, so it is, and so it will continue, as long as there are and will be zerots-the traditional elite.

The cause of the death of all zerot in the world can be considered as an objective process. Because they will never settle for second place. But now we will not talk about the feudal elite, but about another elite that came to replace the zerots. Sometimes the traditional or totally feudal elite of the zerot can be temporarily replaced by the remids, who in Revkon we hold as statesmen. In fact, the Remids are changing the feudal or archaic elite of the zerot, because of the Russian Revolution and because of the technological and cultural progress in the world. Here we are referring to the new Bolshevik leaders who came in the form of revolutionaries. Well, not for nothing did they call them so. – revolutionaries. In the words of any nobility, they are simply rebels. From these revolutionaries-rebels, a new apparatus of power was formed, which later turned out to be also traditional, that is, a new copy of the previous system. Names change, but people don’t! Reflection does not disappear anywhere, it remains in place. It was also very difficult to push the same partocracy to reform because they knew that they are the elite. So that no one would prevent them from being ahead, they immediately began to look for enemies. So that their children automatically remain the elite. This is the law. And it is in this inheritance of privilege that the Remids strongly resemble the zerot, a past feudal elite. The collapse of the USSR and Soviet power showed that the remids or staff members were often recruited from among the rural inhabitants, where the feudal elite actually comes from. If the apparatchiks are the city administration, then they did not specifically choose the cities to rule in the old way, the cities themselves are a whim of civilization. However, if the recruitment is still made from rural areas, then so much the worse for society, if it wants reforms, and nothing changes. Because the former zerefs, they are traditional people, should, according to the evolution of tradition, turn into zerot feudal lords, and not market democrats. It is also difficult for the Remids to understand that the world is changing and that tradition must change with it. And why should they change anything if they are so happy? But just like the past zerots feudal lords, remids did not want to change the system. Therefore, if something changes, then the remids of the previous regime change places. Changes occur only when the remids are literally carried out of the office’s feet first. All remids know that if they leave the office earlier, they will immediately become not interesting to everyone and especially to their relatives. Can’t help, can’t solve questions, who needs you? And therefore they will sit in one place in the people say until the end of their days. This super-conservatism of the zerots, who turned into remids because of Marxism, is worth understanding in order to answer yourself why when any invaders come in the form of sailors of Columbus or peasant immigrants from the central provinces of Russia, or Stalin’s emissaries-collectivizes, then factory builders, conquerors of virgin lands, if the zerots remained even after the first meetings, they would always be against both the newcomers and the changes that they bring with them. But they, the zerots, did not survive, because Stalin’s emissaries were a much more powerful Soviet elite. Remids are always more powerful than Zerots, simply because they rely on a new technique, literal and indirect. With them come the most advanced methods of leadership at that time.

However, why the zerots Indians were not against the sailors of Columbus, you ask. Why didn’t they kill such an alien element? With the sailors of Columbus, there was the usual incident of curiosity. What is not clear is first studied, at least felt. If this new miracle does not interfere with performing rituals, does not encroach on the privileges of the elite, then they can walk around and entertain. Clashes begin when the miracle begins to manifest itself and manifest itself as a rival. But it was too late.

At the same time, the remids, when their power is established, always think that their supremacy will be no less durable. They will also sit in offices and believe in their own indispensability. They will suffer from the same disease as the zerot-conservatism and clumsiness, and who were always supported by the tribal priests.

The facts are simpler.

Even after the fall of the USSR and Soviet power, the editorial and technical staff in the Central Asian republics retain the illusion of their superiority. They did not recognize and do not recognize the changes that have occurred and continue to behave as if the zerot remained in captivity, but did not agree that their primacy was over. Their time has passed. So leading specialists or just professionals in their field really remain in privileged informal roles and even look like statesmen (next to the natives, it sometimes seems that the old-regime editors hold the entire infrastructure). But this is all an illusion, as mentioned above. If the new government is not at all interested in state tasks, it only seems that they are not interested, in fact, they are interested, but only from the position of… tradition. That is, power is needed to fulfill traditional dogmas. And they are very simple. So, leading specialists, editors, or engineering staff next to the new rulers perform both traditional and state tasks in the form of the tradition of the new elite of independence. They go into service, whether they want to collaborate or not. This is what distinguishes traditional people. Traditional people are very inflexible in matters of strategy. Tactically, however, as always, they bow to their superiors. In the same way, leading hired editors or hired engineers and other auxiliary material act as assistants to perform the personal tasks of several leading families, although the assistants of traditionalists can make a very arrogant and independent face.

