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The Toilet of Flora

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79. All Flower Water

Pour into a large vessel five quarts of strong Spirit of Wine, and infuse in it the following Flowers, as they come in season: Violets, Hyacinths, and Wall Flowers, of each a quarter of a pound; single and double Jonquils, of each two ounces; a quarter of a pound of Lilies of the Valley, and the same quantity of Spanish Jasmine; half an ounce of Rosemary Flowers; an ounce of Elder Flowers; two ounces of Wild, Damask, and White Roses, bruised; three ounces of Orange Flowers; a quarter of a pound of Clove-july-flowers, Syringo Blossoms, Tuberoses, and Tops of Mint in Flower; and thirty drops of Quintessence of Musk-seed. The latter, however, need not be added till the time of distillation, which must not be till three days after the last Flowers have been infused. Perform the operation in a water bath, and having carefully luted the head and receiver, which must be placed in a tub of cold water, to preserve the scent, draw off about three quarts and a pint with a moderate fire, then change the receiver, fix on another, and draw off another pint, which, though of an inferior quality, is well worth preserving.

80. A curious Water, known by the Name of the Spring Nosegay

Take six ounces of Hyacinths, a quarter of a pound of picked Violets, the same quantity of Wall Flowers picked, and Jonquils; an ounce of Florentine Orrice bruised; half an ounce of Mace grossly powdered; and two ounces of Quintessense of Orange. Put the whole (the Jonquils, Wall Flowers, and Lilies of the Valley excepted) about the end of March, into a glass body, with a gallon of strong Spirit of Wine; bruise the Hyacinths, Violets, Orrice, and Mace; and towards the end of April, add the Jonquils, when in their perfection, that is to say, when full blown. A few days after, put in the Wall Flowers, the Petals only; then add the Lilies of the Valley, carefully picked, and shake all the ingredients well: Eight days after having put in this last Flower, empty the infusion into an alembic, lute on a head and receiver, which must be placed in cold water, and distil in a water bath, with a gentle fire. From the above quantity three quarts of excellent Spirit may be drawn off, that justly deserves the appellation of the Spring Nosegay.

81. A Cosmetic Water, of great Use to prevent Pits after the Small-Pox

Dissolve an ounce and a half of Salt in a pint of Mint-water; boil them together, and skim the Liquor. This is a very useful Wash for the face after the Small-Pox, in order to clear away the scabs, allay the itching, and remove the redness.

82. A Cooling Wash

Infuse in a sufficient quantity of clear Water, some Bran, Yolks of Eggs, and a grain or two of Ambergrise, for three or four hours; then distil the Water, which will prove an excellent Cosmetic, and clear the skin surprisingly. It is of service to keep it in the sun eight or ten days, in a bottle well corked.

The distilled Waters of Melons, Bean Flowers, the Wild-Vine, green or unripe Barley, and the Water that is found in vesicles on the leaves of the elm-tree, may also be used for the same intention.

83. An excellent Water to clear the Skin, and take away Pimples

Take two quarts of Water, in which a quantity of Horse-beans has been boiled till quite soft; put it into an alembic, and add two handfuls of Pimpernel, the same quantity of White Tansy, a pound of Veal minced small, six new-laid Eggs, and a pint of White-Wine Vinegar; distil this mixture in a water-bath, and it will afford an excellent Lotion to remove all eruptions on the face, if washed with it every night and morning.

84. Another

Knead a Loaf with three pounds of Wheaten Flour, a pound of Bean Flour, and Goats Milk, with Mild Yeast or Leaven. Bake it in an oven, scoop out the crumb, and soak it thoroughly in new Goats Milk and six Whites of Eggs; add an ounce of calcined Egg-shells. Mix all well together, and distil in a sand heat. You will obtain an excellent cosmetic water, by washing with which every day, the face will become smooth and clear.

85. Venetian Water to clear a Sun-burnt Complexion

Take a pint of Cow's Milk, or, in the month of May, a pint of the Water that distils from the Vine when wounded, eight Lemons and four Seville Oranges cut in thin slices, two ounces of Sugar Candy, half an ounce of Borax in fine powder, and four Narcissus Roots beaten to a paste; distil these ingredients in a vapour-bath. Rectify the distilled Liquor by the same method, and keep it in a bottle closely corked.

86. A Water for Pimples in the Face

Boil together a handful of the herbs Patience, and Pimpernel in Water; and wash yourself every day with the decoction.

87. A Fluid to clear a tanned Skin

Take unripe Grapes, soak them in Water, sprinkle them with Alum and Salt, then Wrap them up in paper, and roast them in hot ashes; squeeze out the Juice, and wash the face with it every morning, it will soon remove the Tan.

88. A Fluid to whiten the Skin

Take equal parts of the Roots of Centaury and the White Vine, a pint of Cow's Milk, and the crumb of a Wheaten Loaf; distil in a glass alembic. The distilled Water, for use, must be mixed with an equal quantity of Hungary Water: it then admirably clears the complexion.

