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Destined to Feel

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‘Could you be covered in any more snow if you tried?’ It’s taking all my strength to keep a grip on her, as I try to control my chuckles. She looks like the sexiest, cutest snow creature I’ve ever seen, white flakes caked through her hair and sitting on top of her eyelashes. I decide there is no way I’m sharing her with the others tonight. We’ll stay in and this has given me the perfect excuse.

‘It’s not like I planned it this way, Jeremy. Is that guy okay?’ Her voice is muffled under the snow. Typically she’s more worried about the idiot who did this, than herself. I give one last heave and out she pops, landing on top of me — which I have no issue with whatsoever.

‘The maniac who took you out? He’s long gone, but are you sure you’re okay?’

‘Yeah, I’m fine, but I’ve got snow everywhere, absolutely everywhere, inside and out!’

‘Well, maybe we should call it a day. I’ve got an idea that should warm you up nicely.’

Oh yes, there’s the mischievous look in her eyes. I’ve piqued her interest.

‘What did you have in mind, Dr Quinn?’

‘Let’s just get you inside and de-snowed. We’ll be staying in tonight.’

No arguments from the lady.

It’s the chef’s night off so our friends head out for a big night — more than likely till about 4 a.m. I’m pleased we now have the chalet to ourselves and I have important plans for our evening together. My cock has been twitching for action all day and is very happy to be free of the restraints of my ski clothes.

As I walk past the bathroom, the door is left slightly ajar, which is convenient because I catch Alexa’s reflection in the mirror … hard for me to miss when she’s in the shower naked. That’s all the encouragement I need. I immediately strip off my boxers and T-shirt and join her, fully erect and raring to go. Her smile confirms I’m a welcome presence as I slide the soap from her fingers and skilfully take over the cleansing process in her place. She doesn’t resist me and is used to me taking the lead, she loves it and god knows, so do I. I could devour her breasts, they’re more than a handful and I have large hands. I slide my soapy palms all over the curves of her body as my eyes greedily take her in. I love watching the impact my touch has on her body, it’s the only thing that tempers my impatient cock. I massage her thighs as I watch her mouth open to let out a sigh, yes, she knows what’s coming, I kiss that mouth, those soft, full lips and taste her desire for me, so I slow my strokes, knowing she will soon need the support of the wall or my body.

My cock is furious with this strategy so I’m forced to quicken my play. I turn her around so she’s facing the wall, my hands continue to massage her plump, full breasts and play with her taut nipples. Her eyes are closed so she’s already to the point of no return, just as I want her. My cock rests between the crack in her arse while my fingers find her opening, teasing it wider. Her head rests back against my chest exposing her delectable neck, but my needs are too raw, too immediate. She’s panting rapidly as her body presses tight against the wall. I spread her legs and butt cheeks to clear the passage for my cock to slide through her welcoming flesh so I can push as far as I can into her soft, enveloping centre.

As I take her from behind, my hungry shaft penetrates her layers further and higher, and she groans in ecstatic response. Her sounds encourage me to completely fill her and pump harder and faster. I love the power she surrenders to me, that I have over her responsive body, and my cock is in heaven before it explodes into her sweet tunnel. It’s my favourite place in the world, as if our bodies were made for each other and she never disappoints. Ever.

A little calmer now that my pent-up sexual tension has found its release, I put on some music, light the fire and a few candles around the room — quite a few. I have a thing about candles, and tonight the whole concept of warming her up propels me into action. I’m impatient waiting for Alexa, so I entice her out of the bathroom with promises of a Cointreau and ice, some stinky cheese, oozing brie and crunchy bread. Finally, she emerges flushed and glistening from the bathroom.



‘Dr Quinn, you’re not going all romantic on me, are you? You do have certain playboy standards to maintain.’

‘That I do, Alexandra. You just bring out the best in my imagination.’

‘Imagination? Surely you can do better than candles, Cointreau and cheese?’ She does like to tease … I can indeed do better, but I remain silent and just give her a ‘watch this space’ look. Which she misses because she is settling all cosy-like into the lounge. There’ll be none of that!

‘Drink up, I want you naked and on the floor by the fire.’

