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The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

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“This program has been an absolute win, win, win. I’ve spent less time and money on shopping—it’s just so simple as there’s no deliberating on what to buy, or scanning packets for calorie content, or calculating points values, or assessing GI indexes—its just so simple and it works. It really, really works! Thank you.”

“I just feel so fantastic—I feel lighter mentally and physically and I’m full of energy. I didn’t think it possible to lose so much weight without being hungry and at the same time know you’re giving your body everything it needs in terms of nutrition.”

I have literally thousands of these, all ranging from incredible weight loss to dramatic positive health changes, and they pile in every day. I hope you will also be adding your own letter one day with your incredible transformation. In order to make that happen, all you have to do is follow …

The Rules (#)

I would like to make something clear before we start. As the testimonials suggest, what you are about to read has the power not only to reshape your body but also, as a follow-on effect, the ability to reshape many aspects of your life.

In order to make this program work to its maximum potential there are a few ground rules that I need to cover. Please note that these rules are essential for the success of the program.

• Read the entire book in the order it was written.

• Follow the 7-day program to the letter.

• Read at least four pages of the book a day to keep up momentum.

• Let Your Mind Be Free.

• Follow the Rules!

RULE 1: Read the Entire Book in the Order It Was Written

The first rule is one that I lay down in all of my books. My books are specifically intended to be read in the order they were written—not as a “flip through” or “dip in” type of book—and they have been designed to be read in their entirety. It is incredible the number of people who buy books of this nature and either don’t read them at all or just “flip through” the pages. This book will only be effective if you read it in the order it has been written. Flipping through this book will not give you the results you are looking for.

Luckily the vast majority of people do read the book and do succeed. I believe this is partly because it’s extremely easy to read. Most people read the whole book within a day, with some people taking just a couple of hours. Time is precious these days and many people don’t have a vast amount of it to spend reading, especially if they want results … fast!

I am fully aware too that some of you will feel that you are in a race against time now (perhaps you have a wedding, a party, or a date coming up) and you want to skip the reading and just do the program. However, the “preplan” is extremely important and the wise saying of “less haste more speed” is never more apt than here. Clearly you can just jump ahead. After all, you can attempt to cross a road away from a designated crossing zone during rush hour, blindfolded, and with your legs tied together. But the chances of your getting to the other side in one piece would be a good deal smaller than if you crossed without your legs tied and without the blindfold at a crosswalk. Equally, this program can be done without any mental preparation, but the chances of true success are next to none. These few rules are here for a reason. You have been warned!

RULE 2: Follow the 7-Day Program to the Letter!

If you follow Rule 1, Rule 2 will follow naturally. To reiterate, the program will be MUCH easier if you follow Rule 1 before you jump into the program.

RULE 3: Read at Least 4 Pages of the Book Each Day to Keep up Momentum

Momentum is without question the key. This rule is just as important as the other two. How many times have you started something—a book, a language course, an exercise program, a change of eating program—only to find that other things soon got in the way and you never finished it? By following the rule of reading at least four pages a day, come what may, you will achieve something that over 90% of people who buy books of this nature fail to achieve. You will actually finish the book you have bought. What a concept!

RULE 4: Let Your Mind Be Free

An open or, as I like to say, free mind is of paramount importance when reading this book. We tend to carry so much baggage in our heads that we are rarely free to accept new information, new opportunities, new ideas. We tend to have an extremely entrenched view of what is correct on many subjects—none more so than on the subject of health and nutrition—and we tend to believe that what we know is absolute fact.

The chances of this being the only book you have read on the subject of health/diet and nutrition are very slight, not to mention the numerous TV shows you have probably watched. It is likely you will have accumulated a great deal of information that you now regard as fact, and if you read anything in this book that contradicts this information, you may find it easy to dismiss it.

All I ask you is that you allow your mind to be free—especially when it comes to my style of writing. My style isn’t for everyone. We are all different and the old saying “You can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time” is particularly appropriate here. Not all of you reading this book will like the way I put things, my attempts athumor, my mild swearing at times, or my constant repetition of key points. However, everything I write is here for a reason. And, trust me; there is no way I would ever want to write more than is absolutely necessary. The repetition of key points is vital in order to get the essential message beyond your consciousness into your subconsciousness. Although this may “jar” with you at times and you may feel it unnecessary, please allow your mind to be open to this approach.

Fortunately, most people like my no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is, chatty approach and find my books incredibly easy and often funny to read. This is a conscious and deliberate approach on my part as it makes completing Rule 1—Read the Entire Book in the Order It Was Written—so much easier to achieve. The most common comment I get from people who write to me or approach me in the streets is “It’s the only book I’ve ever read from cover to cover since I left school.”

You will soon see that I’m not here to win any literary awards. It’s just that I have a message and a plan that will get you really juiced.

RULE 5: Follow the Rules

This would appear self-evident and could even be seen as somewhat patronizing, but you’d be amazed at just how many people decide to do something their way—despite whatever the rules or instructions suggest!

If someone were to give you precise instructions for you to able to get from where you are to where you want to be on a road journey, you would be unlikely to take a left when the instructions clearly state right. Equally, if you decide to skip any of the rules or instructions on the program you will, in all likelihood, end up in a completely different place from where you want to be on the slim/health/energy front. If that happens then shouts of “It didn’t work” will rear their ugly heads.

