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Dracula. A1 / Дракула

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Dear Art,

Let's meet. Jack will come, too.


Arthur Holmwood's Telegram to Quincey P. Morris

I will be there – and I have exciting news!



appetite ['æpɪtaɪt] – n аппетит

cry [kraɪ] – v плакать

delighted [dɪ'laɪtɪd] – adj довольный, радостный

excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] – adj взволнованный, возбужденный

good-humoured [,ɡʊd'hju:məd] – adj добродушный

hard [hɑ:d] – adv настойчиво, упорно

news [nju:z] – n новости, известия

patient ['peɪʃ(ə)nt] – n пациент

propose [prə'pəʊz] – v делать предложение (о браке)

straightforward [,streɪt'fɔ:wəd] – adj прямой, откровенный

Chapter VI

Mina Murray's diary

Lucy met me at the station. She looked sweet and lovely. We drove to her house at the Crescent. It is a wonderful place, with a little river and beautiful green valleys around it. Lucy and I often sit near the harbour, and the locals, old men, join us. I ask them many questions about some legends and superstitions, but the men are sceptical, and they tell me these legends are all lies.

Lucy always talks about her coming marriage – and I feel sad, because I miss Jonathan.

Dr. Seward's Diary

Mr. Renfield's situation is unusual, and it is getting more and more interesting. I think he loves animals, but I also believe he can be cruel. His pets are strange. At first, he had flies, then spiders, and now he has sparrows. He wants to have a kitten, too. He once ate one of his flies. He said it can give him life and energy. I believe he will also eat his other pets.

Mina Murray's Diary

Yesterday Mr. Hawkins sent me a letter from Jonathan, but I don't believe Jonathan wrote it. Maybe he is ill? I feel uneasy. Lucy started sleepwalking again, and I worry about her, but she looks healthy. I hope she's well.

I only have one letter from Jonathan. It is very, very strange.


cruel ['kru:əl] – adj жестокий

fly [flaɪ] – n муха

harbour ['hɑ:bər] – n гавань, порт

ill [ɪl] – adj больной

lie [laɪ] – n ложь

local ['ləʊkəl] – n местный житель

miss [mɪs] – v скучать

sceptical ['skeptɪkəl] – adj скептический

sleepwalk ['sli:p ˌwɔ:k] – v ходить во сне

sparrow ['spærəʊ] – n воробей

spider ['spaɪdər] – n паук

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl] – adj необычный

valley ['væli] – n долина

worry ['wʌri] – v волноваться, беспокоиться

Chapter VII

It was August, and the weather was hot. Ships were sailing as usual. Old fishermen started to warn others about a terrible storm. It was foggy. Suddenly, the waves rose, and the sky turned red. The storm hit with incredible speed.

One of the ships, Demeter, was sailing from Varna, and inside there was just silver and earth. Some sailors from the crew disappeared from the ship. When the ship got to the harbour, there was only one man inside. It was the captain, but he was dead.

Mina Murray's diary

The storm was violent and frightening, but Lucy didn't wake up. In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the air was clear and fresh. I'm glad Jonathan didn't travel by sea yesterday, but I still worry about him.

Lucy and I went to the poor captain's funeral. It was touching. Lucy was very upset, and she is often uneasy and restless, but she doesn't tell me why. I think it's because Mr. Swales, one of the local men, died. The doctors say he fell and broke his neck. I think he was scared – maybe he saw Death!

One of the men came to the funeral with his dog. It started to bark and howl, so he hit it. I tried to help it, but Lucy just looked at it. She looked terrified.

These situations are all awful. I need to go for a walk with Lucy. I hope this will help with her sleepwalking and also chase away her bad dreams.


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