There is a truth which has no form;
the soul longs for this formless truth.
Therefore melodies do not satisfy,
bodies do not satisfy,
and forms cannot fulfill the soul.
But this lack of fulfillment,
this dissatisfaction, has to be understood properly,
for such understanding
ultimately brings about transcendence.
Then sound becomes the door to the soundless,
the body becomes the path to the unembodied,
and form becomes the formless.
77. Love.
God is our only wealth.
Do not depend on any other wealth,
riches of any other kind bring only disaster.
St. Theresa wanted to set up a large orphanage
but at the time she had only three shillings.
She wanted to start this enormous project
with just this small amount.
Friends and admirers advised her:
Get the funds together first.
What can you do with just three shillings?
Theresa laughed and said:
Naturally Theresa can do nothing with three shillings,
but with three shillings plus God – nothing is impossible!
78. Love.
Sansara is nirvana,
sound is mantra,
and all living beings are God.
It depends on how you look.
The world is nothing but how one sees it.
See! Open your eyes and see!
Where is darkness?
– there is only light.
Where is death?
– there is only deathlessness.
79. Love.
I have received your letter.
As the earth thirsts for the rains after a hot summer
so you are thirsting for God.
This thirst becomes an invitation to the divine clouds –
and the invitation has arrived.
Just keep drowning yourself in meditation
and his grace will definitely pour on you.
If you are ready here –
he is always ready there.
Look! Can’t you see his clouds hovering in the sky?
80. Love.
Do not fight with yourself.