But they are the same remids copies of feudal and Soviet elitists “from the plough”, which will never give way to another place. Not only the feudal lords of the past did this. No socialism can get rid of this. People stay the same. They resemble their ancestors, who never give in to an argument. So the former Soviet pensioners after the collapse of the USSR began to work for the new regime and at the same time portrayed themselves as proud virgins. They couldn’t change themselves. Not as a result of old age, as is commonly believed, an old person is not flexible, but because they will be useless pensioners without this place. They didn’t want to get out of the pool. They were afraid of oblivion. And they were well aware of where they lived. However, we are well aware of this. If remid backs down, then he is no longer remid, not an elite at all, and no one will need him anymore, not even his family and relatives. These are the laws of the traditional world. If in the West a person without money is not needed by anyone. Then here a person without a high place and position is not interesting to people here. The people everywhere remain people. If the remid old-regime shell gives way, then all of them will soon disappear from view altogether. They know it, feel it with their skin, with their traditional gut. Therefore, this editor, who could not even write (but remains a well-deserved authority among the natives!), and this annoying economist who wants to jump on the train of tomorrow (still giving interviews in the name of this), simply saw me, t in the system around his personal competition. For them, even their billionaire owners are natives! And they are the informal white elite so far. But from the past. My sudden appearance on the air would turn this upside down, so it would deprive these old maids of the comfort of life.



It would seem that modern force majeure is read by contemporaries in the same way. However, the naked eye can see that the ruling elite behaves quite differently from what is expected of it. It behaves as if there was no pre-revolutionary capitalism, no socialism, no perestroika with democracy. Actually, what did perestroika with democracy lead to? It just led to the triumph of feudalism in its purest form, if of course, you select all the equipment, technologies of modernity and even remove fashionable clothes from these people. Sitting at the top of the feudal lords and act quite traditionally. They do not want to change, they don’t want to change anything around them, do not want to listen, but on the contrary, they move away from the masses as if they were sultans, shahs, and even pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

What’s the big deal?

As already mentioned, for tradition, the signal to change places is only a tragedy, force majeure, the death of the top. Then there is a rotation. Then the new ruler begins to communicate with the crowd, raise his hands up or look for touch with onlookers, passing through the line of admirers.

For modern citizens, force majeure is a disadvantage. For example, there is not enough money for purchases (food, clothing, family maintenance). In accordance with market manners, they are immediately irritated, and this irritation is not a moment of bad luck, this irritation has accumulated, it is not a tribute to the situation.

From this moment on, the Philistine, who is also a citizen, accuses the president and looks for like-minded people to shout together-resign! As it should be after emotions and actions, he will come home and tighten the belt for himself and others. As his ancestors did before him, regardless of social structure and speed. And, as it should be, he will not eat as always – varied and abundant. Moreover, he will not even want to reproduce, start a family. If there is a family, he will divorce. It’s easier to live alone. Modern people always plan as if they were responsible for the whole nation. This is the civil level of responsibility. Leaving the family can not be planned, but everyone can use condoms.

But what if, instead of tightening their belts and increasing their responsibility, these people and these people begin, on the contrary, to produce a new life? Instead of reducing costs and the number of eaters, the costs are also distributed to newborns. The daily norm for all will be less than usual. Yes, the traditional people, if they do not live in the natural environment of their ancestors, where nature itself would tell them about the crisis, this crisis does not concern them at all. He also knows that people have a leader. And if there is a leader, then nothing around will change. Even the hungry children who come to him in the evening with a tired wife do not serve as a hint that the tradition has changed. That everything is not as it was 100 years ago. He also doesn’t want a rotation of habits, you know? Nor do its rulers want any democracy or elections. Such childlike spontaneity in adult-looking (traditional) people. A kind of eternal immaturity.

