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Dracula. A1 / Дракула

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The next morning, while I was shaving, Dracula suddenly appeared behind me. He got angry when he saw blood from a small cut, and threw away my mirror. Then, I couldn't find him at breakfast, and ate alone again. I explored the castle some more. It stood on the edge of a cliff. Inside, there were many doors, but all of them were locked. I realised the castle was a prison, and I was a prisoner.


angry ['æŋɡri] – adj сердитый

blood [blʌd] – n кровь

bring (brought, brought) [brɪŋ] – v приносить

business ['bɪznɪs] – n бизнес, работа

busy ['bɪzi] – adj занятой

cliff [klɪf] – n скала, утес

cut [kʌt] – n порез

dark [dɑ:k] – n темнота

edge [edʒ] – n край

explore [ɪk'splɔ:r] – v исследовать, изучать

handshake ['hændʃeɪk] – n рукопожатие

inside [,ɪn'saɪd] – adv внутри, внутрь

locked [lɒkt] – adj запертый

luggage ['lʌɡɪdʒ] – n багаж

moustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ] – n усы

nightmare ['naɪtmeər] – n кошмар, страшный сон

outside ['autsaɪd] – adv снаружи, на улице

prison ['prɪzən] – n тюрьма

realise ['rɪəlaɪz] – v понять, осознать

seem [si:m] – v казаться

servant ['sɜ:vənt] – n слуга

shave [ʃeɪv] – v бриться

throw away [θrəʊ ə'weɪ] – v выбрасывать, выкидывать

Chapter III

Jonathan Harker's diary

When I realised Dracula trapped me in the castle, I felt scared. I ran around trying to escape, but soon I felt helpless. I sat down and thought about what to do. I knew I couldn't trust the Count. I decided to stay quiet and alert.

I had a strange encounter with the Count, who seemed to know a lot about history. He talked about his proud ancestry and seemed very passionate. I found it fascinating but also scary. It was almost morning when we went to bed.

The Count asked me questions about business and property in England, and then handed me paper and envelopes. He told me to write a letter to my boss and tell him that I want stay at the castle for a month. The Count told me to only write about business. I knew that as a prisoner, I had no choice. I wrote the letter for my boss – and also one for Mina. Taking the letters, the Count advised me not to sleep outside of my room. “Be warned,” he said, making me feel glad I had a cross around my neck.

At night, I saw a strange sight: the Count was crawling down the castle wall. I couldn't believe my eyes, but told myself it was a strange illusion. The Count's warning frightened me, but that night, I opened one of the doors and wandered into a beautiful room, where I felt calm and fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw three women who did not seem real, because they had no shadow. The women wanted something from me. Suddenly, the Count appeared. “He belongs to me!” Dracula said furiously and chased them away, but instead of using the door they just faded into the moonlight passing through the windows.

I fainted.


advise ['welkəm] – v советовать

alert [ə'lɜ:t] – adj бдительный

ancestry ['ænsestri] – n род, происхождение

belong [bɪ'lɒŋ] – v принадлежать

chase away [tʃeɪs ə'weɪ] – v прогонять

crawl [krɔ:l] – v ползти

encounter [ɪn'kaʊntər] – n встреча

envelope ['envələʊp] – n конверт

escape [ɪ'skeɪp] – v сбежать

fade [feɪd] – v блекнуть, постепенно исчезать

faint [feɪnt] – v падать в обморок

fall asleep (fell asleep, fallen asleep) [fɔ:l ə'sli:p] – v засыпать, уснуть

fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] – adj увлекательный, захватывающий

furiously ['fjʊəriəsli] – adv яростно, разъяренно

helpless ['helpləs] – adj беспомощный

instead [ɪn'sted] – adv вместо

pass [pɑ:s] – v проходить

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