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The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

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In 1983, diet “guru” Geoffrey Cannon wrote a book titled Dieting Makes You Fat. This is based on the theory that when your body is starved of all food and nutrients it goes into famine mode. And when the body is in famine mode, guess what it needs to hang on to most of all for its source of energy? Yep—FAT! Not only that but he also stated that the more that people go on a strict “where’s my food gone” type of diet, the more their bodies will protect the stores of fat, thus making it more difficult to lose weight the next time. In 1986, a study carried out on a group of rats showed that by the time they had gone through their second diet, the weight loss was half what it had been the first time—and the weight was put back on three times as fast!

This is why I’m very excited to bring you this program and why it’s been so, so successful and why it continues to be. Not only has it been carefully designed to nourish your body completely on a cellular level—meaning you will not be starving yourself—but I have also added the right psychology for success and a plan for the following weeks. This is to make sure you introduce the right foods gradually, so as not to shock your system, and I have also included a “guideline for life” plan that will allow your body to continue to lose weight (if required) and, more importantly, not put it back on.

No Brainer

This is where most “lose a few pounds” programs fall flat on their faces. They usually consist of a 7-, 14-, or 21-day super plan that is based on an unsound nutritional program, no mental preparation whatsoever (which I feel is the key above all else), and nowhere to go afterward. It tends to be a case of “You’ve done your seven days [or whatever], now go back to eating the same crap as you were before,” which makes very little sense. It is this approach that creates the whole diet merry-go-round.

The problem is not so much that people start to eat normally again after a detox/slim/health program, but more the problem lies in what their idea of “normal” is!

This is what bugs me about some dieticians and doctors. They group all “diets” together as one and say, “Once a person starts eating normally again after a ‘crash diet’ they will regain the weight they’ve lost—and much more on top.” But surely the problem arises with the use of the word “normally.” Wasn’t it their “normal” diet that made people who go on diets fat to start with? Surely that means that unless these people change their idea of what “normal” is they will always gain weight again—not because of the “diet” but because they go back to their “normal” amount and “normal” kind of food.

I have received thousands of e-mails from people from all over the world who have not only lost the initial 7 lbs but, because the book and the program in it helped change their mind-set, have gone on to lose all of their excess weight because the program became a lifestyle for them. In other words, they managed to change what their idea of “normal” was. Because they read the book, understood the message, and did the entire plan, they now eat “normally” all the time. When you do that, you keep the weight off. It’s only when you eat abnormally that you will become obese.

It will come as no surprise that I’m not into the “get slim quick” approach, and anyone who has read my first book, Slim For Life: Freedom from the Food Trap, or the best-selling The Juice Master: Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days will know this already. I’m into lifestyle change, mind change, a change that lasts—no quick fixes to the detriment of future weight and health.

However, I’m also aware that people want to see results … FAST! And I’m also aware that sometimes quick results can create unbelievable momentum for people—momentum that can lead to amazing future success on the health and fitness front.

The Price Is Right

In 2005 I was asked if I would put together a nutrition plan for a very famous model in the UK, Katie Price. She is otherwise widely known as “Jordan,“ and in the US this could get confusing because Jordan here is a basketball legend, not a glamour model! Katie had never been near a juice extractor in her life and was living on a diet consisting of nothing but takeout and fast food such as pizza and McDonald’s. Katie had been pretty lucky on the weight front most of her life. Despite her awful diet and no exercise, her system managed to keep her slim—even springing back to its flat-stomach self immediately after the birth of her first child, Harvey.

However, despite what people may think, Katie wasn’t so fortunate after her second child. She needed a cesarean and even after the baby was born she still had 28 lbs (13 kg) to lose! Contrary to popular rumor, Katie did not have a tummy tuck, and from what I now know of her she never would.

Like most women who have recently given birth she had weight to lose, and like most she wanted to lose it in super-fast time. Her main reason for wanting to lose the weight fast—in addition to her work as a model—was her impending wedding. Katie, like most brides to be, wanted to look amazing for her wedding day, and even though she had 3 months to lose the weight she wanted some results fast.

I devised a specific 6-week juicing/eating plan and explained that as it was new to her it would take a short time to get used to juicing. I also explained that it would take time to lose the weight but asked her to be patient and her body would do what it needed to do.

Asking Katie to be patient is like asking Jim Carrey to keep still! She is a woman who wants results in the fastest possible time and the initial plan wasn’t producing changes quick enough for her. At this stage people often do one of two things. They either go back to what they were eating before—which clearly doesn’t help their cause—or they do something incredibly drastic like living on nothing but water and doing 4 hours of exercise a day, which is again far from good and far from being in the same ballpark as healthy.

This is when I suggested she go on nothing but specially designed juices and smoothies for 7 days. I explained that the average person loses 7 lbs on the program, that it is extremely healthy, but that it requires a great deal of preparation and a certain mind-set in order to achieve it. But I didn’t realize at the time who I was dealing with. Katie is perhaps the most determined person I have ever met and if she says she’s going to do something she will do it whatever it takes to make sure it gets done.

