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Dracula. A1 / Дракула

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awful ['ɔ:fəl] – adj ужасный

bark [bɑ:k] – v лаять

break (broke, broken) [breɪk] – v ломать

clear [klɪər] – adj чистый, прозрачный

crew [kru:] – n команда, экипаж

death [deθ] – n смерть

fisherman (fishermen) ['fɪʃəmən] – n рыбак

foggy ['fɒɡi] – adj туманный

fresh [freʃ] – adj свежий

hit [hɪt] – v ударять

incredible [ɪn'kredɪbl] – adj невероятный, удивительный

restless ['restləs] – adj беспокойный

rise (rose, risen) [raɪz] – v подниматься

shine (shone, shone) [ʃaɪn] – v сиять, светить

touching ['tʌtʃɪŋ] – adj трогательный

travel ['trævəl] – v путешествовать

upset [ʌp'set] – v расстроенный, огорченный

violent ['vaɪələnt] – adj жестокий

Chapter VIII

Mina Murray's diary

Lucy and I took a lovely walk and enjoyed tea by the sea. We had fun, but Lucy was tired. A young clergyman stayed for supper, and after it we went to bed. Lucy seemed better after this day.

At night, when I woke up, Lucy was not in her bed. I searched everywhere. It was dark, but I think I saw strange figures in the churchyard. I finally found Lucy. She was asleep on a bench. Next to her, I saw someone with a pale face and red, glowing eyes. I gently woke Lucy, and we went home.

At noon, I noticed two small marks on Lucy's throat. I asked her, but she just laughed. We sat outside in silence. I looked at the sky. “His red eyes again!” Lucy cried suddenly. I understood she was asleep.

Lucy's health worsened. She looks pale and weak. I want to call a doctor to look at her wounds soon.

I am glad because Lucy is feeling better. She is cheerful and full of life. Her cheeks are rosy, and she laughs a lot. Sometimes she says strange things about dead people, but I try to change the subject.

Finally!!! A letter from Jonathan! He's in hospital, and a kind nurse, Sister Agatha, helped him write it. He says we can get married there. I can't wait to see him!

Dr. Seward's Diary

Last night, Renfield behaviour suddenly changed. He got excited and started speaking about his Master. He says he doesn't care about his spiders. While I was asleep, Renfield escaped. I searched for him. He stood near the chapel and talked to someone. “I will be patient, Master. It is coming!” he spoke like a maniac.

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