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Tamburlaine the Great — Part 2

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[ he] i.e. Death. So the 8vo.—The 4to "it."]

169 (return (#x3_x_3_i252))

[ is] So the 8vo.—The 4to "the."]

170 (return (#x3_x_3_i272))

[ harness'd] So the 8vo.—The 4to "harnesse."]

171 (return (#x3_x_3_i274))

[ on] So the 4to.—The 8vo "with" (the compositor having caught the word from the preceding line).]

172 (return (#x3_x_3_i276))

[ thou shalt] So the 8vo.—The 4to "shalt thou."]

173 (return (#x3_x_3_i279))

[ the] So the 8vo.—The 4to "our."]

174 (return (#x3_x_3_i289))

[ and rent] So the 8vo.—The 4to "or rend."]

175 (return (#x3_x_3_i303))

[ Go to, sirrah] So the 8vo.—The 4to "Goe sirrha."]

176 (return (#x3_x_3_i305))

[ give arms] An heraldic expression, meaning—shew armorial bearings (used, of course, with a quibble).]

177 (return (#x3_x_3_i307))

[ No] So the 4to.—The 8vo "Go."]

178 (return (#x3_x_3_i318))

[ bugs] i.e. bugbears, objects to strike you with terror.]

179 (return (#x3_x_3_i321))

[ rout] i.e. crew, rabble.]

180 (return (#x3_x_3_i325))

[ as the foolish king of Persia did] See p. 16, first col.

p. 15, first col.  (The First Part of Tamburlaine the

Great, ACT II, Scene IV):


Enter MYCETES with his crown in his hand.
MYCETES. Accurs'd be he that first invented war!
They knew not, ah, they knew not, simple men,
How those were hit by pelting cannon-shot
Stand staggering like a quivering aspen-leaf
Fearing the force of Boreas' boisterous blasts!

(page 16)

In what a lamentable case were I,
If nature had not given me wisdom's lore!
For kings are clouts that every man shoots at,
Our crown the pin that thousands seek to cleave:
Therefore in policy I think it good
To hide it close; a goodly stratagem,
And far from any man that is a fool:
So shall not I be known; or if I be,
They cannot take away my crown from me.
Here will I hide it in this simple hole.


What, fearful coward, straggling from the camp,
When kings themselves are present in the field?"]

181 (return (#x3_x_3_i332))

[ aspect] So the 8vo.—The 4to "aspects."]

182 (return (#x3_x_3_i347))

[ sits asleep] At the back of the stage, which was supposed to represent the interior of the tent.]

183 (return (#x3_x_3_i359))

[ You cannot] So the 8vo.—The 4to "Can you not."]

184 (return (#x3_x_3_i366))

[ scare] So the 8vo.—The 4to "scarce."]

185 (return (#x3_x_3_i380))
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