She looks up at me carefully, assessing my seriousness, before slowly taking another sip of her drink. Will she, won’t she? I ponder. I give her a moment to do as I ask of her own free will, and take another sip myself, tempering my impatience to have her where I want her, immediately. Our eyes are locked as we play this game of psychic cat and mouse. I let her continue with her little charade. She defiantly takes another sip before placing her drink on the side table. She’s very deliberately taking her time; she’ll pay for that later. She stands up and slowly undoes the tie of her robe before letting the robe fall off her shoulders. God, she looks hot and she isn’t wearing anything underneath. Love your style, Alexa, what a legend. I can’t take my eyes off her glistening skin; my arousal is piqued all over again. She casually saunters over to the platter, helps herself to the cheese and bread. She munches away, still not saying a word, jiggles her tits to the music as she returns across the room to her glass, and this time has a giant mouthful of the icy drink, swishing it around her mouth before swallowing the citrus liquid. There is nothing about her I don’t want this second. She raises her eyebrows and I place my palm out towards her, which she gracefully accepts, finally. She likes the notion of having some power, even in the process of her submission to me. I congratulate myself for my patience (which always pays off when it comes to Alex) and lead her to where I want her, naked, on the rug and at my mercy.

‘So, now that I’m here, what are you going to do with me?’

I have to stop the carnal visions that penetrate my brain as a result of her words. I don’t bother responding verbally, I just run my fingers along the outline of her body. I start with her big toe and take my time bumping over her smaller toes, around the side of her foot, her calf, her outer thighs. I follow the curve of her butt and the indent of her waist, allow my little finger to languidly caress her nipple on my way past her breast, but not enough to create any real friction so I know I have the complete attention of both her body and mind. The softness of her skin never ceases to amaze me; my fingers and my eyes absorb its texture and tone.

Of all the women I have been with, none ever feels like Alex beneath my touch. As I move past her arm, I take it with me and raise it above her head so her breast is lifted upward. It takes every bit of willpower to prevent me lowering my lips to her nipple to nibble and suck, knowing it will instantly arch her back and wet her sex. If my cock had a voice it would be groaning, but my brain is still in control, as it should be. I continue my journey around her face, knowing her eyes are locked on mine. I must concentrate on the sensations I am causing on her body, not lose focus. I raise her other arm above her head. This is more like it, unfettered access to my gorgeous plaything. I notice her breaths becoming shallow in her chest and I know this is turning her on, big time, and she knows it’s the same for me. I don’t lose sight of my mission as my fingers continue to glide along her sexy contours, I can’t wait to arrive at her thighs and notice my breathing is also shallow. It will be worth it, I remind myself. Finally, I’m there, sliding along the softness of her inner flesh, wanting to bury my head between her legs and my tongue in her opening, but I deliberately tease before meandering past and back down to the toe where I started. At last!

‘Now, are you ready to play?’

‘Jeez, Jeremy, you’re slowly killing me here.’ There is nothing quite like the sound of Alexa’s voice when she’s almost begging for it. Absolutely worth the tortuous slowness of my journey around her body.

‘I don’t think you’ll have the willpower to stay in this position, Alexandra, so I am going to bind your wrists.’ When it comes to women, I have learnt that statements are far more effective than questions; that way, they don’t have to give themselves permission (which is always the case with Alex). If they say nothing, you have told them what will happen. They can always say no, but never seem to, in my experience anyhow. I grab the tie from Alexa’s robe and securely fasten her wrists together above her head. She knows she can stop me, but given the playful look of feigned horror in her eyes, she won’t. Oh no, she definitely wants this as much as me. It intrigues her as to what I’m going to do next, just as it excites me.

‘Seems like you are taking a few liberties tonight, Jeremy.’ She doesn’t resist me whatsoever.

‘Only you could inspire me to take such liberties, Alexandra.’

Okay, almost ready.

I move one of the lounge chairs over so I can tie her bound wrists to the leg of the chair. I know she’ll be shocked by what I’m going to do, but she’ll love it once she gets used to it. One of my friends-with-benefits at Harvard did it to me, and although the feeling was fascinating, I couldn’t stand not being in control. All I could think about was how Alexa’s body would react instead and I’ve wanted to try it with her ever since. Now, I have my chance.