IT does work; IT will give you the results you arelooking for … but only if you do IT.

It is very seldom that “IT” fails us—rather, we fail IT. Very rarely does IT not work for us—rather we don’t work for IT.

Follow the rules, follow the instructions, and you can be 100% sure that IT will work for you.

Those Were the Rules… On with the Program

“Life shrinks orexpands in proportionto one’s courage”

Anaïs Nin

Are You Ready toEXPANDYour World?Let’s begin …


Totally Juiced in Just 7 Days! (#)

The following program—if you do it to the letter—will give you startling results on the health and weight-loss front in just 168 hours. Not only will you drop an average of 7 lbs in just 7 days, but more importantly than that, you will do so in an extremely healthy way and your energy levels will really go through the roof. Not only will you lose the weight, but also—provided you have followed the Rules—you will be in the right mind-set to be able to keep the weight off permanently. Put simply, the results that people are getting on this unique program are being described as nothing short of remarkable.

This isn’t simply rhetoric, wishful thinking, or “hyping it up”; it is precisely what happens to people who complete the 7-day super juice program.

The testimonials at the start are just a sample of the sort of life-expanding, body-shrinking results people are achieving. Yes, people do get slimmer on this program, with most people dropping much more than 7 lbs in the week. However, because they are doing this using the power of the finest and most nutritious liquid fuel on the planet—bar none—and because this book deals with the mental side as well as the physical, they also experience many other incredible changes to how they look and feel. I have seen almost every common ailment improve, or in some cases, completely disappear with the help of this program. At my juice retreats, I have seen people arrive with lifelong health problems and leave without them—in just 7 days. I have seen cholesterol levels change from 312 mg/dL to 195 mg/dL in that short time with no drug therapy whatsoever. I have seen asthma improve to the extent that someone even reduced their medication by 80% … in just 7 days! I have seen irritable bowel syndrome symptoms vanish, Crohn’s disease symptoms subside—you name it, I’ve seen it. I’ve even seen someone show up for my juice retreat not able to move their fingers because of arthritis in their knuckles become “pain free”—again within just 7 days. There was even one woman who needed special assistance on the plane on the way over who, just 7 days later, was bouncing on a mini-trampoline and said, “I think I’d better cancel the special assistance for the way home.” I know that sounds like Sunday-morning-televangelist-hallelujah-praise-the-Lord type of stuff, but it happened. I have seen skin glow, energy go through the roof, cravings for junk disappear, and, of course, what for some will be the most important aspect: some utterly ridiculous weight-loss results—and I do mean ridiculous. I remember receiving one e-mail where a guy dropped 18 lbs (8 kg) in one week—IN A WEEK! The average drop was 7 lbs (3 kg) for women and 10 lbs (4.5 kg) for men. The vast majority of these people not only kept the initial weight off, but went on to achieve their ideal body weight because juicing became a way of life. I remember getting a message from Lord Harris of Peckham, England, no less (it’s not every day you get an e-mail from a lord) who had read the book and dropped 42 lbs (19 kg) in just 3 months. His cholesterol also went from the “danger of getting heart disease” zone to “perfect” during that time. Another person read the book and within 3 months of juicing her endometriosis, which she had suffered from for 8 years and had tried several medical treatments, vanished! In fact, I have seen many people taking all kinds of medication who come off them completely by using this juice-only program. I could go on and on as I have thousands of stories from people who have done my one-week fresh juice program. Clearly I am not suggesting this is a “cure all” or even a “cure anything,” but I do know this: We should never underestimate the power of the body to heal itself when given the right nutrients and opportunity to do so.

Toxicity and Deficiency

The two biggest causes of all disease are “toxicity” and “deficiency.” This unique program removes the toxicity (junky foods and drinks) coming in and addresses any nutrient deficiency. However, for most people doing this program getting amazing health will simply come about as a side-effect of their real desired outcome—a flat stomach!

Let’s Be Politically Correct …Or Maybe Not!

When we cut through all the politically correct nonsense as to why most people ever go on a program of this nature, the hard truth is it comes down to two basic human desires:

1 We want to look damn good.

2 We want to feel damn good.

That’s it!

Yes, we can all say, “I’m doing this because I want to be healthy, I don’t want to die young, and I want to be a good role model for my kids”—all of which may very well be true. But the bottom line is that the vast majority of us jump on a program like this because we want to look sexy, feel vibrant and alive and, if we are being brutally honest, YES, damn it, we also want that flat stomach! Not only do we want it, almost crave it, but, as is the way of our super-fast 21st-century world, we want to look and feel amazing in the fastest possible time—in other words, RIGHT NOW! I know this is not the “done thing” to say and, yes, we all should aim for “steady weight loss,” but if we cut through all the bull, we all want amazing results on the slim-and-trim front and we want those results NOW!

Quick-Fix Dangers … but Not on This Program

The danger with the “I want to see my stomach muscles before tomorrow morning” type of approach to weight loss and looking good is that it usually involves a drastic unhealthy system that will, in the long run, cause the body’s metabolism to slow down so much that it will inevitably cause you to gain more weight when you eventually start eating normally again.
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