Universal harmony between top and bottom.

And the upper classes rule as they see the reaction from below. As a rule, modern citizens who seek out ways of survival (responsibility) and zerefs-traditional people behave differently. If the bottom is silent, then the top is sure that they are simply moving. What a picture! Everyone wanders and does not notice anything around. And this is despite the fact that the entire population, even that is silent, is flooded with gadgets and high-speed cars are rushing through the streets.

They seem to be sleeping an age-old dream. But this is always a deceptive picture. Inside the traditional people, a wild volcano of passions is bubbling. You can’t let them see you from the outside. Therefore, the conservative elite never gave people knowledge. Ignorant people are always asleep. Well, let them sleep!



Because they are always on guard not borders in the first place, the territory, and rituals. It is the rites and cults that allow us to expand the old borders, to add free territories to the old ancestral territories, or even the territory of neighbors – the same pagans. If we are talking about unoccupied, completely virgin lands, then of course there is not enough population at all. You can walk and hunt, no one will go to a skirmish. The completely primitive way you can loosen the ground or just hunt and collect berries. The time of savagery does not interest us at all. It is about the savages of the Neolithic that we are now talking about. In order to dig up an edible root or kill a deer with a stone, you do not need to speak, inspire yourself with cherished words. Cherished words, as well as rituals, will be invented later when there will be little land for hunting.

And then they will come out on top.

Not warriors and hunters, but priests the zerots and will kamlat to the spirits of nature or the spirits of the dead to help the living. As long as there was relative abundance, there was also relative primitive freedom. The separation of the zerot into a separate caste contributed to the problems of survival or rather primitive technology at the time of the already growing number of hunters. And if the genus has problems, then the territory is small at all. Why is the territory suddenly so small? Yes, because the generation of the primitive baby boom was born. If the weather allows, then many children are born to traditional peoples. A lot of successful hunting means a lot of stocks, a lot of stocks means children are born.

But if the crisis of nature, the crisis of the weather.

After any baby boom comes the inevitable administration of the population, including even food stamps, which, of course, gives out-who? The administration is kind and the old way is the priesthood, and RevCon is zerot, if we are talking about feudalism, it zerots and no one else, except them. The zerot always keep under control not the population, but morals. And the stricter this morality is, even to the point of sanctimonious, which, however, is not typical for paganism (paganism has one control unit-this is taboo), the more people live, which means more than is already necessary. And in order to keep everything under control, you need to either squeeze the vice of morality and thereby annoy the hunters with your lectures or let the population go free on all four sides. And this is certain death. After all, the same nomads live around. And they also have an overabundance of people.

And then the tribal war begins.

By the way, the ideology of the superiority of any nation over others is what happens from this, that new rituals and postulates are added to it, and then the seizure of new territories. The attack on the neighbors takes place for ideological reasons in the literal sense. We are hungry, so you must give up your land to us. So, for example, the ideology of fascism and Nazism arose from the overpopulation of the agrarian population of Italy and Germany, as an option, the agrarian population of the same Italy, Spain, Russia chose the postulates of unlimited freedom (anarchism). But in Spain, and especially in Russia, the traditional population did not choose superiority at all, but outrage at the superiority of others. Internal property distinction. This is more suitable for beating your own people so that others are afraid. The class struggle and Marx’s postulate that no one can grant the proletariat freedom except the proletariat itself is a struggle or struggle for supremacy turned inside out. And the wrong side of the fact that the territory of Russia is huge, and the territory of Germany is limited. Therefore, the extra people of Russia in the form of the proletariat or (disguised as proletarians?) they chose the Russian version of Marxism, and the German workers went to the neighbors with the slogans uber ales – and there, and there it was the result of overpopulation. The crisis of the early twentieth century in the flesh to the middle was a crisis of traditional values and the traditional family. In one case, the land was nationalized, but this was not of much use until half the population fled to the cities, in the German version, the land was seized according to pagan “Aryan” laws. And according to Aryan pagan laws, the local population was refused to live. Absolutely nothing has changed from the wild time. There was the only ideology and dressed in costumes propagandists. Previously, propagandists were wrapped in leather. These clothes are also simple.



