The mind will roam again and again –
that is its way;
the day its roaming stops it will be dead.
Sometimes it sleeps –
do not mistake this for death.
Sometimes it gets tired –
don’t mistake this for death either.
Some rest and sleep and it is strong and alive again.
So stop bothering about it altogether
for even this worry gives it strength.
Surrender even this to God.
Say to him: Whatever it’s like, good or bad,
take care of it.
And then just be a witness,
simply watch the whole play.
Watch the play of the mind with detachment
and then suddenly –
there is the consciousness which is no-mind.
151. Love.
God is far off because we don’t know
how to see him close by.
Actually there is nothing closer than him.
More than that – he is the here and now.
The name God is just for those
who can’t find the here and now.
Words, names, doctrines, scriptures, religion, philosophy,
all these are created for those who can see him
only at a distance.
Hence they have no connection with God
but only with those who are blind to the near.
That’s why I say: Drop the distant.
Drop paradises in the sky.
Drop hopes in the future,
and see the near in time and in space.
Be here and now and see!
See the instant in time,
see the atom in space.
In the time moment time ceases to exist.
In the space atom space ceases to exist.
There is no space, no time, here and now.
What is left is truth,
is God,
is that.
You too are that.
Tat tvam asi – that art thou.
152. Love.
Religion too has to take new birth in every age.
Bodies – all kinds of bodies – grow old and die.
Sects are the dead bodies of religion,
their souls have left them long ago.