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Tamburlaine the Great — Part 2

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"Artier] i.e. artery.  This form occurs again in the SEC.

PART of the present play:  so too in a copy of verses by Day;

"Hid in the vaines and ARTIERS of the earthe."


The word indeed was variously written of old:

"The ARTER strynge is the conduyt of the lyfe spiryte."
Hormanni VULGARIA, sig. G iii. ed. 1530.

"Riche treasures serue for th'ARTERS of the war."
Lord Stirling's DARIUS, act ii. Sig. C 2. ed. 1604.

"Onelye the extrauagant ARTIRE of my arme is brused."

"And from the veines some bloud each ARTIRE draines."
Davies's MICROCOSMOS, 1611, p. 56."]

210 (return (#x3_x_3_i533))

[ remorseful] i.e. compassionate.]

211 (return (#x3_x_3_i542))

[ miss] i.e. loss, want. The construction is—Run round about, mourning the miss of the females.]

212 (return (#x4_x_4_i3))

[ behold] Qy "beheld"?]

213 (return (#x4_x_4_i4))

[ a] So the 4to.—The 8vo "the."]

214 (return (#x4_x_4_i5))

[ Have] Old eds. "Hath."]

215 (return (#x4_x_4_i46))

[ to] So the 8vo.—The 4to "and."]

216 (return (#x4_x_4_i48))

[ in] So the 8vo.—The 4to "to."]

217 (return (#x4_x_4_i57))

[ now, my lord; and, will you] So the 8vo.—The 4to "GOOD my Lord, IF YOU WILL."]

218 (return (#x4_x_4_i66))

[ mouths] So the 4to.—The 8vo "mother."]

219 (return (#x4_x_4_i72))

[ rebated] i.e. blunted.]

220 (return (#x4_x_4_i77))

[ thereof] So the 8vo.—The 4to "heereof."]

221 (return (#x4_x_4_i78))

[ and will] So the 4to.—The 8vo "and I wil."]

222 (return (#x4_x_4_i80))

[ She anoints her throat] This incident, as Mr. Collier observes (HIST. OF ENG. DRAM. POET., iii. 119) is borrowed from Ariosto's ORLANDO FURIOSO, B. xxix, "where Isabella, to save herself from the lawless passion of Rodomont, anoints her neck with a decoction of herbs, which she pretends will render it invulnerable: she then presents her throat to the Pagan, who, believing her assertion, aims a blow and strikes off her head."]

223 (return (#x4_x_4_i86))

[ my] Altered by the modern editors to "thy,"—unnecessarily.]

224 (return (#x4_x_4_i90))

[ Elysium] Old eds. "Elisian" and "Elizian."]

225 (return (#x4_x_4_i91))

[ do borrow] So the 4to.—The 8vo "borow doo."]

226 (return (#x4_x_4_i100))

[ my] So the 4to (Theridamas is King of Argier).—The 8vo "thy."]

227 (return (#x4_x_4_i105))

[ Soria] See note ?, p. 44. [i.e. note 13.]]

228 (return (#x4_x_4_i105))

[ his] So the 4to.—The 8vo "their."]

229 (return (#x4_x_4_i105))
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