Someone who finds diamonds and pearls is not going to bother
about pebbles and stones.
But note – he does not renounce them, interest simply drops away.
83. Love.
Thought is man’s strength
but blind belief has robbed him of it,
that is why he has become weak and impotent.
Think fully,
think tirelessly,
for amazingly enough the state of no-thought
is achieved only at the peak of thought,
it is the culmination of thought,
and at this point all thought becomes useless.
In this emptiness, truth lies.
84. Love.
All crutches bar the way.
Shun all support and then you will receive his.
He is the only help for the helpless.
There is no other guide but him –
all other guides are obstacles on the path.
If you want to reach the master avoid all teachers.
Don’t be afraid to make yourself empty
for that alone is the door,
that alone is the path –
and that alone is the destination.
The courage to be empty
is all that is needed to become one with the all.
Those who are full stay empty,
and those who are empty become filled –
such are his mathematics.
Do not consider doing anything –
through doing you can never reach him,
nor through chanting,
nor through austerity,
for he is already here!
Stop and see!
To do is to run,
not to do is to halt.
Yes! If he were far away we could run to meet him,
but he is the nearest of the near!
If we had lost him we could search for and find him,
but to us he has never been lost!
85. Love.
I am glad to have received your letter.
The I is not to be given up because how can you drop that which is not?
The I has to be looked into, understood.
It is like taking a lamp to search for darkness –
the darkness vanishes!
Darkness cannot be stamped out because it doesn’t exist.
You just have to bring a light and darkness is unmasked.