I would say Katie kept to the program 90–95% of the time and saw some great results at the end of that week. More importantly, she then knew that there was indeed something to this juicing lark as she wasn’t anywhere near as hungry as she thought she would be and often not hungry at all. This, along with the dramatic weight loss, gave her the momentum to continue to Phases 2 (#litres_trial_promo) and 3 (#litres_trial_promo) of the program. (These phases are included in this program to make sure the change sticks.)

Katie not only lost the weight she wanted to lose but, much more than that, she has kept it off. At the time of writing this book, some 7 months after she finished her juice plan with me, Katie is weighing in at an average of 112 lbs (51 kg). This would be way too thin for some, but for Katie’s height and frame it’s a perfectly healthy weight.

The point I want to make is that having juice as part of her daily diet is not a diet to her; it is now a lifestyle, and without it the chances are she would still be on a diet consisting largely of takeout. As she says:

“This is the first time I have ever stuck to any sort ofdiet plan … I love the juices and I don’t feel hungry.”

This is why I make no apologies for this perfectly healthy, amazing results, super juice plan. If it juices people to initiate lifelong changes and embark on a healthier lifestyle, then I’m all for it.

I have told Katie’s story because her body, health, and weight are often in the media, especially in the UK. But nearly all of the most amazing juicy stories are from “regular” people.

Not Such a Regular Guy

I remember a guy at one of my “Weekend Retreats” who arrived very skeptical, left very skeptical and—if it weren’t for the rapid results he achieved after doing a specially devised “8-day challenge” when he left the weekend—probably would have remained skeptical … and fat! This man was about 250 lbs (113 kg) when I met him; he is now just over 170 lbs (77 kg)! That’s a massive, massive change. It’s the difference of being able to walk without a constant chafing on your inner thighs; it’s the difference of being able to run and play; it’s the difference of being able to go into a store and buy whatever clothes you like; it’s the difference of being able to get into a swimsuit without the constant paranoia that everyone and their mother is looking at and judging you. This man is happier than ever, more passionate about life than he has been in years, has much more energy—and he looks good! This is the power of what juice can do and the power of seeing good results in a short space of time; it can boost you into major life change and inspire you to continue. Coincidentally, as I write updates for this US version of the book, a letter has just come into me. A woman completed the 7 lbs in 7 Days juice program one year ago and has just written in to say that a year later she has lost 98 lbs (44 kg) and 8 dress sizes and has found herself a “toy boy”—her words! You cannot even start to imagine how this woman’s life has changed in every single area. This is not a quick fix; it’s a catalyst to lifelong change, as long as if you understand it and do it right. This is why it worked for Katie Price, the guy you just read about, and the now hundreds of thousands who found that good, fast results on the juice program have enabled them to have faith in juicing and continue to do it, and now they have a very juicy lifestyle. And it is why it can work for you.

It’s all well and good telling people to “be patient” when they change what they eat and that “the body will drop the weight when it is ready,” but that is hardly going to help you fit into that little black dress or tuck into those jeans in time to party!

Yes, I’m being slightly facetious, but no matter how much we try to cover it up or ignore it, the fact is that this is no longer a world where patience prevails. Whether we like it or not, the instant gratification society has taken over in what can only be described as a …


Super-fast World (#)

We live in a world of fast cars, fast trains, fast planes, fast TV, fast games; we eat super fast, drink fast, speak fast, and of course—the big one—we have plenty of fast food. We also live in a world where change in technology happens in a nanosecond. Where we were once amazed that it is possible to communicate and send pictures over the Internet, nowadays if our computer doesn’t do what we want in two seconds flat, we’ll start swearing at the darned thing in no time.

We live in a world where we want, and expect, super-fast results with everything—including weight loss and improved health. This is why if there is a safe, highly nutritious way that will enable people to see quick results, then I’m all for it. Especially when the likelihood is that they will then get so juiced and excited by what they see that they’ll continue with Phases 2 (#litres_trial_promo) and 3 (#litres_trial_promo) of the program.

Clearly not everyone will continue with the Juicy Lifestyle; I’m a realist, and many will simply use the 7-day program as a quick, “Oh, no, I have to look good for the wedding/party/date/holiday/boy/girl/whatever—and I have to do it fast!” But that’s OK. The worst thing that will happen is that you will give your body a super cleanse, lose some weight, feel good, and get healthier—and what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with someone who usually eats a diet full of crap drinking some powerful liquid fuel for a week and giving their body a much-needed rest?

Equally, many people will use this system specifically as a “super health clean”—almost like putting their body in for service once every three months. In fact, going on this program once every season is one of the best things you can ever do for your health and even your longevity—and again this isn’t hearsay.