The distilled Waters of Fennel, and White Lilies, with a little Gum Mastic, will produce the same effect.

89. A Beautifying Wash

Put into a cucurbit five pints of French Brandy; add to it a pound and a half of Crumb of Bread, three ounces of Plum-tree-gum, two ounces of Litharge of Silver in fine powder, and four ounces of sweet Almonds. The ingredients are to be beat together into a paste, and left to digest in the Spirit eight days; then distil in a vapour-bath, and wash the face and hands with the water thus obtained. It must be suffered to dry on the skin without being wiped off, and the complexion will presently become clear and glossy.

90. A distilled Water that tinges the Cheeks a beautiful Carnation Hue

Take two quarts of White Wine Vinegar, three ounces of Isinglass, two ounces of bruised Nutmegs, and six ounces of Honey; distil with a gentle fire, and add to the distilled Water a small quantity of Red Sanders, in order to colour it. Before the Tincture is used, a Lady should wash herself with Elder-flower Water, and then the cheeks will become of a fine lively vermillion, that cannot be distinguished from the natural bloom of youth.

91. A Cosmetic Water

Take three Aron Roots minced small, three Melons of a middling size, three Cucumbers, four new laid Eggs, a slice of a Pumkin, two Lemons, a pint of Whey, a gallon of Rose-water, a quart of Water-lily-water, a pint of Plantain, as much White Tansy-water, and half an ounce of Borax. Distil the whole together in a vapour-bath.

92. A Water, christened, The Fountain of Youth

Take an ounce of Sulphur Vivum; Olibanum and Myrrh, each two ounces; six drachms of Amber; a quart of Rose-water; distil the whole in a vapour-bath, and wash yourself with the Water every night going to rest: the next morning wash yourself with weak Barley-water, and your complexion will have a youthful air.

It is asserted also that the distilled Water of green Pine-apples takes away wrinkles, and gives the complexion an air of youth.

93. A Water to preserve the Complexion

Mix together Water-lily Water, Bean-flower Water, Melon Water, Cucumber Water, and Lemon Juice, of each an ounce; to which add, of Bryony, Wild Succory, White Lilies, Borrage and Bean Flowers, each a handful. Take seven or eight White Pigeons, pick them, and cut off their heads and pinions, mince the rest of them small, and put them into an alembic with the other ingredients. To these add four ounces of Sugar Candy in powder, as much Camphor, and the Crumb of three small Wheaten Loaves, each weighing about half a pound; digest the whole eighteen or twenty days in an alembic, then distil, and keep the Water that is drawn off in proper vessels for use. Before washing with it, carefully observe to cleanse the face with the following composition.

Take a quarter of a pound of the Crumb of Rye Bread hot from the oven, the Whites of four new laid Eggs, and a pint of White Wine Vinegar; beat the whole well together, and strain through a linen rag. The use of these two preparations perfectly cleanses and clears the skin, preserves its freshness, and prevents wrinkles.

94. A Water that gives a Gloss to the Skin

Take a handful of Bean, Elder, and Bugloss Flowers, a small Pigeon clean drawn, the Juice of two Lemons, four ounces of Salt, and five ounces of Camphor; distil them in a vapour-bath; add to the distilled Water a few grains of Musk, and expose it to the sun for the space of a month, observing to take the vessel within doors every night. The way to use this Water, is to dip the corner of a fine napkin in it, and gently rub the face.

95. A Preservative from Tanning

Infuse in clean Water for three days a pound of Lupines, then take them out, and boil them in a copper vessel with five quarts of fresh Water. When the Lupines are boiled tender, and the Water grows rather ropy, press out the Liquor, and keep it for use. Whenever you are under a necessity of exposing yourself to the sun, wash the face and neck with this preparation.

The Oil of unripe Olives, in which a small quantity of Gum Mastic has been dissolved, possesses the same virtue.

96. To remove Freckles

Take Houseleek, and Celandine, of each an equal quantity; distil in a sand heat, and wash with the distilled Water.

97. Or,

Apply the Juice of Onions to the part affected.

98. Or,

Boil Ivy Leaves in Wine, and foment the face with the decoction.

99. A Water to prevent Freckles, or Blotches in the Face

Take Wild Cucumber-roots and Narcissus-roots, of each an equal quantity; dry them in the shade, and reduce them to a very fine powder, putting them afterwards into strong French Brandy, with which wash the face, till it begins to itch; and then wash it with cold water. This method must be repeated every day till a perfect cure is obtained, which will soon happen, for this water has a slight caustic property, and of course must remove all spots on the skin.

100. Or,

Take a handful of fresh Wood-ashes, boil them in a pint of clear Water, till one half is wasted away, then pour off the Liquor as long as it runs clear; boil it again a little while, and filter it through coarse paper.

101. A Water to improve the Complexion
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