And not of death. The zerots are an elite that never wants or can change. And not only because the zerot are very often all elderly-elders.

The zeroth are not afraid of death, they are afraid of shame.

So why is the traditional elite, the tribal elite, or the feudal elite – the zerots – unwilling to change?

Actually, why should they change if you want them to?

The zerots are not just unwilling to change, they are simply not the clowns of democracy that everyone is used to. Modern people do not think strategically, do not plan, do not anticipate fate for years before, they would live today’s day to the end, but spend time noisy and fun. And there’s no one zerot around. The zerot don’t care about modern dance. They live like characters in the Bible. They don’t just live for a few centuries. It doesn’t happen that way. But so” slowly” think all the feudal lords of the nobility. The zeroth rule and only change places (and only when the time is right). When it grows up, the replacement will mature. These seeds are their children. If not their sons, then the most worthy of the relatives changes the ruler. Everything else is the whim of idiots who are used to living with the main characters for their entire lives and even centuries in one film session.

And the desire to change the rulers is also affected by the crisis.

Again, it is only the selfishness of consumers that gives rise to the desire for the manager to leave. But he doesn’t leave. Not because he is waiting for the next election. If he is zerot, he is preparing a replacement. The traditional elite has never consulted the rabble. Only in very wild times, when anyone could reach the leader, only then did the leader yield. Well, then not everyone would dare to take responsibility for the life of the people. The elite is the elite. Where some simply live, perform the function of life from birth to old age, others are already waiting for death. And remember it. The mob is afraid of death, and zeroth is preparing for it. The zerot cares what they say about him. The zeroth inherit their name. A family name is a great honor more precious than gold. They behave as if they were born a long time ago.

And if the crisis happened, what does it mean for zerot? Let’s get a little out of our problems.

What is a crisis for tradition in general and how does a traditional crisis differ from a market one?

Here is just the mechanism or reasons for replacement will show all the difference between traditional thinking and consumer-uniform.

For traditional peoples, a crisis or, more precisely, force majeure is when circumstances threaten life. And what threatens the fate or the prospect of living as always? This is if some disaster has struck. The people do not get what they need to complete the annual cycle. And what made it possible to complete the annual cycle? This is of course food supplies. Primitive technology and dependence on nature made both the tribe and the stomachs narrow. And first to reproduce. If the farmers could afford to sit still, the nomads ran away from the lack of food. All the weak and sick died.

But was the chief responsible for these losses?

Only a modern fool would have thought of such a thing. No natural cataclysm would have damaged his authority. The first thought is a common punishment. A supernatural force has punished everyone for their sins. But here the leader is not responsible for communicating with an unknown force. The time of such a crisis is the coming on of its priests. According to the modern example of the Prime Minister. It is his servants who have not given something to the spirits or to God. The chief or leader is responsible for defense or attack. If he is a farmer and a leader of farmers, then for defense, if he is a nomad, then for attack. That’s what traditional force majeure is! Only the failure of a military campaign (foreign policy in modern terms means) or even death causes rotation among the chiefs. One, he is a young replacement, changes the old one or the loser or the dead one. If he loses, he’s a coward; if he wins, he’s a hero. And glory to him!

That is, every crisis, in modern economic terms, is the beginning of the movement of the elite in any direction. If the elite is nomadic in the past, it comes, if it is agricultural, it holds the defense. In the modern case of universalism, the crisis is overcome systematically-and defense (from sanctions) and attack (active foreign policy). And even despite the general system and the surrounding universalism, Zerots are not chosen from the crowd, so-called democratic elections, they cause only a lot of noise and confusion, but from their own environment. Even modern oligarchs, for whom it would seem that the gods are money, behave as if they were born under ancient feudalism.
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