‘Is this added security necessary? Anchoring me to the base of a chair? What if the others come home early?’

‘They won’t.’ I know this because I have organised for Craig to call me if it looks like anyone is leaving early. As if I’d be that unprepared … she should know me better than that by now. I take a moment to absorb the sight of her exposed and trapped body. My cock springs spontaneously out of the split in my boxer shorts.

Alexa laughs. ‘I’m not sure who’s more turned on by this scenario, you or me.’ I always wonder if she’s aware that she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip when she says things like that. I don’t want to mention it in case she stops doing it.

I lower my head to her sex and sniff, animal instinct taking me over. She smells sensational and there is no doubt in my mind she’s ready. I lick, darting my tongue between her lips and around the edges of her hot, wet layers. She groans in response, arching her back but unable to move her arms from over her head, and I kiss and suck a little more, teasing her swelling clitoris, before raising my head from between her thighs, her sweet juice on my lips, and grin at her shocked face.

‘I’d say it’s a dead heat at this point, sweetheart. But that’s not why we’re here.’ I reach over her body lowering my groin over her head, my dick dangling deliberately close to her lips, so I tease her knowing she can’t lift her head high enough to fully take me. God, this is fun — she is so frustrated by desire but trying to be so contained. I love it! I pick up one of the candles from around the fireplace and bring it back to our position on the rug.

‘Jeremy … what are you doing? You’re not really going to use that, are you?’ She sounds a little nervous now.

‘Have you ever done this before?’

She shakes her head. No words, she’s silently debating pros and cons in her mind. It’s so obvious I can almost hear it. Best get moving before she talks herself out of it.

‘I’ve done it before, and I know you’ll like it, Alexa. Trust me. I’d never hurt you.’

She closes her eyes, a good sign; she’s silently giving in to herself, giving in to me.

‘I’ll start slowly, somewhere less sensitive, you choose. That way you can get used to the sensation.’ Always good to let her know she still has a say, some power.

‘Where do you recommend?’ And the power returns so gallantly back to its rightful place …

‘Feet, and I’ll work my way up. Ready?’

I locate the remote control from behind me and turn the volume of the music up; we both like Chicane and it will help Alex relax into the experience.

She nods. She is ready and I can’t help but be in awe of her willingness to experiment sexually with me, the absolute trust she places in me. No one on earth compares to Alexa when we are like this together. It’s exhilarating. She closes her eyes and holds her breath as I position the candle over her legs and I carefully drop a small amount of wax on the front of her foot, and wait. She sighs and visibly relaxes. Not as bad as she was expecting. Her consent allows me to continue. As I move slowly up her legs, her body shivers and her skin responds with goosebumps.

‘Keep your eyes open, sweetheart, I need to see you.’ I’m utterly absorbed in her reaction as I eventually move closer to her belly, lust clouding her eyes. I ensure the candle cradle is full of liquid wax as I tip enough on her skin to fill her belly button.

‘Oh … my … god …’ She gasps, arches her back in response and a light moan escapes her lips as her trapped wrists continue to anchor her body to the floor. I hope I don’t come before this is over. She looks even hotter than she does in my dreams; I had no idea that was possible! If her arms were free she’d cover herself, but she can’t and I’m pleased I went to the effort of restraints. Even so I’d better check in to make sure; I’d never want to hurt her, even accidentally.

‘Are you okay? It’s a shock, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, a complete shock. So hot, but it doesn’t burn, then the warmth follows … It feels so weird in my bellybutton, as if you’ve tapped into my core.’ Bless her. Such abandon and analysis at the same time. I watch as the wax hardens on her belly like a plug and place my palm over it, feeling her heat. I can’t prevent myself from kissing her sensuous lips and penetrating her mouth with my tongue as she lies beneath me, mesmerised. She responds with such immediate and unexpected passion that after a few moments we are both rendered literally breathless. This wasn’t part of my plan but I’m certainly not complaining. I fleetingly wonder if she has any idea just how much sexual energy and raw lust is screaming out of her pores. It shocks even me. Either way, her nipples are exactly how I want them now, hard, pert and ready for action. I straddle her body, ensuring her legs are as anchored as her hands. I need to get a move on now, otherwise it will be my juice over her nipples instead of hot wax.
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