Twice the Life

Dr. Roy Walford has written five books on the subject of immunology and aging. Based on his numerous long-term experiments, he is convinced that the human lifespan should be 120 years and we should arrive there virtually free of disease. There are a few cultures around the world, such as the Hunzacut tribe, who do in fact live that long, thus perhaps semi-proving Dr. Walford’s point. However, what interested me in particular was his work on mice. The normal lifespan of mice is about two years, yet Dr. Walford’s mice live an average of twice that long. How does he achieve this amazing feat? All he does is give the mice their normal food for five days of the week and then just water for the remaining two days. In other words, he simply rests their digestive systems for 48 hours every week and the mice live TWICE as long.

Now clearly I am not suggesting you will live twice as long if you do this juice program, but I am suggesting that you can have twice the life while you are here.

When you stop burdening your body with energy-zapping, life-depleting “foods” and drinks, it not only has a huge impact on the actual length of time you will live, but more importantly, when your system is clean, your mind is clearer and your spirits are higher; all of this will lead to your wanting to experience more of what life has to offer and so in turn having more of a life. And I’m not suggesting that by doing this program once or even four times a year you will slow down the aging process either. In fact, while I’m on this subject I want to get this off my chest:

You Cannot Slow Downthe Aging Process

Yes, there are creams and lotions that claim they can slow down the process and, yes, on the surface you can appear younger, but that doesn’t mean you actually are! Appearances can be deceiving, and just because you are looking good on the outside because of a few face-tightening creams, the surgeon’s knife, or bathing in asses’ milk, it doesn’t mean for one second that your internal organs are as young as your external self looks.

Equally, there are no foods on the planet that can help slow down the aging process. All you naturopaths out there reading this may well be shouting at the book in the strong belief that there are indeed many foods provided by nature that will slow down the aging process. However, it’s only us humans and the animals that we feed who seem to die at such differing ages. We are also the only creatures on the planet whose regular diet essentially consists of denatured food and we are also the only ones on the planet who overburden their digestive system on a regular basis and who consume God knows how much alcohol a week.

Caffeine, nicotine, refined sugars and fats, stress, drugs, and a defeatist frame of mind have all been linked to speeding up the aging process. But when you stop doing one, a few, or all of these things you don’t slow down the aging process—you just stop speeding it up. There is a big difference between the two.

So it’s not that the raw power of freshly extracted fruits and vegetables plus a few super food supplements in this program will help slow down the aging process; it’s just that the rate at which you age will be slower than it would have been had you been eating and drinking junk.

We Are Not Living LongerWe Are Surviving Longer

Many doctors and dieticians argue that historically we are now living longer than ever, but the reality is we are surviving longer, not living longer. There is a massive difference between just getting through the day and then collapsing in a heap in front of the TV, and truly living. There are many people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s who may well be alive in the sense that their heart is still ticking, but who actually stopped truly living long ago. Hang on! What am I talking about here? I know many people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who stopped living years ago, let alone people in their 60s or 70s. I know people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who aren’t just feeling fat, lethargic, and depressed, but who actually feel old!

“If you think you are old you are right,if you don’t think you are oldyou are also right”

“How Old Would You Be, If You Didn’t Know How Old You Are?”Leroy (Satchel) Paige

Life breeds life, and if you are constantly stressing your digestive system with too many of the wrong sorts of foods and drinks there is no question you will feel, and therefore be, older than you are. There is also no question that the physical side effects of a bad diet and no exercise, such as being overweight and lacking in energy, can often shatter your courage and lower your spirits. And low spirits age someone quicker than anything else.

This is why I have specifically devised this plan with fast, healthy results in mind. As I mentioned, like it or not, we all want instant gratification, and I know that cleaning out the system with nature’s super juices and seeing startling results in super-fast time can lift someone’s spirits like almost nothing else and thus give them a zest for life again. Yes, a sign of affection from the people we love should be enough to make our day, and clearly it can help a great deal, but if we are being honest, for many people there’s nothing quite like the feeling of fitting into those jeans to lift the spirits!

This is why I love the fact that with this program there is such a difference on the weight and energy levels in super-fast time. The letters, e-mails, and video diaries I have received from those who have done the program have shown not only a great difference in body aesthetics, but more importantly in spirit. It is spirit that keeps us alive; it is spirit that drives us; it is spirit that makes us want to get out of bed and live as opposed to survive; and it is spirit that makes us want to better ourselves and our lives and enrich the people around us.

This is why very, very few people simply do the 7-day program and then go back to their old lifestyles. Most people who do the program are so juiced by the end of the 7 days that they continue and do the Phase 2 (#litres_trial_promo) Turbo-Charge and Phase 3 (#litres_trial_promo) Juicy Lifestyle plans. The average weight loss on the 7-day juice plan is about 8 lbs (4 kg), but combined with the 2-week Turbo-Charge Plan the average weight loss in the 21 days is an amazing 18 lbs (8 kg)!

However, despite the fact we are in an obesity epidemic and despite all of what I’ve said, I can still hear some people shouting …
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